Early Childhood Teaching Scholarships Program – Information for 2023-2024 scholarship recipients

This page provides important information for scholarship recipients, including payments and documents you must provide.

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Scholarship overview

A scholarship is financial assistance provided to eligible scholars to support their education and to reduce the financial burden of study. It is not a direct reimbursement of tuition fees.

Scholarships available for eligible applicants to complete an early childhood teaching (ECT) qualification are:

  • up to $25,000 to complete a Bachelor level or Master level ECT qualification

  • up to $15,000 to complete a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma level ECT qualification.

The amount each scholar receives will vary, based on recognised prior learning, ongoing eligibility and the completion of units.

Payment overview

As a 2023-2024 ECT scholarship holder, you will receive:

  • an initial payment of $1,000 once you have proved enrolment in an eligible ECT qualification, past the census date after 9 October 2023

  • milestone payments based on completion of units

  • up to 2 additional payments of $2,500 each (maximum total of $5,000) for scholars completing a practical unit as part of their qualification.

Your individual payment amounts will be determined from the information you provide to the department. These amounts are calculated based on your circumstances on 9 October 2023.

If you have completed any units, including practical units prior to 9 October 2023, they will not be considered part of your scholarship and will not be eligible for payment.

Receiving your initial payment

To receive your initial payment, the department will request that you provide the following documents. These must be submitted through the SmartyGrants portal and cannot be accepted via email:

  • your completed and signed Deed of Agreement

  • a completed Electronic Funds Transfer Form (EFT form)

  • proof of enrolment in an eligible ECT qualification, past the census date in the study session after 9 October 2023.

The department will then assess the documentation and calculate your milestone payments based on the number of units required to complete your degree. A summary of this outcome, referred to as a Funding Notice, will be provided to scholars.

To ensure payment approval, please submit all documentation through SmartyGrants by the due dates for each payment round, scheduled in February, July and November of each year of study.

The department will notify you by email of the opening and closing dates for each payment round.

Receiving your milestone payments

The department will request proof that you have completed the required number of credits to reach a milestone payment.

Documentation must be submitted through SmartyGrants and will not be accepted by email. The quick reference guide below will help you to navigate the SmartyGrants portal.

Please refer to your Funding Notice for an individualised schedule of your milestone payments.

To receive a payment, valid documentation must be submitted by the due dates for each payment round, scheduled in February, July and November of each year of study. If you have not reached a milestone, you do not need to submit any documents for that month.

After submitting the correct documents, you can expect to receive your payment once assessment is complete. The department will make payments according to the schedule outlined below.

Milestone payments, where applicable, will be paid first to scholars who have provided eligible documentation. Due to the volume of payments, scholars who have not provided the correct documentation must re-submit at the next payment round.

Given the high volume of payment requests for assessment, scholars can expect payment by late October.

Recognised Prior Learning or subjects that were completed before 9 October 2023 will not receive a payment.

Two examples of payment structures are outlined below for illustrative purposes. Your personal payment structure will be outlined in your Funding Notice.

Example 1: Based on the maximium award for a Bachelor or Master level ECT qualificication
University Degree Total credit points Credits per milestone
Charles Sturt University Bachelor of Education (Birth to Five Years) 256
  1. 32 / 12.5%
  2. 64 / 25%
  3. 96 / 37.5%
  4. 128 / 50%
  5. 160 / 62.5%
  6. 192 / 75%
  7. 224 / 87.5%
  8. 256 / 100%
University of New England

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching), (Early Childhood and Primary), (Early Childhood Education and Care)


  1. 24 / 12.5%
  2. 48 / 25%
  3. 72 / 37.5%
  4. 96 / 50%
  5. 120 / 62.5%
  6. 144 / 75%
  7. 168 / 87.5%
  8. 192 / 100%

Swinburne University of Technology

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching), (Early Childhood and Primary)


  1. 50 / 12.5%
  2. 100 / 25%
  3. 150 / 37.5%
  4. 200 / 50%
  5. 250 / 62.5%
  6. 300 / 75%
  7. 350 / 87.5%
  8. 400 / 100%


Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care)


  1. 40 / 12.5%
  2. 80 / 25%
  3. 120 / 37.5%
  4. 160 / 50%
  5. 200 / 62.5%
  6. 240 / 75%
  7. 280 / 87.5%
  8. 320 / 100%

Charles Sturt University

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)


