2021 Game Changer Challenge

A record-breaking 396 submissions from schools all around NSW were received for the 2021 Game Changer Challenge.

A total of 96 teams progressed to the virtual heats with 19 teams participating in the ultimate final virtual event.

In 2021 we introduced a dual-stream, student-led, step-by-step challenge where all teams start the challenge together by working through a design thinking resource called the playbook.

The 2021 wicked problem

Humans have unlimited needs, but the planet has limited capacity to satisfy them.

Challenge streams

Teams who selected the Create stream worked to create a product-based solution to answer: "How might we transform discarded items into something useful, beautiful or upcycled?"

Teams who selected the Advocate stream undertook action research, creating social change through Implementation Thinking and persuading others by answering: "How might we rethink the use of single-use plastics in our community?"

Game Changer Challenge Champions

Congratulations to the 2021 Game Changer Challenge Champions.
The judges were impressed with the very high calibre of pitches from all teams and how they had progressed their ideas, with many having already implemented real change in their communities.

Primary Champions

Create stream: 'The NPS Eco Minions' - Nowra Public School

Video: The NPS Eco Minions: Ultimate final pitch

Duration: 5:36

The NPS Eco Minions from Nowra Public School.

Advocate stream: 'Jerra Geniuses' - Jerrabomberra Public School

Video: Jerra Geniuses - Ultimate final pitch

Duration: 4:43

Jerra Geniuses from Jerrabomberra Public School.

Secondary Champions

Create stream: '[Loading...]' - Orange High School

Video: [Loading...]: Ultimate final pitch

Duration: 5:33

[Loading...] from Orange High School.

Advocate stream: 'E.A.T' - Armidale Secondary College

Video: E.A.T - Ultimate final pitch

Duration: 5:39

E.A.T from Armidale Secondary College.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Communication and Engagement
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