Structure and timbre

Students will have read the text Free Diving by Lorrae Coffin. They have discussed the rhyming natures of the text.



Background knowledge: students will have read the text Free Diving by Lorrae Coffin. They have discussed the rhyming nature of the text as well as have examined the visual literacy of the text.

  • Reread the text and discuss the sorts of sounds that might be heard on each page
  • Focus on dynamics and tone colour. For example, sounds that would be heard underwater versus sounds out in the bush, sounds that might indicate someone being comforted, seagulls screaming and a captain yelling.
  • Question what percussion instruments could be selected to represent some of the sounds? Would they be loud or soft? Why would you choose those instruments?


  • Students form small groups and experiment with creating a range of sounds to match the concepts in the book
  • Each group chooses their favourite sound and performs to the class a snippet of their idea. The rest of the class identifies which part of the text they are performing.
  • Assign each group a specific portion of the text
  • Provide enough time to select instruments, create percussion sequence and practice it.


  • Students form one large circle in the room
  • All groups perform jointly and then discuss the different effects produced by using different instruments in a variety of combinations.

Metella Road Public School as part of MyPL RG02217 Introduction to Music within the K-6 Creative Arts Syllabus


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Creative Arts K–6 Syllabus (2006) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2025.


  • Creative arts
  • Stage 3

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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