Cats – environment

Housing requirements for cats.

Cages, fences, enclosures, rooms, gates and all facilities used to secure cats must be constructed and maintained to reduce the risk of injury.

  • When kept indoors cats must have access to a litter tray
  • Litter should be changed at least once daily
  • Cats must be provided with an appropriate diet and clean supply of water
  • Litter trays should be placed in a well-ventilated, private area
  • Food and water containers must be cleaned regularly
  • Appropriate bedding and hiding places must be provided
  • Environmental enrichment must be provided to enable natural behaviours
  • Opportunities for appropriate exercise must be provided.

Cats like safe, secure areas to sleep in and tend to like height where possible. A box enclosed on three sides or an open transport basket is suitable. They like bedding, so washable blankets or towels are very suitable.

Cats bury their faeces and urine so, when kept indoors, they must be provided with a litter tray. This is best made of plastic to allow for easy, regular cleaning and disinfecting. It should contain fresh soil, wood shavings or some other absorbent material designed for this purpose. The litter should be changed at least once daily to prevent a build-up of contaminated material and odours. Good ventilation is important. Litter trays need to be in a quiet area where there is minimal chance of students disrupting the cat.


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