  1. 37 / 12.5%
  2. 74 / 25%
  3. 111 / 37.5%
  4. 148 / 50%
  5. 185 / 62.5%
  6. 222 / 75%
  7. 259 / 87.5%
  8. 296 / 100%

Curtin University

Master Teaching


  1. 100 / 25%
  2. 200 /50%
  3. 300 / 75%
  4. 400 / 100%

University of Western Sydney

Master Teaching (Birth – 5 Years/Birth – 12 Years)


  1. 50 / 25%
  2. 100 / 50%
  3. 150 / 75%
  4. 200 / 100%

University of Western Sydney

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)


  1. 40 / 12.5%
  2. 80 / 25%
  3. 120 / 37.5%
  4. 160 / 50%
  5. 200 / 62.5%
  6. 240 / 75%
  7. 280 / 87.5%
  8. 320 / 100%

University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Education (The Early Years)


  1. 24 / 12.5%
  2. 48 / 25%
  3. 72 / 37.5%
  4. 96 / 50%
  5. 120 / 62.5%
  6. 144 / 75%
  7. 168 / 87.5%
  8. 192 / 100%

University of Sydney

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)


  1. 24 / 25%
  2. 48 / 50%
  3. 72 / 75%
  4. 96 / 100%

Macquarie University

Master of Teaching (Birth to Five Years)


  1. 40 / 25%
  2. 80 / 50%
  3. 120 / 75%
  4. 160 / 100%

Example 2: Based on the maximum award for a graduate certificate or Graduate Diploma level ECT qualification
University Degree Total credit points Credits per milestone

Southern Cross University

Graduate Certificate in Education (Early Childhood)


  1. 12 / 25%
  2. 24 / 50%
  3. 36 / 75%
  4. 48 / 100%

Macquarie University

Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood


  1. 10 / 25%
  2. 20 / 50%
  3. 30 / 75%
  4. 40 / 100%

Southern Cross University

Graduate Diploma of Education (Early Childhood)


  1. 24 / 25%
  2. 48 / 50%
  3. 72 / 75%
  4. 96 / 100%

Swinburne University of Technology

Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching


  1. 25 / 25%
  2. 50 / 50%
  3. 75 / 75%
  4. 100 / 100%


SmartyGrants is a streamlined platform for completing grant applications online.

For a comprehensive guide, visit the Help Guide for Applicants (smartygrants.com.au)

For FAQs, visit Applicant FAQ's (smartygrants.com.au)

Uploading documents to SmartyGrants

You will need to upload the correct documents in SmartyGrants when prompted by the department to receive payments. We do not accept documentation via email.

Most of this information can be found in an unofficial transcript in your university or TAFE’s online student portal. You do not need to pay for a transcript.

Before you submit a payment request, check your documents have all the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. University or TAFE name
  3. Document date
  4. Degree name or code
  5. When the subjects were completed and session
  6. All subject codes
  7. All subject credit points
  8. All subject results
  9. Completion and enrolment status

The department only requires an official transcript upon completion of your degree.

Due to the high volume of payments, scholars who have not submitted correct documentation must re-submit it during the next scheduled payment round.

SmartyGrants user experience guide

  1. View the application form through and use the navigation panel to move through its pages.
  2. Log in or create a free account to save your progress.
  3. Fill out the application form, ensuring you save your progress every 10-15 minutes.
  4. Review once completed and address any highlighted areas.
  5. Once submitted, you will recieve on-screen and email confirmation of your submission.

When attaching files, please consider the following.

  • Allow time for file uploads to complete, navigating away may cancel the upload.
  • Files should be under 25 megabytes in size. We recomment 5 megabytes for faster processing.
  • Ensure files are named clearly.
  • Ensure you are using a supported file type.

Census date

The census date is the last day students may withdraw from subjects and courses without paying tuition fees. Census dates vary depending on where you are studying, so ensure you check your university or education provider’s website for the correct date.

Here are examples of census date links from several universities and TAFE. You can find a similar page for on your own education provider’s website.

University University website

Charles Sturt University

Important dates

University of New England

Principal dates

Southern Cross University

Key dates

University of Wollongong

Key dates


Academic calendar

Scholarship examples

Examples listed below may help you better understand the structure of the scholarship.

Example 1 - Michelle

Michelle is a scholar who has not started their bachelor’s degree, has no Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), and will be studying 2 practical units. Michelle will receive:

  • an initial payment of $1,000, upon proof of enrolment past the census date
  • 8 lots of 12.5% milestone payment adding up to $19,000
  • 2 lots of practical unit payments adding up to $5,000.

