Monthly Overview
The Monthly Overview report provides an overview of the YTD and Full Year financial position of a cost centre(s) over time.
How will these reports benefit me?
This report will assist you in financial planning and reporting for your cost centre.
What do the Monthly Overview reports provide?
It provides the financial position by month, of the selected cost centre, in accordance with areas of responsibility.
How can I use the Monthly Overview report to support my financial planning?
- The reports can be used to seek insight into how your Cost Centre is tracking against its budget
- The report displays the Full Year (FY) budget against the Year to Date (YTD) Actual spend and enables comparison across months and displays any identifiable variances.
What should I look for?
- Is there any variance in your cost centre actual spend against your budget?
- If there is any variance, what are the reasons for this variance and what corrective actions can be taken?
Where does this data come from?
The data comes from SAP and loads from Monday to Friday at 6am.
Note that although the data loads daily, you will not see data for the current month until after the end of the month. This includes any new cost centres, or cost centres that have active transactions in the current month. This is a new change introduced in October 2017.
Who are the data and report owners and stewards for finance reports?
The data and report owner is the Chief Financial Officer and the steward is the Director, Corporate Finance Management.
This report requires authorised users to make comments for a cost centre(s) during the identified monthly reporting period.
It is important to note:
- Up to seven people can be authorised to make comments for a cost centre.
- If you are authorised to add a comment you will see an editable text box at the bottom of the report.
- Once you have entered your comment, click the green button to submit the comment or the red button to cancel.
- Once a comment has been entered, all authorised people will be emailed a copy of the comment and a link to the report. After following the link you must use the slicer in the bottom right of the report to filter to the relevant cost centre to view and edit the comment. The comment will be open for editing for 48 hours from the time they are posted. After this time the comment will be automatically locked and you will not be able to be edit it or add new comments.