Professional learning for teachers and school staff
Direction and guidance on supporting educational leaders to plan, implement and evaluate the impact of evidence-informed professional learning in pursuit of equity and school excellence.
All NSW public school staff and non-school based teaching service staff.
Version | Date | Description of changes | Approved by |
V01.0.0 | 14/05/2024 | Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document with consolidated instructions previously provided in the Professional Learning for Teachers and School Staff policy. | Executive Director, Teaching Quality and Impact |
About the policy
These procedures relate to the School excellence policy.
Term | Definition |
High Impact Professional Learning (HIPL) model |
An evidence-informed model that describes the requirements for an effective cycle of continuous professional learning focused on strengthening leadership and teaching practice to support student growth and performance. |
Principles for building capability |
Describe the requirements for an effective cycle of continuous professional learning that is focused on building the operational and compliance-based capability of all staff. |
Professional learning |
Adult learning to continually enhance the capabilities of a skilled, effective and professional workforce, directly impacting student learning and overall school and system improvement. |
School Based Allocation Report (SBAR) |
The funding provided through the School Budget Allocation Report (SBAR) is a critical resource that directly impacts improved student growth and performance in NSW Public Schools. SBAR funding supports the delivery of the strategic directions and improvement measures identified in the school’s School Excellence Plan. |
- lead school-wide, evidence-informed professional learning that strengthens staff performance and development, impacting positively on student growth and performance, operational excellence and school-wide support of the plan for NSW Public Education
- commit to their own professional development and engage in professional learning alongside teachers and school staff
- strategically allocate annual School Budget Allocation Report (SBAR) funding, to engage all staff in a cycle of continuous professional learning aimed at achieving equity, aligned with school improvement measures in the School Excellence Plan
- implement the Performance and Development Framework for Principals, Executive and Teachers in NSW Public Schools (PDF 612 KB) and the Performance management and development policy
- collaborate with school leadership teams, teachers, non-teaching school staff and educational support staff to plan relevant professional learning opportunities that support the performance and development goals of all staff
- lead professional learning that contributes to ongoing student growth and performance (informed by the High Impact Professional Learning model), school-wide improvement and operational excellence (informed by the Principles for building capability)
- foster a culture of evaluative thinking to consider the impact of professional learning on student growth and performance and how this contributes to the achievement of school improvement measures in the School Excellence Plan
- ensure that professional learning opportunities are accessible and inclusive of staff with a disability and staff from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
All school staff and non-school based teaching service (NSBTS) staff:
- participate in a cycle of continuous professional learning that contributes to ongoing student growth and performance (informed by the High Impact Professional Learning model), school-wide improvement and operational excellence (informed by the Principles for building capability)
- engage in professional learning aligned with the Performance and Development Framework for Principals, Executive and Teachers in NSW Public Schools and the Performance management and development policy
- engage in high-quality professional learning to continually strengthen practice and drive equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences for all students, aligned with identified school improvement measures in the School Excellence Plan
- evaluate the impact of professional learning activities to identify and systematically promote and implement the most effective strategies to improve teaching and learning and operational excellence
- complete relevant mandatory training to comply with legislative, department and school requirements, ensuring the safety and optimal functioning of the school
- participate in professional learning to fulfil their requirements when gaining or maintaining accreditation at the relevant career stage.
Directors, Educational Leadership:
- support principals to use school and system data to embed evidence-informed professional learning in the School Excellence Plan and allocate resources that support the identified growth and performance needs of students
- support the establishment or continuing development of highly effective professional learning practices in and across schools
- engage in regular professional conversations with the principal regarding the principal’s own professional learning and the professional learning of their staff, the evaluation of its impact and the most effective strategies to improve teaching and learning.
Executive Directors, Public Schools:
- monitor, support and guide the implementation and evaluation of highly effective professional learning practice aligned to this procedure to support school excellence across school networks.
Education Support executive:
- ensure teams design, develop, deliver and evaluate professional learning that supports implementation of the High Impact Professional Learning model and the Principles for building capability in schools, and is aligned with the plan for NSW Public Education
- ensure that non-school based teaching service staff engage in high-quality professional learning practices aligned to their role, this procedure and the priorities of the department
- collaborate with team leaders and educational support staff to plan relevant professional learning opportunities that support non-school based teaching service staff performance and development goals
- collaborate with relevant education support teams to ensure professional learning is coherent, accessible and builds the capability of school leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff in evidence-informed practice.
