Staffing procedure

Directions and guidance on the principles, methods and process to be applied to recruit, promote or transfer members of the teaching service to positions in NSW public schools.


The procedure applies to vacant permanent teacher positions in NSW public schools, defined as:

  • teacher (including school counsellors, teacher librarians, careers advisors, learning and support teachers and itinerant teachers)
  • executive (assistant and deputy principals, head teachers, senior psychologist education, and leader, psychology practice)
  • principal positions.
Version Date Description of changes Approved by
V01.0.0 02/09/2024

Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document consolidating existing instructions and improving clarity and readability.

Chief People Officer

About the policy

Under the Recruitment and onboarding policy, the department is committed to fair and equitable recruitment and comprehensive onboarding practices in its workplaces by:

  • using inclusive and merit-based recruitment practices to ensure fair, ethical and transparent appointments that build employee and public confidence in department appointments
  • offering a range of promotion and transfer​ options that provide employees with the opportunity to progress their career
  • ensuring that recruitment practices comply with all relevant recruitment legislation, regulations, industrial instruments, codes of practice, standards, procedures and guidelines.
Term Definition

Above centrally identified position (ACIP)

A permanent position above the school’s centrally identified staffing entitlement.

Approved to teach

A teacher is approved to teach a subject/teaching area on the basis of either:

  • qualifications
  • recognised and verified experience.
Central appointment

An appointment made by the department as noted in section 3.1 Central appointments of this procedure.

Centrally identified position

A permanent substantive position included in the school’s approved teacher and executive entitlement based on student enrolments.

Closed merit

A closed advertisement to identified candidates as detailed in section 3.5 Types of local choice of this procedure.

Connected Community school

Refers to schools listed in section 3.3 Exemption from central employment (3.3.2 Staffing of Connected Communities Schools) of this procedure.


A head teacher, assistant principal and deputy principal employed under the Teaching Service Act 1980 in a NSW public school.

Incentive school

All schools referred to in Appendix 2 – Transfer system (staff only) (PDF 801 KB).

Local choice

An appointment made by the department as noted in section 3.4 Local choice of this procedure.

New principal classification structure

Refers to the new principal classification structure detailed in the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2020 that became operational from 26 January 2016. The new structure consists of 2 levels of teaching principals (TP1 and TP2) and 5 levels of non-teaching principal (P1 to P5).


Non-school based teaching service staff.

Old principal classification structure

Refers to all principals employed up to and including 8 April 2016 who did not ‘opt in’ to the new principal classification structure and will be subject to annual review through the primary and secondary executive review process.

Open merit

An advertisement and merit selection process as identified in section 3.5 Types of local choice (3.5.1 Open merit) of this procedure.


All principals, college principals and executive principals as employed under the Teaching Service Act 1980 in a NSW public school.

Priority central appointment

Step 1 appointment process of teachers as detailed in 3.1 Central appointments (3.1.1 Filling classroom teacher vacancies) of this procedure.

Staffing entitlement

A school’s teacher and executive entitlement based on enrolments determined in accordance with the NSW Department of Education Teacher Staffing Entitlements April 2016.

Transfer of teachers in special education settings

Refers to the central appointment type as detailed in section 3.2 Types of central appointment (3.2.7 Priority transfer of teachers from a special education setting) of this procedure and formerly known as ‘Nominated Special School Transfer’.


All members of the NSW Teaching Service, employed under the Teaching Service Act 1980, and working in a NSW public school, including teachers, executive, and principals.

Willing to teach

A teacher who is not approved in a subject and/or teaching area by the department, but is prepared to:

  • teach that subject/teaching area
  • willing to do so if requested by a principal
  • is confident that they can do so with an acceptable level of success.

Note: To be provided a willing-to-teach code for special education (flagged), teachers must provide evidence to Teacher Approvals of successful teaching in special education (excluding vision and hearing impairment) for a minimum of 12 months full time (or the part time equivalent) within the last 5 years in NSW public schools or in another Australian school or education system.

The NSW Department of Education:

  • will maintain this procedure and oversee ongoing compliance.

Principals, directors, educational leadership and their delegates and the relevant School Workforce recruitment teams:

  • will comply with the procedure for all activities to recruit, promote and transfer members of the teaching service to teacher positions within NSW public schools.

Members of the teaching service:

  • will follow the procedure when applying for recruitment, promotion or transfer to a teacher, executive or principal position in NSW public schools.

What needs to be done

1. Introduction

This Staffing procedure describes the requirements to recruit, promote or transfer teaching service staff in NSW public schools and is in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Department of Education and the NSW Teachers Federation Staffing Agreement 2024-2029.

The procedure describes how the Staffing Agreement must be implemented by principals, directors or their delegates in filling teaching service positions in NSW public schools and may be updated and amended from time to time in accordance with operational system changes, or changes to the Staffing Agreement, government policy and legislation, or the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2022.

The procedure will apply from the start of Term 2, 2024 to the end of Term 4 2028 summer school holidays (that is, 28 January 2029).

This procedure rescinds and replaces all previous versions of any document titled Staffing Procedure for the Teaching Service in NSW Public Schools, including the most recent version, dated 16 August 2021.

2. Staffing principles

2.1 Staffing cycle

The department staffs NSW public schools throughout the annual staffing operation period, starting Day 1 of Term 1 and ending on the last day of the Term 4 vacation period, before the commencement of the new school year.

Where a current permanent teacher is appointed to a new permanent position under this procedure, they generally will begin duty in the new position at the start of either Term 1 or Term 2 (whichever is the closest) unless otherwise negotiated and agreed by the current principal, the receiving principal, where relevant the director, educational leadership or delegated authority and the teacher in question. Any agreed variation to the entry on duty of a current permanent teacher to a new permanent position must be recorded in writing, with all parties included.

However, where the current permanent teacher is being appointed to a new permanent position via nominated transfer (that is, where the teacher is above establishment), the entry on duty date should occur as soon as possible, taking account of any impacts on continuity of student learning, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Where the appointment of a teacher by nominated transfer will impact the temporary engagement of a temporary teacher, a minimum 4 school week notice period will apply.

Where the appointment relates to a scholarship holder, a targeted graduate or an applicant from the employment list, the entry on duty date will typically be the commencement of the next school term, unless otherwise negotiated and agreed by all parties. Where the appointment of a scholarship holder, targeted graduate or applicant from the employment list will impact an existing temporary engagement, a minimum 4 school week notice period will apply.

Variations to entry on duty dates may also apply to the appointment of teachers to new schools prior to the official opening date. This will be case managed by the relevant recruitment team in consultation with the principal of the new school.

2.2 Centrally identified positions

The department provides every school with a staffing entitlement (teacher, executive and principal) based on student enrolment numbers. The staffing entitlement establishes the number and type of centrally identified positions (CIPs) the department will fund at each school. Staffing entitlements are established in accordance with the Teacher Staffing Entitlements (staff only), available in Online management of school entitlements and enrolments (OMSEE) (staff only).

The department recognises that permanent employment is a key recruitment and retention incentive for teaching in NSW public schools. Centrally identified positions, full time and part time, are permanent positions and, as such, will be filled on a permanent basis.

