Travelling safely to and from preschool

Being safe in and around the preschool traffic environment is extremely important and your child relies on you to protect them from risks and dangers.

Familiarise yourself with the travel route and service entry and exits.

As your child’s first teacher, always role model safe and responsible road user behaviour because they copy what you do.

Teach them how to be safe by talking with and showing your child when travelling to or from their service, and when out and about.


When walking from home or from the car into the service:

  • Always hold your child’s hand.

  • If your hands aren’t available, insist your child holds the pram, your bag or your clothes.

  • Always cross the road at the safest place. Use pedestrian crossings, refuges and traffic lights, even if you have to walk further.

  • Use footpaths and be alert to vehicles entering or exiting driveways.

  • Only let go of your child’s hand when you’re safely inside the service grounds.


When driving to and from the service:

  • Always get in and out of the ‘safety door’ (the rear left door closest to the footpath).

  • Always buckle your child up correctly in an approved child restraint or booster seat that is right for their age and size, even if you’re in a hurry.

  • Drive and park legally, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to preschool.

  • Keep hold of your child’s hand in the carpark, and when entering and exiting the car, abiding by signs.

Share this information with your child’s carers such as grandparents, nannies and friends who may take your child to and from the service.

Catching transport

If your service provides transport for children make sure you discuss the arrangements and your expectations with educators before your child starts.

Ask to see the service’s policies and procedures on transport so you have a good understanding of everyone’s roles and responsibilities.

Did you know?

The service will ask you to sign your child in on arrival and out on departure every day. Make sure you sign this register, which you can usually find at the service entrance.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Preschool
  • Road safety

Business Unit:

  • Communication and Engagement
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