Whole school universal strategies
- All students’ health and wellbeing is supported through a comprehensive and coordinated approach, including through the curriculum
- Linked to School Excellence processes
- Key supporting documents include the School Excellence Framework and The Wellbeing Framework for Schools
- Professional Learning is provided for all staff such as Supporting student wellbeing and mental health and Trauma Informed Practice - professional development pilot.
- Forms part of a whole school prevention and early intervention approach that is inclusive of all students
- Improves students’ health literacy and help seeking behaviours through engagement with the whole school community
- Strengthens all staff’s capacity to recognise and respond early to students’ health and wellbeing needs.
- Targets known public and age appropriate health and wellbeing issues leading to proactive responses
- Uses existing resources within the school community, promoting sustainability
- The role that all staff play in supporting students’ health and wellbeing is valued and supported.
- Ensuring there is a collective vision and clarification of purpose across the school community, with an understanding of supports available
- Some schools may have a higher concentration of students who need additional supports; approach may not address individual student need/s.
- Schools may require support to embed evaluation practices.
- Teaching and Learning: including PDHPE and Life Ready
- Engage with the Student Wellbeing external programs catalogue
- Prevention and early intervention through Mental health programs and partnerships
- Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
- Prevention-focused approach to address the full spectrum of student needs through The Care Continuum
- School Kitchen Gardens for sustainability, wellbeing and sensory experiences
- Participation in promotional events including RU Ok Day; National Child Protection Week; NSW Youth Week
- Partnerships with NSW Ministry of Health including:
- NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program
- Healthy School Canteens
- Live Life Well @ School
- NSW School Vaccination Program
- Statewide Eyesight Pre-schooler Screening (StEPS)
- School-link for early identification of students experiencing mental health issues
- Partnerships with non-government organisations: including the NSW SunSmart program
- Responding to mapped Australian Early Development Census outcomes - AEDC