When a centrally identified vacancy occurs, the principal is required to act within 4 school weeks, typically to fill on a permanent basis. On some occasions, based on the genuine needs of students and local workforce planning, a principal may determine it best to fill a permanent vacancy on a temporary basis for a limited period of up to 4 school terms.

In accordance with Clause 7.1 of the Staffing Agreement, a vacant centrally identified position may only be filled on a temporary basis when one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • the enrolments at the school have been and/or are projected to decline
  • the enrolments at the school have been fluctuating
  • the curriculum offerings at a secondary or central school are changing and/or some subjects have been and/or are expected to decline
  • part-time positions are required to target specific whole-of-school programs that are intended to occur for no more than 2 years and with approval required on an annual basis.

Where a school engages a temporary teacher to fill a centrally identified position, the principal must certify that the engagement complies with one or more of the reasons listed above and provide a brief supporting statement. These requests are made in OMSEE.

Where a principal requests to fill a permanent position on a temporary basis, the request will first be considered by the director, educational leadership who will either endorse or decline the request.

All endorsed requests will then be considered by the central panel, which consists of senior officers of School Workforce and Public Schools. The panel meets 3 times per term for the purposes of approving or declining endorsed requests and other matters.

The department and NSW Teachers Federation monitor temporary appointments to centrally identified positions on a regular and ongoing basis as part of the Joint Monitoring Review Committee, which meets on a quarterly basis.

2.3 Above centrally identified positions

Under the Resource Allocation Model (RAM), schools have a wider discretion to allocate additional funding to establish permanent positions above the school’s centrally identified staffing entitlement to meet the needs of the school.

Consistent with the guidance for determining the mix of staff in schools (refer to Teaching positions [staff only], School-created staffing positions) a principal may make a local decision to utilise additional funding provided above the school’s centrally identified staffing establishment to create additional positions for filling by permanent appointment.

For clear guidance on the procedures for staffing above centrally identified positions (ACIPs), the department has produced Determining the Mix of Staff in NSW Public Schools Procedure (DOCX 437 KB).

Applications to establish such positions should consider that funding sources, such as equity loadings to meet the additional needs of identified students, may vary over time. Flexible funding for all costs associated with the permanent ACIP should be reasonably expected to continue for at least the next 3 years.

An ACIP may be established on a permanent basis:

  • through application by the principal
  • after consultation with the school community
  • with the approval of the director, educational leadership.

In determining the case for a permanent position, consideration should be given to:

  • the amount and continuity of funding
  • the ongoing requirement for the role.

The principal can choose the selection method to fill the permanent position from the range of recruitment methods described in this procedure.

If the permanent position is at an executive level, the role description must include general selection criteria relevant to the position level, in addition to any specific criteria determined by the school. This will provide relative status at the executive level in the state-wide teaching service.

If after 3 years a decision is made to disestablish an ACIP role, whether due to changes in available funds or if the role is no longer required, or if there has been a significant and unexpected change to the school’s flexible funding within the 3 years that requires the early disestablishment of the role, the school will be required to continue to fund the position until such time as the teacher is appointed to another school via nominated transfer.

2.4 Longer term temporary appointments

Temporary teachers are defined as persons employed in one engagement full time for 4 weeks or more or in one engagement for one to 4 days per week for 2 terms or more. Temporary engagements can generally only occur within a school year and be for a maximum of a school year.

A longer-term temporary engagement of up to 3 years can be offered to fill a vacant position where either:

  • a permanent teacher will be absent from the school and has the right of return to the position
  • the position is above the centrally identified staffing establishment.

If circumstances change, then normal early cessation conditions such as 4 weeks notice apply. Examples of changes can include:

  • the substantive teacher decides to return to their position before the originally planned time
  • the program in which the substantive teacher was engaged does not continue
  • school enrolments require a reduction in staff that could be offset by the placing of a permanent teacher against the leave vacancy.

The temporary engagement will match the length of time that the position is temporarily vacant.

2.5 Qualifications and essential requirements

All teachers in NSW public schools must hold qualifications that meet the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)and the provisions of the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2022 or its successor.

Teachers must demonstrate a level of professional expertise consistent with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and hold accreditation with NESA as required. A condition of NESA accreditation and employment in NSW public schools is that a teacher must also possess a current Working with Children Check (WWCC).

Teachers must also meet the following essential requirements:

  • understand and be sensitive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and students from non-English speaking backgrounds
  • understand the educational needs of students from low socio-economic status communities and schools in isolated rural locations
  • understand the educational needs of gifted and talented students
  • be aware of gender equity issues
  • be able to integrate technology into effective classroom practice.

2.6 Approved to teach

The department maintains an approved to teach list, which establishes a candidate’s eligibility to be considered for employment as a teacher in a NSW public school. Candidates apply to the Teacher Approvals team for approval to teach and are evaluated based on qualification/s and essential requirements. Teachers must be on the approved to teach list in order to be considered for permanent appointment to a teacher position or temporary or casual employment as a teacher in a NSW public school.

Through the Teacher Employment Priority Scheme (TEPS), teachers on the approved to teach list will have their priority date for permanent employment enhanced for every 50 days of casual or temporary teaching service in NSW public schools. Temporary teaching undertaken in schools with 2, 4, 6 or 8 transfer points will result in a greater enhancement of the teacher’s priority date.

2.7 Staffing codes

The department appoints teachers based on their current staffing codes. For the purposes of permanent appointment, staffing codes identify subject/teaching area qualifications and teaching skills based on verified experience, position level and areas of responsibility. Refer to Appendix 1 – Staffing codes (staff only) (PDF 1 MB).

Staffing codes used for matching appointments to vacant positions must align to timetabled school offerings and student/school current and/or demonstrated future needs to ensure transparency in the matching process.

When declaring vacant positions principals can utilise a maximum of 4 subject/teaching area staffing codes. Where there is a justifiable need in the school’s timetable for cross-faculty key learning area staffing codes and/or specialist codes, such as secondary technological and applied studies positions, positions in central schools, and/or positions in special education settings, a principal may seek approval from School Recruitment and Placement to utilise up to 5 subject/teaching area staffing codes.

If a match cannot be made at Step 1 based on the approved subject/teaching area staffing codes submitted, the principal will be required to select from the combinations of staffing codes which result in a Step 1 match on all but one of the submitted staffing codes. This same process also applies to Step 2 matches for vacant positions based on all staffing codes submitted.

Where more than one teacher can be matched to the vacancy after the removal of one of the required subject/teaching area staffing codes, the principal will choose the most appropriate subject/teaching area staffing code to be removed still ensuring a Step 1 or 2 match based on the requirements.

Staffing codes used in declaring vacancies will be monitored by School Recruitment and Placement and reported to the Joint Monitoring and Review Committee each term.

Teachers will be appointed on approved to teach subject/teaching area staffing codes.

Approved means approved by the department on the basis of qualifications or recognised and verified experience. Teachers can be required to teach any subject/teaching area that they are approved to teach.

Willing to teach means that while the teacher is not approved in the subject/teaching area, they are prepared to teach that subject/teaching area, willing to do so if requested by a principal and are confident that they can do so with an acceptable level of success. Failure to do so may render the application invalid and lead to the withdrawal of an appointment.

The department and the NSW Teachers Federation will, as required, review subject/teaching area staffing codes to ensure currency and alignment with the NESA curriculum and current key learning areas.

