You will be given the opportunity to work with your local school to establish which adjustments your child needs to support their learning.
What are adjustments?
Adjustments are the ways that teachers and schools make changes to teaching and learning programs, lessons, assessments, or the school environment for children with disability.
Adjustments allow all students to access and participate in education on the same basis.
Under the Disability Standards for Education (2005) all principals and teachers have legal obligations to ensure that every student is able to participate in the curriculum on the same basis as their peers.
This does not mean every student should have the same experiences.
On the same basis means that students with disability should have the same opportunities and choices in their education as students without disability.
This can be achieved by making reasonable adjustments according to a student's personalised learning and support needs.
Adjustments can take a number of different forms. They could include:
- Changes to the amount of lesson or unit content your child learns, or the time allowed for your child to complete a task.
- Changes made to the learning materials that your child uses. For example, they might be given the material in digital formats, braille, or illustrated text, or given adjusted worksheets or assessments, or reworded tasks.
- Changes to your child’s learning environment. These could include, for example, a personalised learning space for your child or the use of a sound field amplification system.

How adjustments are determined
The school learning and support team assists teachers to meet the educational needs of their students and to identify appropriate adjustments that may be needed.
Adjustments made in consultation with a student and their parents and carers are based on the personalised needs of the student.
Consultations may also involve the principal, class and support teachers, professional therapists, and community service providers. Schools may also consult with specialist staff who can help to identify how adjustments can be made.
Student assessments
If adjustments are made for teaching and learning then similar adjustments should be made for assessment tasks. This allows students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do in relation to curriculum outcomes.
Monitoring adjustments
The adjustments for your child will be regularly monitored, and revised from time to time as their needs change. They can be adapted or altered to meet your child's needs.
Any changes to these adjustments will be made with your input and collaboration. You have a vital role to play by taking part in discussions and planning with your school’s staff.
Staff can check how well your child’s adjustments are working by looking at:
- progress notes kept by their teacher, specialist staff, or other professionals
- input from you and your child
- data that has been collected specifically for their planned personalised adjustments
- updates to your child’s health care plan, if they have one, made in collaboration with medical professionals
- records of any meetings held to review their adjustments
- data about their progress in assessments.
- records of any adjustments made for them in assessment tasks, and their
- the plan for your child’s personalised learning and support, if they have one.
Your school will regularly meet with you to discuss the effectiveness of the adjustments made for your child.