Food at preschool

Eating at preschool is an important part of the daily program, and we promote healthy eating habits.

Make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast at the start of the day, so they have energy to learn and play. Meal times are an important part of the daily program, as they promote healthy eating and support a variety of social skills.

Educators will also help your child during meal times, including support to develop healthy hygiene habits.

Some services will provide healthy meals and others will ask you to provide morning tea, lunch and perhaps afternoon tea. Talk to the educators about what to pack for your child each day, as there may be restrictions if some children have food allergies.

Care with allergies

Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction to certain allergens, such as nuts, shellfish, or insect bites. You must let the preschool teacher know if your child is allergic to foods or is at risk of anaphylaxis.

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