Teachers employed on a permanent or temporary basis in a NSW public school may submit applications for new staffing codes through the employee self-service (ESS) function accessible via the staff portal.

All other teachers may apply to add new staffing codes by sending an email with supporting documentation to Teacher Approvals at

Staffing codes are categorised as primary (preschool to Year 6) and secondary (Years 7 to 12). Teachers are approved in individual subject/teaching areas according to their teaching methodology. Staffing codes for specialist education settings can be selected from either category (primary or secondary) to provide teachers appropriate to the student age profile and curriculum of the school.

Schools may request a teacher approved in a different level of schooling if required. For example, a secondary school may require a primary teacher to teach students in Years 7 and 8, or a primary school may require a secondary teacher to conduct a particular program. Where a teacher is appointed in these circumstances, any future movement by transfer will continue to be based on approved to teach codes only.

2.8 Extended hours of educational delivery

Where the department establishes a new school, re-purposes an existing school or establishes a specialist school such as a virtual high school, provision for the timetabling of classes beyond the core hours of operation of a school and for teachers to work within those extended hours may be made provided that the overall hours of duty of teachers shall not be exceeded.

Such provision is to be made in accordance with the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2022 or its successor.

Consideration is to be given to equity, gender and family issues involved in any proposal to implement flexible hours.

The department will continue to trial and review pilots on flexible work organisation in schools arising from strategies that aim to enhance public education, with appropriate consultation.

2.9 Staffing of multi-campus colleges

A multi-campus college is a secondary school with campuses at several different locations overseen by a single college principal. Multi-campus colleges are staffed according to these procedures.

Refer to Appendix 3 – Principles for staffing multi-campus colleges (staff only) (PDF 750).

3. Staffing methods

The department uses 2 staffing methods to fill vacant positions on a permanent basis:

  • central appointment
  • local choice.

In the first instance, the central appointment process is utilised to recruit for vacancies and maintain curriculum consistency across schools. The central appointment process ensures security in teacher employment and provides career mobility.

Where a vacancy is not recruited via the central appointment process the local choice option is applied. Local choice allows schools flexibility to choose how they select teachers who best meet the local needs of the school.

Teachers appointed to a school-based position may be eligible for compensation as prescribed by the Transferred officers' compensation Determination No 1 of 2001 (refer to Promotion and transfer (staff only) > Transferred officers.

All appointments are subject to the teacher, at the time of appointment:

  • being able to fulfil the inherent requirements of the role and
  • in the case of an existing employee, demonstrating satisfactory performance.

3.1 Central appointments

For all vacancies, a series of central appointment types will be reviewed to identify a suitable applicant to appoint to the position. Consideration of applicants in each appointment type will be considered in the specific order outlined below.

In accordance with clause 3 of the Staffing Agreement, the department can appoint permanent teachers through a central appointment method, in the following explicit order:

Step 1 candidates (based only on approved to teach codes):

i. Section 51A (non-compassionate) or Part4A appointments required under the Teaching Service Act 1980

ii. incentive transfer applicant

iii. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicants

iv. approved Section 51A transfer (compassionate) applicant

v. teacher appointed permanently at the school through the 2023 Temporary Workforce Transition initiative

vi. nominated transfer applicant

vii. transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teacher or a teacher from a special education setting

viii. service transfer applicant (including regression by service transfer or permanent part-time teachers seeking an increase to a permanent full-time position and/or an increase to the FTE of their permanent part-time position where this can be operationally accommodated)

ix. a permanent teacher appointed to an equivalent ACIP at the school, regardless of the service of the teacher in the ACIP

x. where they are not otherwise eligible for a service transfer, a permanent part-time teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to a permanent full-time position and/or an increase to the FTE of their permanent part-time position where this can be operationally accommodated.

Step 2 candidates:

xi. scholarship holders/sponsored teacher and targeted graduate teacher (via the graduate recruitment program), prioritising high performing graduates (matched only on approved to teach codes)

xii. approved to teach (employment) list, with priority status for eligible temporary teachers in 4, 6 and 8 transfer point schools, only for the school in which they are currently working (matched on approved to teach and willing to teach codes).

Step 1 candidates:

i. Section 51A (non-compassionate) or Part 4A appointment required under the Teaching Service Act 1980

ii. incentive transfer applicant

iii. approved Section 51A transfer (compassionate) applicant

iv. nominated transfer applicant

v. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander executive teacher transfer applicant or a special education settings executive transfer applicant

vi. executive service transfer applicant (including regression executive service transfer to a lower-level executive and permanent part-time executive teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to a permanent full-time position and/or an increase to the FTE of their permanent part-time position where this can be operationally accommodated)

vii. a permanent executive teacher appointed to an equivalent ACIP position at the school.

Note: Executive service transfer will apply from day 1, Term 3 2024. From this date all executive teachers with a minimum of 4 years’ service in their current executive role at their current school will be eligible to apply for an executive service transfer. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander executives will need to have completed a minimum of 3 years service in their current executive role at their current school to be eligible to apply for transfer.

For all executive vacancies declared from day 1, Term 3 2024, Teacher Recruitment will run a match against the vacancy. A re-match will also be conducted on all existing executive vacancies where the position remains vacant following an unsuccessful recruitment action (including open merit).

Step 1 candidates:

i. Section 51A (non-compassionate) or Part 4A appointment required under the Teaching Service Act 1980

ii. incentive transfer applicant

iii. approved Section 51A transfer (compassionate) applicant

iv. nominated transfer applicant

v. Aboriginal or Torres Strati Islander principal transfer applicant or a special education settings principal transfer applicant.

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander principal transfer will apply from day 1, Term 3 2024. From this date Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander principals with a minimum of 3 years service as principal in their current school will be eligible to apply for transfer.

To be eligible for a central appointment transfer, permanent teachers must apply through the department’s employee self-service system (ESS). Refer to Appendix 2 - Transfer system (staff only) (PDF 801 KB), Applying for a transfer.

Transfer applications, while needing review or recertification on a 2-yearly basis, remain active until they are actioned or withdrawn (see notes below). It is the responsibility of the teacher to check and maintain their transfer/employment preferences and application status. If individual circumstances mean that a candidate cannot accept a central appointment at the present time, they should withdraw (make inactive) their application until their circumstances are conducive to an appointment.


  • Nominated transfers cannot be withdrawn by the nominated teacher as they are identified and managed centrally by the department. Nominated transfer candidates will be appointed to a suitable vacancy within the default staffing areas.
  • The Section 51A Compassionate transfer guidelines (staff only) provide information on the additional review process for this transfer application type.
  • Teachers and principals (and directors in the case of principal transfers) are required to recertify transfers every 24 months.
  • Sponsored teachers will be appointed within the service commitment area of their deed.
  • Teachers on the approved to teach list, including pre-service teachers will be appointed to schools in line with the locations nominated on their application for approval to teach and to which they express an interest.
  • School counsellors transferring into a teaching position will be remunerated at the relevant rate as a teacher; they will not remain on their school counsellor rate of pay.
  • Senior psychologists education and leaders, psychology practice who have previously been executive teachers and are transferring into non-counselling executive positions will be remunerated at the relevant executive rates of pay and will not remain on their counselling service rates of pay.