Payment # Description Amount/percentage received ($/%) Amount


Initial payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Practical unit support payment 1




Practical unit support payment 2





Example 2 - Kamal

Kamal is a scholar who has completed 30% of their degree before the award of their scholarship. Kamal will receive:

  • an initial payment of $1,000, upon proof of enrolment into subjects past the census date

  • 7.5% of payment 4 (37.5% minus 30% (completed) = 7.5% remaining in milestone 4) – the scholar is not eligible for milestone payments 2 and 3

  • the remaining 5 lots of 12.5% milestone payments

  • 2 lots of practical unit payments adding up to $5,000.

Payment # Description Amount/percentage received ($/%) Amount


Initial payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Practical unit support payment 1




Practical unit support payment 2





Example 3 - Muhammad

Muhammad is a scholar who has not started their graduate certificate degree, has no Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), and will be studying 2 practical units. Muhammad will receive:

  • an initial payment of $1,000, upon proof of enrolment past the census date

  • 4 lots of 5% milestone payment adding up to $9,000

  • 2 lots of practical unit payments adding up to $5,000.

Payment # Description Amount/percentage received ($/%) Amount


Initial payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Practical unit support payment 1




Practical unit support payment 2





Example 4 - Peter

Peter is a scholar who has completed 30 credits before the semester starting after the award of their scholarship. Peter will receive:

  • an initial payment of $1,000, upon proof of enrolment into subjects past the census date

  • 20% of payment 4 (50% minus 30% (completed) = 20% remaining in milestone 3) – the scholar is not eligible for milestone payments 2

  • the remaining 2 lots of 25% milestone payments

  • 2 lots of practical unit payments adding up to $5,000.

Payment # Description Amount/percentage received ($/%) Amount


Initial payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Milestone payment




Practical unit support payment 1




Practical unit support payment 2





Glossary of terms

Scholarship – A scholarship is financial assistance provided to eligible scholars to support their education and to reduce the financial burden of study. It is not a direct reimbursement of tuition fees. Eligible scholars are those who intend to be or who are employed in eligible NSW early childhood education and care services, including centre-based preschool, mobile preschool, long day care or family day care.

Scholarships ID – Your Scholarship ID is used in tracking applications, payments, and compliance. It is usually 13 digits long and looks like 2023SCHOLXXXX. This ID is generated when you apply for your scholarship through SmartyGrants and can be found on your scholarship outcome email. It is important to reference this ID for all communications related to the scholarship.

Scholarship award – The is total amount of funding the scholar has been awarded. This is calculated individually for each scholar in most programs.

Qualification – Recipients will pursue an Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) qualification recognised by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and listed among approved qualifications. Recipients must not possess a current ECT qualification recognised by ACECQA.

These qualifications are available through universities or other vocational education and training providers, such as TAFE.

Milestone payment – A milestone payment is an instalment of the scholarship award and is paid based on completion of units of study. Scholars must meet credit point requirements and provide proof of completion, such as university transcripts, to qualify for the next milestone payment.

Funding Notice – Written notice specifying the amount and details of financial assistance to be provided to the Scholarship Holder under the scholarship program.

Practical unit support payment – These payments support scholars for their practical units, when the financial burden of study may be higher. Practical units are integral hands-on learning opportunities that take place in services, and may also be known as Professional Placements, Practical Sessions, or Practical Experiences.

Official transcript – An official transcript is a document issued by your university or TAFE that details your academic history, including courses, grades and degrees earned.

Unofficial transcript – An unofficial transcript is a student's academic record that is accessed online by the student. It may not have the official seal or signature of the institution. It is often accessible online through the student portal of their university or education provider.

SmartyGrants – SmartyGrants is an online platform for submitting scholarship applications and tracking progress. It allows scholars to submit applications and upload documents. Compliance with SmartyGrants procedures is essential for meeting application requirements.

DocuSign – DocuSign is an online platform where you can securely upload, sign and return documents digitally.

Census date – The date the scholarship holder’s enrolment is finalised by the higher education provider, and they become academically and financially accountable for the unit of study.

ACECQA – Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority, responsible for ensuring the quality and standards of early childhood education and care.

Frequently asked questions

These FAQs should provide clarity and guidance on various aspects of the ECT Scholarship Program. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out to the ECEC Scholarships Team.

What is the ECT Scholarship Program?

The ECT Scholarship Program provides financial support to individuals pursuing Early Childhood Teaching qualifications (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma) recognised by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

How much funding is available through the ECT Scholarship Program?

