English Standard – Year 12 – Module B – Engagement with module ideas and concepts phases
Teacher advice
The Stage 6 phases project has been developed to support teachers in the structuring of teaching and learning activities for Stage 6 units. In the typical eight-week timeframe of a unit, a teacher may employ a range of these phases in order to meet outcomes, cover content and prepare for assessment.
The term ‘phase’ helps to focus planning by identifying the specific purpose of each section within a teaching program. The phases are closely aligned to the English textual concept ‘learning processes’ of understanding, engaging personally, connecting, engaging critically, experimenting, and reflecting. As such each phase focuses teacher and student attention on the learning intentions of each sequence of lessons.
Each phase lesson sequence is structured as a case study utilising a module and a prescribed text. However, the teaching and learning activities within the case study could be easily adapted to any Stage 6 unit.
Teachers can adapt the following units of work as required.
Unpacking the module requirements
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Haddon
Introduction to the prescribed text
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare
Engaging critically with texts
The poems of Oodgeroo Noonuccal