Central appointment candidates who are permanent employees moving by transfer, or who are sponsored by the department at the time of the appointment must take up the appointment as notified. Unless there are exceptional and compelling reasons that establish a teacher or executive teacher cannot accept an appointment by a service-based transfer, should a teacher refuse a service-based transfer appointment, the department will withdraw the transfer and the teacher will not be considered eligible for another service-based transfer for a period of up to 2 years.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicants are made an offer of employment, which they may accept or decline.

Graduate/pre-service teachers are made an offer of employment. Where a graduate/pre-service teacher declines an offer of permanent employment, their priority date will be reset to the date after completion of studies, if the offer is made and rejected before the preservice teacher completed their studies.

Candidates on the approved to teach list will be given the opportunity to express their interest in vacant classroom positions which match their approved to teach and willing to teach codes, and the schools they are seeking to be matched to. Where such a candidate, having indicated they wished to be appointed to that position subsequently declines it, or does not take up the central appointment, they will have their priority date reset to the date they subsequently declined the appointment, unless a written submission for exceptional and compelling circumstances is approved by the relevant Manager, School Recruitment and Placement. Refer to section 3.2.12 Approved to teach (employment) list, with priority status for eligible temporary teachers in 4, 6 and 8 transfer point schools only > Reset priority date for graduates and pre-service teachers.

3.2 Types of central appointment

The department provides higher incentive transfer point ratings to harder to staff schools, typically in rural and remote areas of NSW. Permanent teachers who complete a minimum required period of service in 4, 6 and 8 point incentive schools or Connected Communities schools can apply for Incentive Transfer to another school (Appendix 2 – Transfer system (staff only) [PDF 801 KB], Schools attracting incentive transfer benefits).

Where a vacancy arises in a school and an incentive transfer applicant matches the required approved to teach codes, Teacher Recruitment will appoint that candidate as a priority appointment. During recruitment, incentive transfer candidates are matched on approved subject/teaching area staffing codes only for teachers and area of responsibility staffing code for executive (where relevant).

Teaching partners who are permanently employed as a teacher, of teachers, executives and principals appointed to, or on incentive transfer out of an incentive transfer benefit school, are eligible to be transferred under Section 51A Compassionate transfer guidelines – QRG (staff only). Transfer of teaching partners depends on a suitable vacant position being available.

Special provision for principals eligible for incentive transfer

A principal who is eligible for an incentive transfer may apply for consideration to also be matched to principal vacancies at one principal classification level above their current substantive position.

Following endorsement from their director, educational leadership (DEL) and approval from the relevant Executive Director, Public Schools, the principal will then be considered for a transfer either at their current principal classification and/or at a classification that is one level higher. A principal with this approval may wish to only be considered for higher classification positions or can choose to have both classifications considered. Further, if a principal is not approved for the higher classification, they will continue to be eligible for an incentive transfer at their substantive level.

When considering incentive transfer matches, a principal who is already at the classification of the vacancy will take precedence over a principal approved for ‘one level up’.

Note: Incentive transfer applications can be submitted no earlier than day 1, Term 2 where the candidate is eligible for an incentive appointment from the commencement of the following school year. Where applicants are not eligible for an incentive transfer appointment until the commencement of the following school year, they will only be matched to positions with an entry on duty date on or after day 1, Term 1 of the following school year.

The department provides incentives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers to work in NSW public schools. This is consistent with and supports the department’s objectives to make the department an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and increase the diversity of our workforce to better engage and partner with communities across NSW.

Where a vacancy arises in a school and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicant matches the required codes, Teacher Recruitment will appoint that candidate as a priority appointment. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicants are matched on approved to teach subject/teaching area staffing codes only.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicants are identified from the department’s centrally managed approved to teach list. Eligibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicant status is based on the 3-tiered criteria used by the NSW Government and as defined by the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW), section 3:

Aboriginal person means a person who:

a. is a member of the Aboriginal race of Australia, and

b. identifies as an Aboriginal person, and

c. is accepted by the Aboriginal community as an Aboriginal person.

Appointments of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment applicants are case managed by the Aboriginal Employment team, School Workforce directorate. This case managed approach ensures that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers are appointed to permanent positions that are culturally appropriate.

Compassionate transfers are managed under Section 51A of the Teaching Service Act 1980 on a case-by-case basis.

Where teachers, executives and principals have exceptional and/or compelling circumstances requiring transfer from their current school, an application for a Section 51A transfer on compassionate grounds can be submitted via their principal to the local director, educational leadership. In the case of principals seeking a Section 51A transfer on compassionate grounds, the application is made directly to the local director, educational leadership. Delegated authority for approval of Section 51A transfer on compassionate grounds rests with the relevant Executive Director, School Performance.


  • The revised Compassionate transfer guidelines will be published in Term 3, 2024. The revised guidelines will reflect a new decision-making process, that includes a central panel consisting of senior officers of School Workforce and Public Schools, which meets 3 times per term to approve or decline endorsed requests and other matters.
  • Teachers who have had a compassionate transfer application declined in the past, or up to the commencement of Term 3, 2024, may re-submit the compassionate transfer application to be considered by the central panel.

On lodgement, an application will be considered as a matter of priority and will remain active unless the circumstances that led to the application alter, or at review the application is not re-approved. Applicants must notify the director, educational leadership, if their circumstances change or if they wish the application to be withdrawn. For further information on the review process, refer to Section 51A Compassionate transfer guidelines – QRG (staff only).

An application for Section 51A transfer on compassionate grounds will be approved only on the basis of exceptional and/or compelling circumstances, which can include where a teacher is permanently unable to return to their school based on medical restrictions that are accepted by the department. Applications must contain substantiated grounds and supporting documentation. These circumstances need to justify not only the request to move from the school to which the teacher, executive staff member or principal is presently appointed, but also the reasons for requesting the schools to which the teacher, executive staff member or principal is seeking transfer.

A principal or executive who is seeking a transfer regression to a lower-level position and who does not have the required service to do so as a service transfer may seek such a transfer via a compassionate transfer application.

Each case is to be assessed individually and supporting evidence is weighted to arrive at a considered determination as to whether the case meets the threshold of exceptional and/or compelling circumstances. Where the application is approved, the Teacher Recruitment team will work with the director, educational leadership, to case manage the transfer. In the event a transfer has not been made within 2 years, the application will be reviewed to confirm it is still required.

Where a teacher is eligible for any other transfer type, it is recommended that they also lodge a transfer application for that transfer type (if not already done so). This will enable the teacher to continue to be considered at the appropriate central appointment step should a suitable vacancy arise prior to an outcome on their Section 51A transfer on compassionate grounds application.

Teachers permanently appointed to the school through the 2023 Temporary Workforce Transition (TWT) initiative, and who continue to be in a TWT initiative position, will be considered for appointment to a centrally identified position vacancy at the school of appointment when a permanent vacancy occurs, as detailed at 3.1 Central appointments. The mechanism to appoint a permanent teacher initially appointed to the school under the 2023 TWT initiative will operate for a period not exceeding the last day of Term 4 2026 (which is 17 December 2026).

