Beginning teachers support funding

Direction and guidance on providing funding to schools to support the induction and professional development of eligible beginning teachers.


Beginning permanent and temporary teachers, supervisors, principals, school executive, and relevant departmental staff (Directors, Educational Leadership and School Workforce directorate).

    Version Date Description of changes Approved by
    V02.0.0 09/04/2024 Updated under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, including conversion to the new template and moving details of requirements and actions to the Beginning Teacher Support Funding procedures. Executive Director, School Workforce

    Document history

    2021 Oct 11 - updated the policy statement to specify that School Workforce directorate is responsible for transferring any remaining funding when a permanent teacher moves to another school or a temporary teacher ceases. Previously the school was responsible for transferring funds.

    2020 May 21 - updated contact details.

    2020 May 14 - updated contact details and changed wording in Section 4.2.

    2018 Oct - made minor changes to contact details and text at 3.3 and 3.8 updated payment information with generic advice to accommodate unforeseeable changes to payment frequency.

    2017 - made changes to payment method, pro-rata and eligibility requirements

    2016 Nov 22 - published V4 and changed the eligibility requirements to include funding extended to eligible temporary teachers.

    2016 Apr 26 - published V3 and changed the eligibility requirements to include:

    • This policy does not apply to those teachers who do not require accreditation, or who have already gained Proficient Teacher accreditation at their date of entering on duty.
    • This policy applies to NSW public school teachers appointed from Term 2, 2016 as permanent beginning teachers, pursuant to Section 48 of the Teaching Service Act 1980, who are either conditionally accredited or provisionally accredited at their date of entering on duty from day 1, Term 2, 2016.

    2015 Feb 02 - published V2 and included increased funding support

    2007 Jan 31 - published V1

    Superseded documents

    Beginning Teachers Support Policy 2007
    Beginning Teachers Resource Allocation Procedures 2007
    Beginning Teachers Support Funding Policy 2014
    Beginning Teachers Support Funding Procedures 2014
    Beginning Teachers Support Funding Policy 2016
    Beginning Teachers Support Funding Procedures 2016

    1. Policy statement
      1. The department is committed to maintaining a skilled and competent workforce by providing funding to schools to support beginning teachers’ induction and professional development as a key strategy to assist new teachers entering the profession.
      2. Principals of schools receiving funds for beginning teachers are accountable for their use.
      3. Funding is provided to support eligible permanent beginning teachers in the first 2 years of their first permanent appointment and first-year funding for temporary teachers in their first consecutive 4-term, full-time temporary engagement to a NSW public school.
    2. Context
      1. Beginning Teacher Support Funding is provided to schools to support the beginning teacher's induction and professional development, guided by the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
      2. The Beginning teacher support funding procedures support this policy.
    3. Policy contact
      1. Manager, New Teachers and Programs, School Workforce directorate
        02 7814 3820
    4. Monitoring the policy
      1. The Executive Director, School Workforce monitors the implementation of this policy, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.
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