2023 NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey
This report was originally published 22 January 2025.

- 2023-psdes-annual-report.pdf (PDF 1426 KB)
- 2023-psdes-technical-report.pdf (PDF 1185 KB)
- 2023-psdes-disability-factsheet.pdf (PDF 1308 KB)
- 2023-psdes-aboriginal-school-leavers-factsheet.pdf (PDF 936 KB)
- 2023-psdes-gender-factsheet.pdf (PDF 1799 KB)
- 2023-psdes-remoteness-factsheet.pdf (PDF 2579 KB)
- 2023-psdes-year-12-completers-instrument.pdf (PDF 201 KB)
- 2023-psdes-early-school-leavers-instrument.pdf (PDF 249 KB)
- 2023-psdes-appendices-tables.xlsx (XLSX 48 KB)
The annual NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey (Destinations survey) collects information about where school leavers from NSW Government, Catholic or independent schools are, 6 to 12 months in the year after leaving school. The Destinations survey has been conducted since 2014 and unpacks information on educational pathways, attainments and destinations of young people in NSW, and informs policymaking related to students’ post-school education, training and employment. Results from the Destinations survey are also used to support program evaluation relating to post-school destinations of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.
The NSW Department of Education considers school-to-work transition as one of the most important transitional experiences, particularly with respect to future employment outcomes. The department provides a range of programs and initiatives to ensure young people are prepared for higher education, training and work. Almost all secondary schools provide work-readiness training and opportunities for students to participate in work experience.
This report describes the findings from the 2023 survey which was conducted between July and November 2022. NSW school leavers who completed Year 12 in 2022 (Year 12 completers) or who left school in 2022 while they were in Year 10, 11 or 12 (early school leavers) participated in the survey.
There were 10 main school destinations that relate to further education and current employment: bachelor’s degree, vocational education and training (VET) certificate IV+, VET certificate III, VET certificate I–II, apprenticeship, traineeship, full-time work, part-time work, looking for work, and not in the labour force or further education or training (NILFET).1
To access data, see NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey on the Education Insights Hub.