NSW vocational education and training (VET) review

The NSW VET Review 2023–24 is a comprehensive examination of the vocational education and training sector. The review focused on identifying the strengths, gaps and opportunities for improvement in skills development and training, to support our students and workforce.

The review was a NSW Government commitment to restore TAFE to be the best it can, and reskill NSW. Led by an expert panel and supported by the NSW Department of Education, the review followed a 3-phased approach.

Phases of the review

Phase 1: landscape analysis and discussion paper

An independent review panel assessed the current landscape of vocational education and training (VET) in NSW, along with the skills needs of the state. The research and analysis conducted during this phase formed the foundation for a public-facing discussion paper to guide consultations in Phase 2.

Status: complete as of August 2023

View the discussion paper.

The discussion paper supporting this consultation phase posed questions to prompt feedback and engagement across 4 key themes:

  • boosting student success
  • placing TAFE NSW at the heart of the system
  • delivering VET in NSW
  • preparing VET for the future.

Phase 2: stakeholder consultation and interim report

Phase 2 focused on engagement and consultation with stakeholders through roundtables and a digital forum that allowed for public feedback. An interim report from Phase 2 was delivered to the government by the review panel in December 2023.

Status: complete as of December 2023.

Download the interim report

The independent VET Review panel made 7 recommendations to the government in its interim report. These recommendations focus on TAFE NSW at the centre of the vocational education system and VET delivery in NSW. A high-level summary of these recommendations includes:

  1. The NSW Government should clarify the role of TAFE NSW in the NSW training system through a TAFE NSW Charter.
  2. TAFE NSW should develop a revised operating model that aligns educational delivery with industry needs, prioritises local and community engagement and enhances support for teachers.
  3. TAFE NSW and the NSW Department of Education should work together with education regulators to pilot self-accreditation of selected and agreed Australian Qualifications Framework courses. The pilot should include an evaluation process for future TAFE NSW self-accreditation.
  4. The NSW Government should consider ways to rebuild TAFE NSW capacity to offer training. These include removing TAFE from the contestable funding market, streamlining its funding, ensuring funding for TAFE reflects operating costs and establishing clear guidelines for TAFE NSW so its assets can maximise public good and be used appropriately for commercial purposes.
  5. The NSW Government should ensure governance arrangements for the NSW VET system are strengthened and set up to represent provider, industry, and workforce expertise.
  6. The NSW Government should increase the number of permanent roles for TAFE teachers and convert temporary roles to permanency within the NSW education system and TAFE NSW.
  7. The NSW Government should audit the condition, age, and geographic distribution of VET infrastructure across NSW. The audit should include TAFE NSW, public schools and all other government-owned or funded VET assets and see if there is alignment between major tertiary education infrastructure announcements and VET needs.

While the interim report focuses on the immediate challenges for TAFE NSW, the final report has a stronger focus on the broader VET system.

Phase 3: final report

A final report was delivered to the government by the review panel in June 2024.

Status: complete as of June 2024.

Download the final report

The independent VET Review panel made 21 recommendations to the government in its final report. These recommendations focus on the challenges and opportunities across the entire VET sector. A high-level summary of these recommendations includes:

  1. The NSW Government should regard its role in the NSW VET system as a steward.

  2. The NSW Government should, through its departments and agencies, establish dedicated arrangements to enact stewardship.

  3. The NSW Government should reform skills governance to ensure there is a single governance body with expert knowledge and skills, a dedicated consultative advisory forum, and alignment between specific industry bodies and the new national architecture.

  4. The NSW Department of Education should implement changes to pricing and fee settings to support priority cohorts, student outcomes and to address areas of critical skills shortage.

  5. The NSW Government should undertake an independent review of pricing and fees to support the introduction of a new needs-based funding model.

  6. The NSW Department of Education should implement new performance-based contracts that provide greater funding certainty, incentivise capacity building and innovation and better reflect diverse student needs.

  7. The NSW Government should ensure the NSW Skills Plan has a clear vision for skills, a Performance Outcomes Framework, and a Skills Insight Data Asset.

  8. The NSW Government should establish industry compacts across government skills priorities that are driven by statements of commitment, co-investment, governance structures, and research and innovation.

  9. The NSW Government should develop and implement a new regional skills approach to meet the training needs of regional communities.

  10. The NSW Government should transition to a system-wide, student-centred approach to VET student support.

  11. The NSW Government should increase provider capacity, particularly for Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and Aboriginal-owned registered training organisations (RTOs).

