Technology in schools procedures

Direction and guidance for school staff to safely use information, communication and digital technologies to enable a connected, informed and empowered learning experience and support streamlined administration processes.


All school staff and contractors, consultants, volunteers, and committee members engaged by schools.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by



Procedure updated to delete reference to the Finance in Schools Handbook (FISH) and replaced with reference to the Financial management (schools) procedures.

Executive Director, Digital Learning

Document history

Version Date Description of changes Approved by



Procedure updated to delete references to the decommissioned Education Business System (EBS).

Director, Digital Student Management

V01.0.0 14/03/2024 Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new procedure developed consolidating and clarifying mandatory requirements previously provided through department web pages. Chief Information Officer

About the policy

Term Definition
Asset A physical item that costs $10,000 or more (excluding GST) and/or generates future benefits for a school beyond one year, or software where the value is $50,000 (excluding GST) or more.
Equipment An individual item costing less than $10,000 (excluding GST).


  • manage and approve access to school technology systems for appropriate staff members, ensuring data security and privacy standards are met
  • monitor staff completion of mandatory professional learning modules to upskill and meet department requirements.


  • complete all mandatory MyPL modules to ensure compliance with the department’s data security, privacy, child protection and teaching commitments
  • support student access to technology to enable their participation in learning programs and activities
  • support students to comply with the Student use of mobile phones in schools policy and the Digital devices and online services for students policy and report breaches to school executive
  • promptly report breakages or technical issues with devices or connectivity to the appropriate channel, such as the school’s IT contact or EDConnect, to enable a timely resolution
  • perform technology-related delegated actions.

School administrative and support staff:

  • use department technology systems and the Administration Marketplace Panel for Schools (staff only) management platform to support school operations
  • perform technology-related roles as delegated by principals
  • promptly report breakages or technical issues with devices or connectivity to the appropriate channel, such as the school’s IT contact or EDConnect, to enable a timely resolution
  • manage student enrolment in the Enrolment and Registration Number (ERN) system.

Technology support officers and other contractors:

  • perform roles and responsibilities as provided in their role statements.

What needs to be done

This procedure guides principals and school staff to safely use digital technologies and systems to support student learning and school administration processes.

For advice on managing inappropriate student use of digital devices, online services and mobile phones, refer to:

Principals should manage student behaviour according to the school’s existing behaviour support and management plan and the Student behaviour policy.

For advice on managing inappropriate staff use of digital devices, online services and mobile phones, refer to:

1.Manage student access to technology systems and devices

1.1. Manage passwords and systems

Schools manage student passwords through the Educational Management Utility (EMU). This allows principals or delegates to reset passwords for school students (refer to Manage student passwords).

Web filtering helps provide a safe browsing environment for students and staff. When a student or staff member logs onto the department network, web filtering is automatically activated (refer to Manage web filtering).

Staff wanting to override blocks on YouTube videos will need to complete training on using Restricted Mode YouTube, gain access and review each video before approving it for student use (refer to Access YouTube in restricted mode).

Principals or delegates:

  • use the Manage Staff Access (MSA) portal application to approve staff requests for system access
  • use the Manage Staff Access (MSA) portal application to grant bulk access for certain tools to certain people (refer to the Access management experience web page for instructions)
  • approve requests to suspend student internet and email access, if required.

Staff should:

  • use the department’s web filtering tool to check whether the websites they want to use are not blocked for student use
  • request to unblock and block websites as needed by logging an online query through EDConnect onlineExternal link or by calling 1300 32 32 32.

Kindergarten to Year 10 students have access to YouTube in restricted mode, to support their learning. This means they can only view those videos that YouTube considers child friendly.

Principals can nominate staff at their school to be approvers to override blocks on desired YouTube educational videos.

Nominated staff who wish to manage the availability of blocked videos for students must:

  • complete the MyPL (staff only) course on YouTube Restricted Mode implementation
  • request access to YouTube through the Manage My Access (MMA) application in the staff portal
  • review each video before approving it for student use. Once a video is approved for viewing in restricted mode, it can be viewed by any student in any school.

Refer to the web page, YouTube Restricted Mode for more guidance.

1.2 Ensure access to devices and systems is equitable

Schools may loan students devices for learning at home. This helps students who do not have a computer or the internet at home (refer to Loan and manage department devices for students).

Schools must ensure that chosen technology services meet accessibility compliance requirements (refer to Ensure technology services are accessible for students).

Principals and delegates approve the loan of digital devices to students.

Teachers and administrative staff:

  • help students borrow school digital devices for home learning
  • ensure students know their department password and how to reset it through the student portal
  • support students to use systems such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams (refer to the Technology 4 Schools teaching support web pages on Google ClassroomExternal link and Microsoft TeamsExternal link), iPads or other school learning management solutions.

Some students require reasonable adjustments to their learning and support needs under the Disability Standards for Education 2005. A disability may include a medical condition impacting a student.

