
The following resources can be used to support EAL/D practices, teaching and learning.

Teacher resources

The EAL/D effective school practices resource provides insights into effective practices in schools that demonstrate evidence of strong EAL/D student growth.

The EAL/D pedagogy – teacher guides explore effective EAL/D pedagogy and describe how to implement these practices in the classroom.

The Kindergarten EAL/D Learning Progression (PDF 1.7MB) provides descriptors of four phases of English language proficiency specific to kindergarten learners.

Guidelines for using the Kindergarten EAL/D Learning Progression (PDF 366KB) and Kindergarten EAL/D Learning Progression Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 95KB) provide information for teachers on how to use the tool to identify the English language learning needs of kindergarten students.

As part of the ACARA EAL/D teacher resourceExternal link, the ACARA EAL/D Learning Progression provides descriptors of four phases of English language proficiency. This is used in NSW public schools when identifying the English language proficiency of EAL/D learners in year 1 and above.

This advice is used to determine school RAM allocations.

The ESL Scales (PDF 521 KB) resource is used by teachers as an assessment tool to describe the English language development of EAL/D learners in oral interaction, reading and responding and writing.

Teachers use this tool to assist with assessment for learning, planning, programming and reporting progress.

ESL Steps: ESL Curriculum Framework K-6 is an ESL Scales referenced planning and programming tool for teachers of EAL/D students in primary schools.

The stage based teaching guides provide a framework for EAL/D teaching and learning based on a social view of language.

A range of resources have been developed to assist with the explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy skills to EAL/D learners.

This includes:

  • information on the EAL/D enhanced teaching and learning cycle
  • resources to support students with the HSC minimum standard
  • links to targeted professional learning.

Advice has been developed on Supporting EAL/D learners with numeracy (PDF 92 KB).

Intensive English language programs are based on the Intensive English Programs (IEP) Curriculum Framework.

The curriculum framework provides a text-based approach for explicitly teaching English through key learning/subject areas.

High school subject areas are adapted for second language learners to prepare them for high school.

The IEP Curriculum Framework has four levels of intensive English language development.

The framework documents for each level can be accessed in the EAL/D NSW Statewide Staffroom in the Intensive English Centres channelExternal link (staff only).

Please refer to the NAP Operational Guidelines 2023 (PDF 2.6 MB) for detailed information about the New Arrivals Program.

Students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D), including newly arrived students and students from refugee backgrounds, require support in transitions through school. Well-planned and explicit transition procedures support EAL/D learners to build a sense of belonging which may improve educational and wellbeing outcomes.

Supporting the transition of EAL/D learners (PDF 313 KB)

Student resources

Bilingual dictionaries – A teaching and learning resource for use by students in the first 12 to 18 months of English language acquisition.

Arabic bilingual dictionary (PDF 3008 KB)

Assyrian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1006 KB)

Bengali bilingual dictionary (PDF 1202 KB)

Bosnian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1613 KB)

Burmese bilingual dictionary (PDF 895 KB)

Chinese (Simplified) bilingual dictionary (PDF 2399 KB)

Chinese (Traditional) bilingual dictionary (PDF 2403 KB)

Croatian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1930 KB)

Dinka bilingual dictionary (PDF 937 KB)

Filipino/Tagalog bilingual dictionary (PDF 2668 KB)

French bilingual dictionary (PDF 850 KB)

Greek bilingual dictionary (PDF 5.1 MB)

Hindi bilingual dictionary (PDF 911 KB)

Indonesian bilingual dictionary (PDF 2661 KB)

Japanese bilingual dictionary (PDF 2252 KB)

Karen bilingual dictionary (PDF 905 KB)

Khmer bilingual dictionary (PDF 2787 KB)

Kirundi bilingual dictionary (PDF 858 KB)

Korean bilingual dictionary (PDF 2064 KB)

Mongolian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1920KB

Nepali bilingual dictionary (PDF 1298 KB)

Persian (Farsi) bilingual dictionary (PDF 3002 KB)

Punjabi bilingual dictionary (PDF 1674 KB)

Russian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1617 KB)

Samoan bilingual dictionary (PDF 2985 KB)

Serbian bilingual dictionary (PDF 1614 KB)

Somali bilingual dictionary (PDF 2665 KB)

Spanish bilingual dictionary (PDF 2668 KB)

Swahili bilingual dictionary (PDF 848 KB)

Tamil bilingual dictionary (PDF 883 KB)

Thai bilingual dictionary (PDF 2000 KB)

Tongan bilingual dictionary (PDF 1925 KB)

Turkish bilingual dictionary (PDF 1984 KB)

Urdu bilingual dictionary (PDF 904 KB)

Vietnamese bilingual dictionary (PDF 1749 KB)


  • Teaching and learning

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  • Teaching and Learning Support
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