Where there are 2 or more permanent teachers initially appointed to the school through the TWT initiative who match the approved to teach subject/teaching area staffing codes of the vacancy, the teacher with the oldest priority date at the time of their TWT initiative permanent appointment will be placed into the vacancy.

Permanency is a key recruitment and retention incentive for teaching in NSW public schools. Permanent teachers with nominated transfer status retain permanent employment in the state-wide Teaching Service. Where a vacancy arises in a school and a nominated transfer applicant matches the required codes, Teacher Recruitment will appoint that candidate as a priority appointment. During recruitment, nominated transfer teacher candidates are matched on subject/teaching area staffing codes only and executive will be matched on the area of responsibility staffing code and executive level.

Teachers receive nominated transfer status where the teaching service position they hold substantively is affected by:

  • school closure, amalgamation or reclassification
  • reduction in student numbers
  • changed curriculum needs.

Note: Not applicable to P1 to P5 principals except where their school falls below P1 or ceases to operate. This means that a non-teaching principal cannot change to a teaching principal or associate principal unless they elect to remain at the school, which will result in a lower salary.

Permanent teachers who hold a temporary non-school-based teaching service (NSBTS) role, who formerly held a permanent position as a teacher in the department but no longer have right of return to a school teacher position, must submit a nominated transfer through the Online Transfer System. They must do this whichever is earlier:

  • 2 terms before the end date of their non-school-based temporary appointment
  • as soon as they are aware of when their non-school based appointment will be ceasing, unless they have received an appointment on merit to a permanent position within the department.

Teacher Recruitment will appoint nominated transfer candidates to the nearest suitable vacancy within approximately one hour from their current residential address (as recorded in SAP at the time of submitting their transfer) as per the chosen nominated default staffing areas for nominated transfer purposes. Teachers returning from a non-school-based position will be appointed to the nearest suitable vacancy within approximately one hour from their residential address as recorded in SAP at the time of submitting their nominated transfer, or within an hour of their last school-based permanent appointment, as per the chosen nominated default school areas for nominated transfer purposes.

The department will require a teacher to provide documentary evidence (such as a driver’s license, utility bill, rates notice) verifying they are living at the address recorded in SAP if the commuting time from that address to their current school exceeds one hour and/or there has been a recent change of address submitted by the teacher coinciding with their nominated transfer being submitted.

While they may be appointed to any school that matches the parameters outlined above, teachers with nominated transfer status can notify specific school preferences (school name and school code) within their default staffing area to Teacher Recruitment at If the teacher wants to be reappointed to their current school if a vacancy occurs, they must ensure the current school is listed as their first employment preference by advising Teacher Recruitment at

If no suitable position is immediately available, Teacher Recruitment will place a nominated transfer candidate in a temporary vacancy or above establishment position.

Teachers with nominated transfer status can also apply for other transfer types for which they are eligible where they have met the service period requirements. Teachers with nominated transfer status are deemed to have continuity of service from the school of nomination when considering the service period eligibility required for the transfer type involved. When calculating transfer points, they are credited full points for the school they are nominated from and the school to which they are appointed.

In addition to the priority employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers, the department also supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers, executive and principals with priority transfer status.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers, executive or principals who have undertaken relevant service in their current permanent school-based position can apply for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teacher, executive or principal transfer.

Teachers must serve at least 3 years in their current school from the time of entry on duty to their current position, to the time of entry on duty to a new position at another school.

Teachers who are appointed to non-school-based teaching positions will be considered to have continuity of service for the purpose of transfer eligibility requirements to lodge a transfer.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander executive and principals must serve at least 3 years in their current school, at the current level, to be eligible for a priority transfer.

In instances where a teacher enters on duty in a school on or before day 1, Term 2, that year counts as a full year of service in that school.

Teachers who have served at least 3 years in a specialist educational setting listed below can apply for transfer to the nearest suitable vacancy:

  • Education Training Unit (ETU) in a juvenile justice centre
  • Special schools/units/tutorial programs for students with behavioural difficulties
  • classes for students with behavioural difficulties, emotional disturbance or autism
  • Special schools and classes for students with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities
  • Special schools and classes for students with physical disabilities, and hearing or vision impairment.

Service transfer includes:

  • regression by service transfer
  • a permanent part-time teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to a permanent full-time position
  • a permanent part-time teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to the FTE of their permanent part-time position where this can be operationally accommodated.

Teachers and school counsellors who have served at least 3 years in their current permanent school-based position can apply for a service transfer.

Teachers must serve at least 3 years in their current school from the time of entry on duty to their current position, to the time of entry on duty to a new position at another school.

Teachers who are appointed to non-school-based teaching positions will be considered to have continuity of service for the purpose of service eligibility requirements to lodge a service transfer.

A principal or executive who has served at least 3 years in their current permanent principal or executive position may seek a transfer to a classroom teacher position (regression) as a service transfer.

In instances where a teacher enters on duty in a school on or before day 1, Term 2, that year counts as a full year of service in that school.

Executive service transfer applicants include:

  • regression service transfer to a lower-level executive
  • a permanent part-time executive teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to a permanent full-time position, and/or
  • a permanent part-time executive teacher appointed to the school seeking an increase to the FTE of their permanent part-time position where this can be operationally accommodated.

Executive teachers (including senior psychologist education and leader, psychology practice) who have served at least 4 years in their current permanent school-based position can apply for executive service transfer.

Executive teachers must serve at least 4 years in their current school from the time of entry on duty to their current position, to the time of entry on duty to a new position at another school.

Executive teachers who are appointed to non-school-based teaching positions will be considered to have continuity of service for the purpose of service eligibility requirements to be able to apply for executive service transfer.

A principal or deputy principal who has served at least 4 years in their current permanent principal or deputy principal position may seek a transfer to a lower-level executive position (regression) as an executive service transfer.

In instances where an executive teacher enters duty in a school on or before day 1, Term 2, that year counts as a full year of service in that school.

The department is committed to maintaining a diverse and dynamic workforce and ensuring that quality teachers are attracted and retained for the benefit of all students in NSW public schools. The department offers targeted employment programs to support these commitments, for example teacher education scholarships, rural and remote scholarships, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) scholarships, school counsellor in training scholarships, sponsored training (retraining) programs, and special education sponsorships.

In addition, the department identifies high performing pre-service teachers under the graduate recruitment program in their final 12 months of study, targeting them up to 12 months prior to completion of their studies for early appointment in a NSW public school in an initial appointment area.

Further information on the department’s scholarship and sponsorship programs is available at teach-nsw.

The department runs a graduate employment program to recruit outstanding graduates to become teachers in NSW public schools.

A high-performing graduate may be identified for an early priority appointment to an initial appointment area up to 12 months prior to the completion of studies. Any graduate targeted for such an appointment will be required to have met all course requirements and all elements of the approval process prior to the permanent appointment being finalised.

To facilitate the appointment of graduates, only approved subject/teaching area codes are used to match them to positions.

The department recognises the important contribution of temporary and casual teachers in maintaining a high standard of education for all students in NSW public schools. The department maintains an approved to teach list, which establishes a candidate’s eligibility to be considered for employment as a teacher in a NSW public school. Candidates apply to the Teacher Approvals team for approval to teach and are evaluated on the basis of qualification/s and essential requirements.

