Flexible work arrangements

As a corporate employee with the department, you would have access to a range of flexible work arrangements.

The NSW Department of Education offers a range of flexible working arrangements to its staff

Flexible work is about rethinking the how, when and why your work is done, in a way that maintains or improves service delivery to students in NSW, teachers and school communities. At Education we understand the value these arrangements can deliver, and make flexibility available to corporate employees on the basis of ‘if not, why not?’

Why work flexibly?

Flexible work arrangements can be beneficial for you and us both.

For you, flexibility can allow you to better balance your work and home life, which can result in travel time savings and have positive impacts on your health.

For us, we know that facilitating flexible work for our employees improves employee engagement levels, increases productivity, increases workforce participation and is a major attraction and retention tool for the best and brightest talent.

Types of flexible working

As a corporate employee with the department, you will have access to a range of flexible work options. These can include:

  • changing your hours of work
  • reducing the number of days you work each week
  • working from alternative locations (like your home)
  • working part-time
  • job sharing
  • purchasing leave
  • transitioning to retirement
  • accruing flextime.

How we support flexible work

We have a range of tools and resources to support our corporate employees and managers in having discussions about flexible work, and coming up with solutions which are suitable for you, your team and our customers.

What does ‘If not, why not?’ mean?

All corporate employees are entitled to request a flexible work arrangement with their manager. Managers will try to work with the employee and team to facilitate the request, as long as service delivery is maintained or improved as a result of a flexible work arrangement. If the manager does not approve the request to work flexibly they must provide the employee with the reasons ‘why not’.

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