Schools must ensure that chosen technology services are accessible for students and are compliant with accessibility requirements. This includes:

  • content (such as documents or e-books)
  • platforms (such as mobile or social media)
  • services
  • devices and applications
  • any telecommunications or video conferencing.

For some students with disability, supplementary equipment and/or technology support is an essential component for facilitating learning, enabling their access to and participation in the Preschool to Year 12 curriculum and supporting progress towards their educational goals. The department’s Student Wellbeing Support directorate has an existing process, as outlined below, to facilitate access to technology for students with disability.

Where a student requires additional technology support or equipment not listed in the Technology 4 LearningExternal link (T4L) web page, or on the Standard devices for schools web page, principals or delegates must:

  • identify the need for specific technology or equipment to facilitate learning and enable student access to and participation in the curriculum
  • ensure the identified need is supported with a specialist report, for example speech pathologists, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or other specialist health providers
  • contact the local learning and wellbeing officer (through the School support contacts web page) to access the Support Technology and Equipment Program (STEP) request form.

The local learning and wellbeing officer can provide further information on the STEP process and eligibility of students.

2. Manage staff access to department systems and data security

Staff and principals can manage staff access to department systems through:

  • the Manage My Access (MMA) and Manage Staff Access (MSA) mobile-enabled applications (refer to Manage My Access and Manage Staff Access to department systems below)
  • the Staff Management Utility (SMU) and Access Management Utility (AMU) (refer to Manage staff passwords and user details).

All staff are required to:

  • take appropriate steps when leaving the department to ensure department technology standards are met.
  • maintain security of the department’s systems and data, and report data breaches (or suspected data breaches) immediately (refer to Ensure data is secure and report breaches).

Staff can use two applications to apply for and receive access to department systems:

  • teachers and administrative staff can use Manage My Access (MMA) to submit access requests
  • principals or delegates can use Manage Staff Access (MSA) to approve appropriate staff access requests.

Refer to the Access management experience web page for further information and user guides.

The Staff Management Utility (SMU) contains sensitive personal information about staff. It allows staff to access staff details such as user ID, location and contact details. As SMU contains personal details for each staff member such as date of birth and their home address, principals or delegates should limit the school’s SMU authorisers.

Principals have the authority to:

  • reset staff passwords
  • add or remove casual staff at their school
  • grant user access to staff, using the Manage Staff Access (MSA) application
  • delegate authoriser access level to others, such as a deputy principal, using the Access Management Utility (AMU).

The Enrolment and Registration Number (ERN) system is a web-based, central database that manages the student enrolment processes and is accessed through the staff portal.

To manage student enrolment in ERN, principals:

All staff must take steps to ensure the department’s systems and data are secure. This includes:

  • completing mandatory MyPL (staff only) training modules on data security and privacy, including the reporting data breaches training module for all staff, and managing data breaches module for principals
  • taking the prescribed actions if their account has been compromised, please refer to the Information security policy and procedures for the required actions
  • ensuring their mailbox is protected by following the guides on the web page, I am cyber safe, particularly about password hygiene
  • deleting phishing emails, which may expose the department’s system to viruses and other damaging applications
  • only using core and approved applications to store student and staff data.

Most data breaches are caused by human error, such as sharing personal or confidential information to unauthorised parties.

All staff must report data breaches (or suspected data breaches) involving personal or confidential information immediately and undertake the following actions:

Staff who receive phishing emails must:

  • forward the email to and then delete it
  • not click on any links, attachments or reply to the email.

3. Manage hardware, software and devices

3.1 Purchase and manage hardware and devices

Principals and their delegates, such as teachers and administrative staff, are responsible for:

  • managing, replacing and ensuring device security (refer to Purchase hardware and devices)
  • keeping records on assets and equipment purchased or given to the school (refer to Keep records of devices and hardware in SAP)
  • undertaking stocktakes of assets and equipment registered in SAP (refer to Undertake stocktakes of assets and equipment)
  • managing printers, digital devices, T4L managed devices and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) kits (refer to Manage printers, digital devices, managed devices and STEM kits).

Principals or delegates:

  • select a device from the list of available Standard devices for schools
  • make a purchase order in EdBuyExternal link in compliance with department’s Procurement policy (refer to the resource page for EdBuy for support and training)
  • consult with their Digital Field Services support team before purchasing any technology that is not on EdBuy to ensure compatibility with department systems
  • ensure that major items of equipment, such as computers, are not purchased for resale to students
  • contact EDConnect to request a warranty service, if required
  • contact the vendor to assess accidental damage and receive a quote
  • arrange a redistribution of any unused department-allocated devices for students in need by emailing

Where schools wish to purchase hardware or devices that are not available under existing contracts (refer to the web page, Check for an existing contract or scheme) and on EdBuyExternal link, schools must complete an Alternate Supplier Request form (PDF 214 KB) through Service Now.External link.

Teachers and administrative staff are responsible for recording and storing data, such as make, model and serial numbers of devices.

