EAL/D Education

EAL/D education in schools aims to develop EAL/D students’ English language competence across the curriculum, so that they can fully participate in schooling.

English as an additional language or dialect can vary between schools, depending on the numbers of EAL/D students, their English language learning needs, their distribution in different classes and years and the number of specialist EAL/D teachers in the school.

EAL/D education should operate as an integral part of the whole school curriculum, with EAL/D teachers working in cooperation with class teachers and other specialist teachers to support EAL/D students. All teachers are responsible for establishing a class environment that promotes differentiated learning and values cultural and linguistic diversity.

In most schools, the key to effective EAL/D education lies in the careful placement of EAL/D students in appropriate classes. In general, it is preferable to place EAL/D students in classes with their age appropriate cohort, even when students have little or no English language skills or prior schooling.

As the EAL/D teacher is a limited resource, and is usually not able to provide direct support to every EAL/D student, it is important that support is planned and timetabled to enable the EAL/D teacher to provide effective instruction to as many students as possible, taking into account their relative need for support.

Advice for schools

The English as an additional language or dialect – Advice for schools (PDF 5.22 MB) provides guidance for the successful operation and management of EAL/D programs in government primary schools, high schools, Intensive English Centres and the Intensive English high school.

The EAL/D School Evaluation Framework (PDF 122 KB) is a matrix tool to support ongoing school-wide improvement of practices and processes to support EAL/D students. The framework gives EAL/D teachers, and their schools, a tool that can support them to identify the areas of EAL/D support that are operating well in the school and the areas that need strengthening. Schools consider each area and identify a level of operation. Once these areas are identified, schools can use the framework to plan a pathway through the levels.

English language proficiency equity loading

The English language proficiency (ELP) equity loading is a resource allocation to support students learning English as an additional language or dialect. To learn more about the loading, including funding allocations please use the links below:


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