Cats – health

Information about disease prevention and signs of illness in cats.

Disease Prevention

Disease control methods and internal and external parasite control programs should be developed in consultation with a veterinarian. All activities should be documented in the appropriate records.

Cats can be affected by both internal and external parasites and are susceptible to a variety of illness and disease. Cats should be wormed regularly with an oral wormer to prevent worms and inspected regularly for mites or fleas. If there are indications of mites or fleas, insecticidal spray or wash, spot-on or oral treatment can be used to control this.

Any abnormal behaviour or symptoms should be taken note of and monitored closely. If a cat appears to be ill consult a veterinarian.

The principal or animal welfare liaison officer can request to cite a current vaccination certificate for any cat that visits the school.

Image: Bright eyes and a shiny coat are signs of a healthy cat.

Signs of illness

A sick cat may show any of the following:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unkempt coat
  • Lameness
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Diarrhoea
  • Excessive dribbling
  • Drooping tongue
  • Runny eyes or nose.

Cats suffering stress often display one or more signs of ill health. If the ill health continues, the cat should be removed from the classroom situation. If unable to identify and correct the cause of ill health, assistance should be sought from a veterinarian who is familiar with cats. Any signs of illness or injury, and treatments given, should be documented in the appropriate records.


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