Generally, approved to teach candidates will be provided an opportunity to express interest in matching vacancies at Step 2. A candidate is not obliged to express interest, however an expression of interest will be considered a genuine intent of the applicant to accept the offer of permanent employment if it is made.

When matching a vacancy at Step 2, the approved to teach candidate, who has an active permanent employment application will be considered for the permanent vacancy. The candidate must:

  • match all the subject/teaching areas (approved and willing to teach) and has listed the school as one of their employment preferences
  • have the highest priority date.

In the following circumstances, a temporary teacher already engaged in the school who expresses interest in being appointed to the vacant position will be prioritised for the permanent appointment:

  • in a 4 transfer point school, where the teacher matches the approved to teach codes AND has undertaken at least 2 years of continuous service as a temporary teacher
  • in a 6 or 8 transfer point school, where the teacher matches the approved to teach codes AND has undertaken at least one year of continuous service.

Continuous service

Continuous service consists of full-time or part-time temporary engagements (including any periods of paid leave and school vacations) and periods of casual employment that average 0.4 FTE or greater at the one school. Periods of unpaid leave and breaks in work of no more than 4 term weeks will not break continuity of service but will not be counted as service.

In all cases, an offer of employment to a teacher on the approved to teach list is contingent on that teacher holding full approval to teach, and otherwise eligible for permanent employment.

Candidates on the approved to teach list who accept and then do not take up an offer of permanent appointment will have their priority date reset to the date they decline the appointment, unless a written submission for exceptional and compelling circumstances is approved by the Manager, Teacher Recruitment.

Reset priority date for graduates and pre-service teachers

In the case of graduates/pre-service teachers, the reset priority date will be the date after completion of studies, if the offer is made and rejected before the pre-service teacher completed their studies.

3.3 Exemption from central appointment

Where the last 5 vacancies at any level at a school were filled by central appointment, the principal (or director, educational leadership if the next vacancy is the principal position) will be provided an exemption from the central appointment for their next vacancy. Teacher Recruitment will confirm eligibility for exemption and facilitate a local choice for the next recruitment action. The local choice can be from any of the recruitment options available under the Staffing Agreement, including central appointments under Step 1 and Step 2 of clause 3 of the Staffing Agreement 2024-2029 if desired.

The department has recognised Connected Communities schools as unique settings for the purpose of filling vacant executive and teacher positions. This is in recognition of the importance of including the local community, as represented by the local NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) in all permanent recruitment decisions in the school.

All vacant executive and teacher positions at Connected Communities schools to be filled on a permanent basis will be filled in accordance with the steps outlined within the Staffing Agreement, however, any central appointment matches will be required to undertake a local suitability assessment before confirming the appointment.

A candidate matched centrally for a vacancy in a Connected Communities school is not obliged to proceed with the appointment if they do not wish to participate in the local suitability assessment and can withdraw without prejudice or penalty.

Executive principals of Connected Communities schools will conduct an interview of the matched candidate/s with a locally nominated AECG panel member and confirm candidate suitability prior to appointment.

Executive principal appointments in Connected Communities schools are temporary appointments and are filled via an open merit process.

The department recognises that employment in residential agricultural high schools brings with it specific working conditions. All vacant permanent principal, executive and teacher positions at residential agricultural high schools will be filled in accordance with the steps outlined within the Staffing Agreement; however, any central appointment matches will be informed of the Special conditions covering teachers at residential agricultural high schools as outlined in schedule 11 of the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2022 before confirming the appointment.

A candidate matched centrally for a vacancy in a residential agricultural high school is not obliged to proceed with the appointment if they do not wish to and can withdraw without prejudice or penalty.

3.4 Local choice

The department also appoints teachers through local choice appointments. Candidates selected under local choice will receive an offer of employment for acceptance. Local choice methods include:

  • open merit
  • closed merit
  • top of list
  • temporary teacher appointment to permanent status.

The principal, director or delegate has the discretion to select the local choice method applicable to the position level.

3.5 Types of local choice

Typically, these options will be available for a teacher vacancy after Step 1 and Step 2 are exhausted, or for an executive or principal vacancy, after Step 1 is exhausted.

In the event a school has had 5 consecutive central appointments, the principal has ‘local choice’ and in that case, is not restricted to the options below, but may choose any of the recruitment methods available under the Staffing Agreement, including central appointments under Step 1 and Step 2 of clause 3 of the Staffing Agreement 2024-2029.

A principal, director or their delegate can request Teacher Recruitment to advertise a teacher vacancy openly on I work for NSW and other appropriate media.

The principal, director or their delegate can access all applications via I work for NSW and advise of the selection panel’s preferred candidate.

Any current member of the Teaching Service and qualified teachers external to the department can apply via I work for NSW. Applications for and selection to positions on open merit are to be undertaken in accordance with the Merit selection procedure.

Only where a school is exempt from central appointment following 5 consecutive appointments, the principal, director or their delegate can request a closed advertisement to candidates from any or a combination of the following centrally managed lists to fill a teacher position:

  • service transfer for teacher vacancies and executive service transfer for executive vacancies
  • targeted graduate
  • approved to teach (employment).

Teacher Recruitment will use I work for NSW to notify all suitably qualified candidates on the appropriate list matching the position criteria as outlined in Table 1.

Table 1 Candidate list and advertisement distribution

Candidate list Advertisement distribution
Service transfer

All teachers on the list who:

  • have an active incentive transfer, service transfer or transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers or transfer of teachers in a specialist educational setting
  • match approved subject/teaching area staffing codes
  • have listed the school as one of their transfer preferences.
Executive service transfer

All teachers on the list who:

  • have an active executive service transfer or executive transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers or executive transfer of teachers in a specialist educational setting or incentive transfer, for the position level of the vacancy
  • match the area of responsibility staffing code
  • have listed the school as one of their transfer preferences.
Targeted graduate

All graduates on the list who:

  • have an active approved to teach (employment) application and are eligible for permanent employment
  • are identified by the department as high performing graduates
  • match the approved subject/teaching area codes, and have listed the school as one of their employment preferences.
Approved to teach (Employment)

All teachers on the list who:

  • have an active approved to teach (employment) application and are eligible for permanent employment
  • match the approved subject/teaching area codes and where applicable willing to teach codes
  • have listed the school as one of their employment preferences.

Note: Not applicable to school counsellor positions.

Individual candidates are responsible for maintaining their current contact, transfer and employment preference details. Contact details need to be updated through SAP ESS, which provides advice on how employment candidates can update application preferences. Permanent teachers need to update transfer application preferences through legacy ESS.

Candidates must submit an online application through I work for NSW addressing the specific criteria together with contact details for 2 referees by the prescribed deadline.

The principal, director or delegate can access applications through I work for NSW. A school-based selection panel shortlists and interviews the applicants according to the Merit selection procedure.

Only where a school is exempt from central appointment following 5 consecutive appointments, the principal, director or their delegate can request Teacher Recruitment to appoint a candidate to a teacher position from the top of a list. In these instances, an offer is made as outlined in Table 2.

