Resources for schools

Let us know your feedback or suggestions about the attendance resources.
- School Attendance Policy
- Student attendance in NSW public schools procedures
- Student attendance in NSW public schools procedures - FAQ
- Child Protection Policy
- Enrolment of Students in NSW Government Schools
- Student Welfare Policy
Guidelines and procedures
- Supporting Student Attendance
- The Completion of Education Under Special Circumstances
- Special Circumstance Register
- Exemption from school procedures
- Part Day Exemption - Transition Plan Checklist
- Exemption from school procedures - FAQ
- Part day exemption transition plan checklist
- Application for Home School Liaison Program
- Home School Liaison Program Letter 1 - principal to parent
- Educational Neglect Information sheet
- Compulsory school attendance - information for schools
- School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships - information for principals
- Recording absences during emergency events
Note: These resources do not currently meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility requirements. Please contact attendance to request alternative copies.
Principal toolkit
School Refusal
- School Refusal: Every School Day Counts
- School Refusal: Quick Reference Guide
- School Refusal: Support Guide for teachers and schools
Process Maps - Your school attendance procedures
- Attendance process map template
- Attendance communications
- Attendance policy and procedures
- Celebrating attendance
- Discussing attendance concerns
- Monitoring attendance
- Partial absences
- Recording absence explanations
- Roll marking errors
School staff sign on resources
- Teaching Staff Attendance (staff only) - The DoE NSW Teaching Attendance Book - ED2005 is replaced by this form or the school's own document.
- SASS Staff Attendance (staff only) - The DoE NSW SASS Staff Attendance Book - ED2006 is replaced by this form or the school's own document.
Roll marking
- School Attendance Register Codes
- Roll marking FAQ information video
- Roll marking during Year 12 exams
- EDConnect Rolls and attendance: support materials to assist with administration of attendance in ebs : central, including how to import attendance data
Communicating with my community
- Encouraging student attendance phone script
- Student attendance poster with Focus, Create, Embed considerations.
- Compulsory school attendance - information for parents
- Advice to parents and carers has further information about learning from home.
- Minutes Lost equals days lost flyer - primary
- Days Missed equals years lost flyer - primary
- Days Missed equals years lost flyer x 3 - primary
- Attendance Matters A3 poster - primary
- Attendance Matters A4 poster - primary
- Starting school
- Minutes Lost equals days lost flyer - secondary
- Days Missed equals years lost flyer - secondary
- Days Missed equals years lost flyer x 3 - secondary
- Attendance Matters A3 poster - secondary
- Attendance Matters A4 poster - secondary
- Get ready for high school checklist
Notes and notices
Resources that school communities may consider using to promote positive school attendance.
Sample notes
Sample notices
Key research
- Government school student attendance 2019
- Understanding Attendance: A review of the drivers of school attendance and best practice approaches
- Supporting school completion
- Improving high school engagement, classroom practices and achievement
- Spotlight: Attendance matters
- What Works Best
- School Services Contacts support roles and contacts for your school.
- Service Navigator advice and information about services offered to schools.
- Home School Liaison Officers can access a range of strategies to restore satisfactory school attendance
School planning
- High Expectations for Attendance
- School Attendance Support Plan template
- School Attendance Team resource
- Every Day Counts - student attendance guide for principals and school leaders
- Sample IPM - Establishing student voice to embed stronger partnerships
- Sample IPM - Enhancing partnerships with parents, carers and community to improve student attendance
- Sample IPM - High impact efficacy for attendance and engagement
Translated documents - attendance
- Compulsory School Attendance - Information for parents
- Every Day Matters - information for parents
- Letter for parents and carers to accompany attendance advice
- Completing absentee notes and notice - information for parents
- Absentee note 1 - one day absence
- Absentee note 2 - more than one day absence
- Absentee note 3 - part day absence
- Absentee notice 1 - compulsory school attendance
- Absentee notice 2 - compulsory school attendance