Up to $25,000 is available for Bachelor or Master level qualifications, and up to $15,000 for Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma level qualifications. Scholars are assessed on an individual basis and funding amounts are determined by several factors including units completed and recognised prior learning prior to 9 October 2023, being the opening date for this scholarship program. Your individual funding amount will be provided to you in your Funding Notice after all your required documentation is provided and assessed.

How are payments distributed under the ECT Scholarship Program?

Payments are made in instalments, including an initial payment upon proof of enrolment past census date, milestone payments based on completion of units, and practical unit support payments where applicable. Payment request rounds are open for submission in February, July and November each year. Scholars will receive notification via email when payment request rounds open, along with instructions to submit documentation via SmartyGrants.

What are milestone payments, and how do they work?

Milestone payments are payments made upon successful completion of specific credit point milestones in your qualification. The number and timing of these payments will depend on your course and circumstances. Please see your individual Funding Notice for further details on your milestone payment structure.

Will I automatically receive a milestone payment?

No, payment request rounds open three times a year, in February, July and November. Scholars will be notified when a payment request round opens. Scholars who have reached specific credit point milestones must upload their required documents in SmartyGrants. Once the payment request round closes, documents will be assessed, and eligible scholars will receive payment notifications.

What are practical unit support payments, and how do they work?

Two practical unit support payments of $2,500 are available to 2023-24 ECT Scholarships ONLY to support scholars completing practical units as part of their qualification. To be an eligible practical unit for payment it must occur after 9 October 2023.

Scholars can request these payments through the SmartyGrants portal during the payment request periods in February, July and November, or with their initial payment request during onboarding.

What happens if I fail or withdraw from a unit of study?

Failing or withdrawing from a unit may impact your eligibility for milestone payments related to that unit. Scholars cannot receive 2 practical unit support payments for the same unit, even if the scholar discontinues or does not complete the unit successfully. Please check the Scholarship Deed for specific details.

What if I would like to transfer to a different course or university?

Scholars must seek approval from the department prior to changing their course or university. ACECQA maintains a list of approved qualifications for Early Childhood Teaching. Ensure your chosen qualification is on this list before seeking to transfer your course or university. Refer to the ACECQA Approved Qualifications List for verification, and please ensure that Qualification level is filtered to ECT as ACECQA have approved courses that are not eligible for our program.

Please note if you transfer to a course which is not an ACECQA-approved Early Childhood Teaching-level qualification, you will no longer be eligible for the scholarship. The department may seek reimbursement of all remitted scholarship funds in this instance.

Can I receive both the ECT scholarship and other forms of financial assistance concurrently?

The eligibility criteria for the Scholarship Program stipulates that the scholar must not be in receipt of any other duplicate scholarship funding related to the course for which the scholarship is sought.

What should I do if I miss a payment round deadline?

It is essential to submit all required documentation by the specified deadlines to avoid delays in payment processing. Late submissions are not accepted and result in deferred payments to the next scheduled payment round. Scholars can submit for all eligible milestone payments during the next payment request period.

How can I update my contact information or personal details?

Scholars can update their contact information or personal details by contacting the ECEC Scholarships Team at ecec.scholarships@det.nsw.edu.au. Ensure to include your full name and scholarship reference number for verification.

What happens if there are discrepancies in my payment calculations?

If you believe there is a discrepancy in your payment calculations, contact the ECEC Scholarships Team immediately at ecec.scholarships@det.nsw.edu.au. Provide detailed information regarding the issue for prompt resolution.

If I have previously received a scholarship for my bachelor's degree, can I apply for another scholarship for post-graduate studies?

Yes, you can apply for another scholarship for eligible post-graduate studies. However, please note that you will not be paid for the subjects completed under your bachelor's degree.

How can I provide feedback or raise concerns about the ECT scholarship program?

Please contact the ECEC scholarships team directly to provide feedback or raise concerns about the ECT scholarship program at ecec.scholarships@det.nsw.edu.au.

Why is my scholarship payment different from my friends' payments?

Scholarship payments are calculated based on individual circumstances, including current unit completion, enrolment status past the census date, and any recognised prior learning (RPL). Payments do not cover units completed before the 9 October 2023. Variations in payments between scholars reflect these individual circumstances. Payments are made based on documentation submitted by scholars. For detailed information, refer to your Deed of Agreement and the scholarships website.

Contact us

Please get in touch if you have any questions:  ecec.scholarships@det.nsw.edu.au

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