Director, Quality Teaching Practice:
- delivers, evaluates and improves professional learning procedures and supporting resources to ensure optimal outcomes for students and teachers
- provides advice, support, and guidance for schools in implementing this procedure.
What needs to be done
1. Establish a culture of continuous professional learning
Professional learning is a key enabler across the Learning, Teaching and Leading domains in the department’s School Excellence Framework.
This procedure guides all staff in NSW public schools to participate in a cycle of continuous professional learning that contributes to ongoing student growth and performance (informed by the High Impact Professional Learning model) and school-wide improvement and operational excellence (informed by the Principles for building capability).
2. Apply the High Impact Professional Learning model
The High Impact Professional Learning (HIPL) model:
- applies when professional learning is used to strengthen teaching practice
- focuses on improved student growth and performance
- applies to teaching and non-teaching staff with roles inside the classroom.
The HIPL model includes 5 elements, as outlined in Table 1.
Table 1 Elements of high impact professional learning
HIPL Element 1 Professional learning is driven by identified student needs |
Professional learning is designed to meet student needs, identified through analysis of current system, school and classroom data about growth and performance. |
HIPL Element 2 School leadership teams enable professional learning |
Leaders create the culture and structures, including supporting resources, that build a cycle of professional learning; an inclusive environment that enables learning and growth in every teacher in which new learning is applied to teaching practice. |
HIPL Element 3 Collaborative and applied professional learning strengthens teaching practice |
Teachers work together, propelled and critically challenged by expert input, to learn, shape and strengthen teaching practice for ongoing growth and performance. |
HIPL Element 4 Professional learning is continuous and coherent |
Effective professional learning is aligned to system, school and individual performance and development goals. It supports teachers and school leaders to deepen their practice by focusing on sustained evidence-informed approaches. |
HIPL Element 5 Teachers and school leaders are responsible for the impact of professional learning on student growth and performance |
Teachers and school leaders evaluate how adjustments in their practice, following professional learning, impact on student growth and performance, regularly recalibrating and refining to ensure ongoing growth and performance for students. |
3. Apply the Principles for building capability
These Principles for building capability:
- apply when professional learning is used to build operational and compliance-based capability
- focus on school-wide improvement and operational excellence
- apply to all teaching and non-teaching staff.
The Principles for building capability include the 4 principles outlined in Table 2.
Table 2 Principles for building capability
Principle 1 Professional learning is driven by the needs of the role |
Professional learning is directly relevant to the daily work requirements of staff and enables them to develop capabilities and skills to facilitate effective processes and systems in schools. |
Principle 2 Leadership teams enable professional learning |
Principals and leaders provide a shared vision for all staff to develop and/or enhance existing capabilities that can have a significant impact on a team and/or school. |
Principle 3 Staff are supported to apply professional learning in practice |
Principals and leaders provide support to help staff apply professional learning directly to work tasks to address the challenges faced in the everyday functions of the role. |
Principle 4 The outcomes of professional learning are evaluated |
Staff evaluate how professional learning has contributed to their individual growth and the impact on their work, including their overall capability to contribute to their team or school. |
Supporting tools, resources and related information
- Implementation tools and resources – High Impact Professional Learning website
- Support to evaluate and refine school-wide professional learning practice – School professional learning self-assessment tool
- Resources to support professional learning practice in schools
- Resources to Support Professional Learning for School leaders – School Leadership Institute resources
- Advice to support School Excellence in Action – Enhancing teacher capabilities website
- Advice to support school budgeting – Professional learning initiatives funding
- Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (PDF 1.10MB)External link
- Australian Professional Standards for Principals and the Leadership Profiles (AITSL) (PDF 1.75 MB)External link
- Beginning Teachers Support Funding policy
- Your mandatory training catalogue
- NSW Public Sector Capability FrameworkExternal link
- Performance Management and Development policy
- Performance and Development Framework for Principals, Executives and Teachers in NSW Public Schools (PDF 613KB)
- School leadership policy
Policy contact
The Director, Quality Teaching Practice monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.