Principals and delegates must:

  • update the equipment register immediately when purchasing or receiving equipment
  • record the value and acquisition date for each item in the register
  • clearly mark assets and equipment as property of the school by attaching a barcode showing the register ID, before an item is distributed for use in the school
  • authorise and record any loans of equipment in the register. The record needs to show the signature of the borrower and the principal.

Refer to Section 6 Assets and equipment of the Financial management (schools) procedures for the mandatory requirements covering recordkeeping of assets and equipment.

Each year, EDConnect will direct all schools that have assets registered in SAP, to perform an asset stocktake and provide the results to EDConnect.

Every 2 years, principals and delegates are required to complete a stocktake of equipment. Refer to the Perform an equipment stocktake – QRG for step-by-step instructions.

Action Direction Resources
Set up and manage printers

Principals and delegates should:

  • provision the required access in the Asset Management Utility (AMU) to allow printer set up
  • log an EDConnect ticket to request assistance with print installation and management from the local Digital Field Support team.
Refer to the set up guide: Printer management for detailed instructions.
Set up Technology for Learning (T4L) managed devices

Principals and delegates should:

  • access the simple, self-service setup and enrolment process (on the Technology 4 LearningExternal link web page), available through the Information Technology directorate, for all managed devices supplied via EdBuy or department rollouts. This includes Windows, Chromebooks, Apple iPads and Macs. It provides a consistent, streamlined and supported user experience for staff and students.
Principals and delegates may prepare their devices to be managed by the departmentExternal link.
Borrow STEM kits

Principals and delegates can:

  • borrow a stem.T4L kitExternal link for an entire term or semester. Each kit includes a range of digital learning tools that support the teaching of STEM.
Principals and approved delegates book the kits through the stem.T4L websiteExternal link.

3.2 Recycle and dispose of devices and hardware

Principals are required to:

  • be environmentally responsible when recycling devices
  • keep records of disposed or deactivated equipment, as well as ensuring memory and data is correctly wiped.

Principals should choose an approved ewaste provider (PDF 104 KB)External link to recycle obsolete equipment (for example, interactive whiteboards, projectors, computer devices and printers).

Principals can find more information on the T4L Computer Equipment RolloutExternal link web page, on a recycling service offered by computer vendors. The contracted suppliers will take devices back on a one-for-one exchange.

Other options for recycling e-waste include:

  • using a waste management contract through the NSW Government’s buy NSWExternal link
  • using a local community recycling centre.

Contact EDConnect for further information on 1300 32 32 32.

Disposing of equipment and deactivating assets

After a piece of equipment is no longer needed or being used (for example, donated to charity, destroyed, written off or stolen) or is sold (outright sale or sale with trade-in), principals and delegates must:

  • record the deactivation of equipment in the SAP equipment record
  • for equipment with memory or data storage, such as computers, tablets, phones, cameras, audio or video recorders, hard drives, securely wipe the memory or data before disposing of the item. For assistance with wiping memory or data, refer to the Selecting and managing hardware web page, which provides more details on equipment disposal and recycling.

For further information, refer to:

3.3 Purchase and manage software

Schools can use the following applications for students, without needing parental consent:

Staff and students may access core or approved applications and software, to use on various devices and locations, including when working at home.

The department’s preferred virtual meeting tools are Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.

Parental consent is required for students to use all applications that are not department provided or approved. Refer to:

To help decide whether to engage third-party IT providers, principals can use the decision tree tool, Working with third party providers of information technology (PDF 476 KB).

Principals, delegates and staff should consult with their local Digital Field Services team before making any purchases. Software and web platforms not in the core or approved application list are not guaranteed to work with department systems.

3.4 Manage Wi-Fi, internet and device connection

The department’s Wi-Fi network requires a username and password to connect. Each staff member or student uses their own user account credentials to join the DETNSW Wi-Fi. For kiosk or shared devices, each school also has its own Wi-Fi service account. Principals and delegates can obtain the Wi-Fi service account username and password if required from EDConnect.

3.5 NAPLAN online assessment technical requirement

The national assessment platform used for the NAPLAN assessments can only be accessed using a locked down browser. It is available for Windows, Mac, iPads and Chromebooks.

Principals ensure:

Principals may call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 (Option 5) for further assistance.

3.6 Managing virtual school events

Like all school events, principals should set out clear guidelines and expectations with staff, students and parents for any virtual school event.

Principals must:

  • follow the department’s Live streaming guide when running virtual livestream events
  • ensure that parental consent is specifically given for the student to participate in the school event on a particular date
  • ensure that parental consent is obtained for the student’s photograph and video/audio recording to be published in school or department publications and websites, including social media, external print media and electronic outlets
  • ensure that any adult appearing in the virtual event has given written permission beforehand.

Refer to the department’s web page on Permissions on the Virtual event toolkit web page, for more information.

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

Office of the Chief Information Officer, Information Technology directorate

The Chief Information Officer monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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