2021 Term 2 and Term 4 Check-in assessments
This report was originally published 17 May 2022.

What are the Check-in assessments?
The Check-in assessments are online diagnostic assessments in reading and numeracy that assist schools to:
- supplement existing school practices used to identify how students are performing in reading and numeracy
- help teachers tailor learning to meet student needs and support planning.
The assessments were originally developed to provide an indication of student learning across the system and an early indication of potential recovery from COVID-impacted learning.
The Check-in assessments were first held in Terms 3 and 4 of 2020 for Years 3, 5 and 9. Following the success of the trial in 2020, they were offered again to Years 4, 6 and 8 in early Term 2 2021 and Years 3 to 9 in Term 4 2021.
The Check-in assessments provide schools with an additional source of information on student learning in reading and numeracy that complements NAPLAN and other school-based assessments.