  12. The NSW Government should work with the Australian Government to design and achieve a more integrated and student-centred tertiary sector.

  13. The NSW Government should work with TAFE NSW and NSW public universities to determine credit transfer arrangements for key occupations and industries.

  14. The NSW Education Standards Authority should ensure that curriculum for VET for Secondary Students is underpinned by industry relevant curriculum, strengthened recognition of VET qualifications, increased unit credit recognition and clear articulation pathways.

  15. The NSW Department of Education should embed the school-based apprenticeship and traineeship (SBAT) pathway as a core offering within secondary schools.

  16. The NSW Department of Education should improve the quality, consistency and availability of careers advice in schools.

  17. The NSW Department of Education should reinforce the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Roadmap by establishing public-facing targets for NSW apprenticeship and traineeship (A&T) outcomes and prioritising actions that would support this.

  18. The NSW Government should position itself as a model employer of apprentices and trainees, particularly in regional, rural and remote NSW, by embedding its employment of apprentices and trainees past the current 1,000 A&T commitment.

  19. The NSW Department of Education and TAFE NSW should support the current VET teaching workforce by immediately implementing activities that reduce unnecessary administrative workloads, align regulation and compliance requirements across the NSW VET system, prioritise investment in upskilling and reskilling the current public sector VET workforce in areas of high skill demand, and pilot collaborative workforce arrangements at select secondary school and TAFE NSW campuses.

  20. The NSW Government should work with the Australian Government to develop and implement initiative(s) under the emerging VET Workforce Blueprint that enable and promote multiple entries and pathways for new VET teachers.

  21. The NSW Government should use the findings of the NSW VET infrastructure asset audit to inform the development of an overarching NSW Government strategic capital investment model for public VET infrastructure and NSW Government VET guidance and protocols for networked assets and facilities sharing.

The NSW Government welcomes the findings of the final report and will consider its recommendations before providing a response.

NSW Government response

The NSW Skills Plan 2024-28: Building Skills and Shaping Success is the NSW Government’s action-led response to the NSW VET Review. The NSW Government has already implemented some recommendations from the review, including the TAFE Charter and TAFE NSW operating model and will continue to address the review into 2025 and onwards.

The NSW Skills Plan further supports the NSW VET Review recommendations by developing tools such as the interim Skills Outcome Framework to guide VET program delivery, student support and industry engagement.

The review panel

A panel was established to ensure the integrity and independence of the review.

The review panel members were selected by the NSW Department of Education for their demonstrated deep understanding of TAFE and the NSW VET system, knowledge of different student pathways and cohorts, and relevant academic and/or government review experience.

Dr Michele Bruniges AM (Chair)

Dr Michele Bruniges AM has previously held numerous senior public service positions. In these roles she has demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge and significant expertise in delivering operational and strategic outcomes across the education and training sectors.

Dr Bruniges is a former Commonwealth Secretary (2016-2023) holding responsibility for education, skills, employment, and training during this period of time, has been Director-General, NSW Department of Education and Communities (2011-2016) and Chief Executive, Education and Training in the ACT (2005-2008). She currently serves as the Chair, OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Governing Board and is the incoming Chair for the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).

The Hon. Professor Verity Firth AM

The Hon. Professor Verity Firth AM is the inaugural Vice-President Societal Impact, Equity and Engagement at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), a member of the Australian Universities Accord Ministerial Reference Group and served as NSW Minister for Education and Training from 2008-2011. Verity has deep knowledge and experience in pathways for equity cohorts and a strategic understanding of TAFE and the NSW VET sector with more than 15 years working in education.

Jason Ardler PSM

Jason Ardler PSM is a Yuin man who has held senior executive roles in the NSW public and university sectors for more than 20 years. He was the Head of Aboriginal Affairs NSW for 8 years, leading government strategy and reform to improve the social, cultural, and economic wellbeing of Aboriginal people.

Jason is the co-founder and director of Thirriwirri, a 100% Aboriginal owned consulting organisation, Chair of the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s Indigenous Evaluation Committee, and a director of the NAISDA Indigenous performing arts college. He has extensive understanding and experience of different pathways, workforce and economic development initiatives, and equity student cohorts.

More information

You can stay informed about the progress of the NSW Skills Plan, the NSW Government’s action-led response to the NSW VET Review, by visiting the NSW Skills Plan webpage or subscribing to our Skills NSW newsletterExternal link.

If you have further questions, contact the team at Skills.Policy@det.nsw.edu.au.


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