Table 2 Candidate list and candidate selection

Candidate list Candidate selection

Service transfer

The candidate who:

  • has an active Incentive Transfer or Service Transfer or Transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teachers or Transfer of Teachers in a specialist educational setting
  • best matches the subject/teaching area codes (approved subject/teaching area staffing codes)
  • has listed the school as one of their transfer preferences
  • has the highest transfer points.

Note: Applicants on the list who are concurrent applicants for transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers and/or transfer of teachers in specialist education settings will receive the placement where there is equal standing.

Executive service transfer

The candidate who:

  • has an active executive service transfer or executive transfer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teachers or executive transfer of teachers in a specialist educational setting or incentive transfer, for the position level of the vacancy
  • matches the area of responsibility staffing code
  • has listed the school as one of their transfer preferences
  • has the highest transfer points.
Targeted graduate

The candidate who:

  • has an active approved to teach (employment) application and is eligible for permanent employment
  • best matches the approved subject/teaching area staffing codes
  • has the highest ranking from the graduate recruitment process
  • has listed the school as on e of their employment preferences.

Approved to teach (employment)

The candidate who:

  • has an active approved to teach (employment) application and is eligible for permanent employment
  • best matches the subject/teaching area staffing codes (approved and willing to teach)
  • has listed the school as one of their employment preferences
  • has the highest priority date.

Note: Not applicable to school counsellor positions.

Note: Principals of Connected Communities schools who choose Top of the List will be required to conduct an interview of the matched candidate with the NSW AECG panel member and confirm candidate suitability prior to appointment.

Table 3 outlines the requirements for permanent appointment of temporary teachers.

Table 3 Permanent appointment of temporary teachers

Appointment type Type of school Length of service needed Relevant section

Permanent full time or part time (0.2 FTE to 0.8 FTE) substantive teacher vacancy at a 1 transfer point school


3 years

Permanent full time or part time substantive teacher vacancy at a 2 transfer point school


2 years

Permanent full time or part time substantive teacher vacancy at a 4 or 6 transfer point school

4-point or 6-point

1 year

Permanent substantive teacher vacancy at an 8 transfer point rural and remote incentive school or a Connected Communities school

8-point or Connected Communities School*

1 year

Permanent teacher appointment (above establishment) to an 8 point incentive school (including an 8 point Connected Communities school


1 year

Permanent appointment to a substantive school executive (excluding executive principal role)

6 or 8 point rural and remote or Connected Communities school*

1 year

*Note: Executive principals of Connected Communities schools who seek to use this type of local choice method will be required to conduct an interview of the matched candidate/s with the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) panel member and confirm candidate suitability prior to appointment.

Where a permanent full time or part time teacher vacancy arises at a school, and a temporary teacher has been engaged at that school:

  • for the required minimum continuous service period;
  • has a performance and development plan and has been satisfactorily participating in the performance and development cycle; and
  • where the temporary teacher is deemed suitable for appointment to the position.

The principal or their delegate must notify Teacher Recruitment of the proposed appointment of a temporary teacher to a permanent position through OMSEE (staff only). Principals or their delegates must also get the temporary teacher to complete the Change of Employment Type form and return it to them. The form can be accessed via the ‘My Transfer’ section of ESS (staff only). The completed form must be forwarded to Teacher Recruitment.

Such appointment will be subject to the eligibility of the position to be filled by local choice, and the temporary teacher matching the staffing codes required in the permanent full-time or part-time vacancy to meet the educational needs of the school.

Where more than one temporary teacher at the school meets the eligibility requirements, the principal will conduct a candidate assessment process in determining the appointment.

The candidate assessment process will include the following as a minimum:

  • The principal or delegate invites all eligible temporary teachers to submit an application for the position, including a one-page cover letter and a resume of no more than 2 pages.
  • The principal or delegate will
    • review the applications
    • conduct an interview of the applicants
    • assess each applicant against the position requirements
    • determine a recommended candidate for appointment.

Following eligibility confirmation, Teacher Recruitment will notify the principal or their delegate to proceed with a verbal offer to the recommended candidate. Once the recommended candidate notifies their acceptance of offer in writing to Teacher Recruitment they will be appointed to the position.

In 8-point incentive schools, principals and/or executive principals have the option of permanently appointing temporary teachers above establishment (if there is no vacant position at the school) where the temporary teacher has been engaged at that school:

  • for a minimum of 12 months continuous service
  • has a performance and development plan and has satisfactorily participated in the performance and development cycle
  • where the temporary teacher is deemed suitable for appointment to the position.

Enables consideration of the permanent appointment of a teacher who has been undertaking a substantive school executive (excluding executive principal) role in an eligible 6 or 8 point classified school or a Connected Communities school.

This type of local choice method provides incentives for teachers to undertake executive roles on a temporary basis in harder-to-staff rural and remote schools.

Where a permanent school executive vacancy arises at an eligible 6 or 8 point classified school or a Connected Communities school, and the teacher has been acting or relieving in that position:

  • for a minimum of 12 months continuous service
  • has a performance and development plan and has satisfactorily participated in the performance and development cycle relevant to the executive position to which they are to be appointed
  • where the school executive is deemed suitable for appointment to the position; the principal (or director, educational leadership, in the case of a principal position) may elect to permanently appoint the teacher to the substantive vacancy.

Such appointment will be subject to:

  • the eligibility of the position to be filled by local choice
  • the initial temporary acting or relieving arrangement being filled through an open expression of interest (EOI) merit selection process which included an interview, undertaken in accordance with the Merit selection procedure
  • the teacher holding the required academic qualifications for the executive position to which they are to be appointed
  • the director, educational leadership’s (Executive Director School Performance in the case of a principal position) endorsement of the proposed appointment.

Principals or their delegates must notify Teacher Recruitment of proposed appointments of temporary teachers to permanent positions through OMSEE (staff only).

Principals or their delegates must also get the temporary teacher to complete the ‘Change of Employment Type’ form and return it to them. The form can be accessed via the ‘My Transfer’ section of ESS (staff only). The completed form must be forwarded to Teacher Recruitment.

Note: Executive principals of Connected Communities schools who seek to use this type of local choice method will be required to conduct an interview of the teacher with a NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) panel member and confirm the teacher’s suitability prior to appointment.

4. Staffing process

4.1 Filling a centrally identified position on a permanent basis

Submission of position requirements

To fill a vacant centrally identified teacher position on a permanent basis, the principal, director or their delegate must submit the position requirements to School Recruitment and Placement via OMSEE using relevant staffing codes within 4 school weeks of the position becoming vacant.

Staffing codes used in declaring vacancies will be monitored by School Recruitment and Placement.

In the event that a principal does not take any action within 4 school weeks, School Recruitment and Placement will undertake appropriate action and follow up and will ultimately move to recruit and fill the position based on the profile of the position when last filled if no advice is provided.

Table 4 Position requirement codes for vacant positions

Position vacant Position requirement codes
  • a maximum of 4 subject/teaching area codes (or up to 5 subject/teaching area codes by approval in limited circumstances where there is a justifiable need in the school’s timetable for cross-faculty key learning area (KLA) codes and/or specialist codes, such as secondary Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) positions, positions in central schools, and/or positions in special education settings).
  • skills and/or experience codes (note skills and/or experience codes are not utilised for central appointment matching methods [Step 1 or Step 2 of the staffing procedure for filling teacher vacancies on a permanent basis]).


