Shared Practice and Resource Kits (SPaRKs) are practical articles based on a resource, such as a book, website, film or app. The resource is used as a catalyst for learning activities.
Below is a selection of SPaRKs published in Scan from 2015 to the present.
Note: Prior to 2018, SPaRKs were referred to as 'springboards'.
Volume 43, 2024
- Issue 1: Probing perspective through picture books (Stage 5 English) (PDF 7.46 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
Volume 42, 2023
- Issue 3: Foreverland: a place to call home (Stage 4 English) (PDF 6.4 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly and Carmel Grimmett
- Issue 4: Bindi and beyond – a cross-curriculum study (PDF 6.09 MB) by Cleo Mihail
Volume 41, 2022
- Issue 2: The Best Cat, The Est Cat (PDF 3.5 MB) by Sally Rasaiah
- Issue 3: The Inheritance (PDF 2.7 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
- Issue 6: Migration: An intercultural experience to be shared (PDF 6.9 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
Volume 40, 2021
- Issue 2: Girl from the Sea (PDF 2.5 MB) by Sally Rasaiah
- Issue 3: I Want to be a Superhero (PDF 3.2 MB) by Nancy Penfold
Volume 39, 2020
- Issue 3: This is a Poem that Heals Fish (PDF 2.6 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
- Issue 5: The River and the Book (PDF 1.7 KB) by James Witchard
- Issue 6: The Blue Bench: Encouraging mindfulness (PDF 971 KB) by Abby Jansen
- Issue 8: The All New Must Have Orange 430 (PDF 1.5 MB) by Holly Robinson
- Issue 9: The Printmaking Ideas Book (PDF 1 MB) by Helen Yip
Volume 38, 2019
- Issue 3: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals project (PDF 1.3 KB) by Leonie McIlvenny
- Issue 4: Blob: The Ugliest Animal in the World. Part 1 (PDF 1.7 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
- Issue 4: Blob: The Ugliest Animal in the World. Part 2 (PDF 1.7 MB) by Dr Cathy Sly
- Issue 5: The Paddock Stage 1 (PDF 1.1 MB) by Prue Sommer
- Issue 5: The Paddock Stage 3 (PDF 1.1 MB) by Prue Sommer
- Issue 6: A Patch from Scratch (PDF 1.6 MB) by Gaye Braiding
Volume 37, 2018
- Issue 1: Aquatica: A Beginner's Field Guide (PDF 796 KB) by Cathy Sly
- Issue 2: Around the World in 80 Puzzles (PDF 1.9 MB) by June Wall
- Issue 3: The Curious Garden (PDF 2 MB) by Gaye Braiding
- Issue 5: How to Have Great Ideas: A Guide to Creative Thinking (PDF 1.6 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 6: NSW Ecosystems on Show (PDF 3 MB) by Gaye Braiding
- Issue 8: SIX Maps (PDF 3.9 MB) by Prue Sommer
Volume 36, 2017
- Issue 1: Sticky (PDF 3.7 MB) by Gaye Braiding
- Issue 1: A Child of Books (PDF 3.7 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 1: Did You Take the B from My _ook? (PDF 3.7 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 1: My Two Blankets (PDF 3.7 MB) by Mira Najdovska and Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 2: Lion: A Long Way Home (PDF 4.4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 2: Rockhopping (PDF 4.4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 2: Ephemeral Architecture (PDF 4.4 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 2: Plant (PDF 4.4 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 3: The Bone Sparrow (PDF 4.2 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 3: Madaya Mom (PDF 4.2 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 3: Mechanica (PDF 4.2 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 4: Ballpoint Art (PDF 7.4 MB) by Helen Yip
Volume 35, 2016
- Issue 1: Desert visions: Topography of the psyche. Mapping a network of practice (PDF 4.3 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 2: Footpath Flowers (PDF 3.5 MB) by Cath Keane
- Issue 2: Improving everyday life with robotics. Engibear's Dream (PDF 3.5 MB) by Amanda Lee
- Issue 2: Our social environment: meeting the needs of users. Kid Architects and Sustainable Design (PDF 3.5 MB) by Amanda Lee
- Issue 2: Surviving natural disasters. Cyclone (PDF 3.5 MB) by Amanda Lee
- Issue 2: How do we know there is life on Mars? Mars Lab (PDF 3.5 MB) by Alice Leung
- Issue 2: How does genetic engineering affect us? Genetically Engineered Crops (PFD 3.5 MB) by Alice Leung
- Issue 3: The Duck and the Darklings (PDF 4 MB) by Amanda Gilligan, Vicky Valensise and Mira Najdovska
- Issue 3: Suri's Wall (PDF 4 MB) by Amanda Gilligan and Mira Najdovska
- Issue 3: The Wolf's Story: What Really Happened to Little Red Riding Hood (PDF 4 MB) by Amanda Gilligan and Mira Najdovska
- Issue 3: The Day the Crayons Quit (PDF 4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 3: The Right Word: Roget and his Thesaurus (PDF 4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 3: Me, Teddy (PDF 4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 3: Fabulous Frogs (PDF 4 MB) by Mira Najdovska
- Issue 3: Lightning Jack (PDF 4 MB) by Mira Najdovska and Sally Rasaiah
- Issue 3: A Tale of Two Beasts (PDF 4 MB) by Sally Rasaiah and Kelly Hodkinson
- Issue 4: On the River (PDF 3.4 MB) by Kelly Hodkinson
Volume 34, 2015
- Issue 1: How do insects grow and change? The Making of a Monarch Butterfly (PDF 4.6 MB) by Gaye Braiding
- Issue 1: Promoting critical perception: thinking big and re-imagining spaces (PDF 4.6 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 2: The artwork, the world and the artist: Matisse's Garden (PDF 9.3 MB) by Cath Keane
- Issue 2: The invisible made visible: Activating ways of seeing (PDF 9.3 MB) by Helen Yip
- Issue 3: Moment to memento: Illuminating time and memory (PDF 6.2 MB) by Helen Yip