
The Game Changer Challenge is a multi award-winning program.

Winner: 2021 NSW Premier's Award for Highest Quality Education

The Game Changer Challenge won the 2021 NSW Premier's Award in the Highest Quality Education category: nurturing and educating our children and young people through their schooling life and providing access to quality lifelong learning ensures that we have the skills for jobs of the future. Focusing on improving educational outcomes will help to make the people of NSW ready for the future.

The NSW Premier’s Awards celebrates excellence in the delivery of public services to the NSW community by the public sector, not-for-profit organisations and private businesses.

Find out more and see the full list of winners on the Premier's Awards website.

Winner: 2022 Mumbrella Publish Award for Event or Virtual Event of the Year

The Game Changer Challenge won the 2022 Mumbrella Publish Award in the Event or Virtual Event of the Year category. The award recognises stand-out events or virtual events, focusing on the impact for audiences and integration of partners to create success.

The Game Changer Challenge was also shortlisted in the Best Sustained Initiative for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion category.

The Mumbrella Publish Awards are designed to celebrate the industry’s big thinkers, initiatives, and achievements.


  • Communication and engagement

Business Unit:

  • Communication and Engagement
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