  • position level code
  • areas of responsibility codes (as applicable)
  • subject/teaching area codes (as applicable).


  • position level codes.

Teacher Recruitment will first confirm whether the position is exempt from central appointment, as outlined in section 3.3 Exemption from central appointment. If the vacant position is exempt from central appointment, Teacher Recruitment will advise the principal, director or delegate that they may proceed directly to local choice selection.

Summary tables outlining the recruitment process for each vacancy type will be inserted pending confirmation or prior content.

1. When filling a Connected Communities school position via step 1, step 2 or step 3, top of the list or temporary teacher appointment to permanent status, principals will be required to interview the matched candidate with a NSW AECG panel member to determine suitability prior to appointment.

When filling school counselling positions by open merit, the positions will be advertised in the first instance as school counsellor or senior psychologist education positions.

2. Applications for school counselling positions will be accepted and considered on merit from all candidates who hold:

  • provisional registration as a minimum with the Psychology Board of Australia (for school counsellor/school psychologist positions)
  • general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia (for senior psychologist education positions).

3. For school counselling positions, if the successful applicant for the position is:

  • currently permanently employed by the department as a school counsellor/school psychologist or senior psychologist education there will be no change to their classification in the new appointment
  • an external applicant who has teaching qualifications, will be appointed to the position as a school counsellor or senior psychologist education (as relevant)
  • an external applicant who does not have teaching qualifications, will be appointed to the position as a school psychologist.

4.2 Filling a centrally identified position on a temporary basis

Where a school has been approved to fill a permanent position on a temporary basis as per clause 7 of the Staffing Agreement, the school must:

  • source a temporary teacher from the department’s approved to teach list
  • proceed to secure a temporary teacher and complete the Temporary teacher engagement notice including certification that the position meets the criteria for temporary appointment
  • submit the completed form signed by the principal and temporary teacher to HR Shared Services.

4.3 Filling an above centrally identified position on a permanent basis

To establish and fill an above centrally identified position on a permanent basis, the principal or delegate must:

  • consult with the school community
  • obtain approval from the director, educational leadership
  • submit an application by notifying Teacher Recruitment through OMSEE. In determining the case for a permanent position the principal and director must ensure compliance with section 2.3 Above centrally identified positions in this procedure.

The position will be filled in the same manner as the Step 2: Local choice options process for centrally identified positions described in this procedure.

Where an above establishment executive position is being filled on a permanent basis, the Teacher Recruitment team will confirm that the role description includes general selection criteria relevant to the position level, together with the specific criteria determined by the school.

4.4 Filling an above centrally identified position on a temporary basis

To fill an above centrally identified school vacancy on a temporary basis the principal, director or delegate must:

  • source a temporary teacher from the department’s approved to teach list
  • complete the Temporary teacher engagement notice
  • submit the completed form to HR Shared Services together with teacher details and funding source for the position.

5. Professional development placements

The department supports the professional development of teachers within NSW public schools through local mobility arrangements. The following programs are designed to facilitate the professional development of teachers and executives and are only applicable on the basis of mutual exchange. They do not apply to vacant positions for filling in accordance with this staffing procedure.

5.1 Local transfer scheme

The local transfer scheme provides opportunities for permanent teachers and executive staff to gain new skills, experiences and professional understandings through permanent transfer to another position at the same level in a different school. Teachers and executive staff need to satisfy the eligibility criteria for the position to which they are seeking transfer.

Refer to Why work with us - Teacher promotional positions and transfer for more information about this scheme.

5.2 Rural teacher exchange program

The rural teacher exchange program provides an opportunity for teachers in rural and remote schools to exchange with teachers in other schools for one year at a time. Participating teachers would return to their substantive school at the end of the year. Through this program, teachers in rural and remote schools can experience teaching in a different environment and other teachers are able to consider through direct experience whether teaching in a rural or remote school is a longer-term option for them.

5.3 Teachers’ professional exchange program

The Teachers’ professional exchange program enables permanent teachers and executive staff in NSW Government schools (including permanent part-time teachers and teachers on part-time leave without pay) to gain new skills, experiences and professional understandings by working in a different school setting for a set period of one school year.

Refer to Scholarships and programs for more information.

6. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements

6.1 Appeals

Permanent teachers who apply on merit for a promotion position (more senior than their current position) may appeal against an appointment decision on the grounds that the appointment process was irregular or improper. More information about the appeals process is available in the Merit selection procedure.

Where an applicant for an advertised classroom teacher position (or a promotion position if not currently a permanent teacher) believes there has been an irregular or improper selection process, they may submit their concerns as a complaint to the School Workforce within 10 calendar days of being notified.

6.2 Compliance monitoring and reporting

Compliance with the Staffing Agreement will be monitored by a state level Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC). This committee will comprise representatives of the department and NSW Teacher’s Federation, with equal representation from both parties.

The department's representation will include representative/s from the Public Schools division. The JMRC will be responsible for ensuring that the highest standards of probity, accountability and transparency apply to the staffing of NSW public schools.

The parties will participate in a JMRC forum each term to monitor and resolve compliance matters. Prior to each term's JMRC forum, the department will produce a compliance monitoring report that shows each school's FTE entitlement, permanent FTE establishment, the difference between the two (unfilled entitlement), the difference expressed as a percentage, and FTE positions held in accordance with clause 7 of the Staffing Agreement. The compliance monitoring report will also identify the number of executive positions within this data. This report will be sorted by field executive director locations and will highlight schools for detailed review.

Where the JMRC identifies a school requiring further review, the director, educational leadership will discuss the level of temporary employment with the relevant principal to ascertain reasons and any necessary action to rectify the situation.

The compliance monitoring report will also include data and analysis for the preceding school term, including:

  • executive entitlement changes, specifically head teacher curriculum and non-curriculum trends
  • approved to teach codes which have been used to match against each vacant position filled.

Separate to the JMRC, the following matters will be reported in Term 4 of each year, commencing 2024:

  • the number of positions which having been declared and were unable to be filled through the recruitment provisions outlined in the Staffing Agreement
  • the number of positions filled via each appointment mechanism for the system as a whole and by public schools location.

Record-keeping requirements

Record Classification Disposal action

Records relating to the filling of vacancies. Includes unsuccessful applications for a position or offers of employment which are not accepted. Includes:

  • applications to fill a vacancy
  • advertisements and details of position, duty statements, selection criteria etc.
  • selection committee records and reports
  • applications received
  • associated checks and approvals
  • eligibility lists
  • notifications to unsuccessful applicants
  • records of appeals.

GA28 15.10.1

Retain minimum of 2 years after recruitment finalised, then destroy.

Records documenting the appointment and subsequent employment history (including separation from the organisation) of successful applicants for a position. Includes:

  • job applications and resumes
  • conduct and services checks
  • letters of appointment and acceptance
  • recognition of prior service
  • confidentiality agreement as part of employment
  • code of conduct
  • service records
  • correspondence, reports etc relating to separation.

Note: use this entry for records of training where they relate to occupational health and safety training or where they are required by individual employees as part of employment conditions or to perform their duties.

GA28 15.4.3

Retain minimum of 75 years after date of birth or minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer, then destroy.

Mandatory tools and templates

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

The Executive Director, School Workforce monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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