Travelling safely to and from school on a bike or scooter

Lots of children enjoy riding their bicycle or scooter to and from school and it’s a great way for you to join them to stay active.

Parents and carers are responsible for their child's safety on the way to and from school.

Teach your children to be safe riders by always:

  • wearing a correctly fitted and worn helmet
  • using a well-maintained bike or scooter
  • following the road rules
  • riding to and from school together.

1. Always wear a helmet when you ride or skate

Image: How to correctly fit a helmet
  1. Can you place just two fingers between your eyebrows and your helmet?
  2. Can you fit just two fingers between the helmet strap and your chin?
  3. Do the straps join in a 'V' just below your ears?
  4. Has an adult checked your helmet?

You can find more information about helmets and safety gear at Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety.

2. Bike and scooter maintenance

A well-maintained bike or scooter is essential for riding safely – the wheels, handlebars, brakes, frame and correct size for the rider need to be regularly checked before riding.

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3. Ride together

Parents and carers can help by being part of the ride and teaching safe riding habits. The type of advice you provide will depend on the age of your child and their skill levels.

Here are some tips when riding to and from school:

  • Ride or walk alongside them until they are at least 10 years old. Talk and practice about how to be a safe rider and how to follow the road rules including:
    • ride to the left on footpaths
    • give pedestrians right of way on footpaths
    • watch out for cars entering or leaving driveways
  • You can ride together on footpaths, until your child is 16 years old, unless signposted otherwise.
  • Take extra care near busy roads.
  • Be highly visible by wearing or adding something bright to be seen, such as clothing, a bright bag or reflectors.

For older children, think carefully about their ability to ride on their own:

  • How safe is the travel route?
  • What are their riding skills like?
  • How aware are they of their surroundings in the traffic environment?
  • How well can they manage unexpected hazards?

Further information


  • External engagement


  • Safety
  • Wellbeing

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  • Teaching Quality and Impact
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