Driver application process
The ASTP requires contractors to complete their preliminary assessment of the suitability of a driver before an application is submitted.
This should include a review of their driving record for serious offences such as drink driving charges, school zone offences and speeding offences.
Contractors are required to submit the Driver application/transfer and update of details (PDF 204KB) form for their drivers.
Please refer to the Driver application infographic (PDF 169.62KB) for assistance with completing the form.
The ASTP does not have a contractual relationship with drivers and therefore all communication regarding applications will be with contractors.
The ASTP does not operate under the Passenger Transport Act 2014External link and is subject to the department's probity requirements.
The driver application process involves the following steps:
- The driver applicant completes the form Driver application/transfer and update of details (PDF 204KB).
- The contractor reviews, signs and submits the form as the cover page along with all the required documentation.
- The ASTP ensures all the required documentation submitted by the contractor are complete. If necessary, the ASTP will contact the applicant and obtain clarification on offences listed in the criminal history report as part of the assessment.
- The department's Probity Unit independently assesses the application.
Only the contractor can enquire about an application with the ASTP.
Drivers who hold a public passenger driver authority are still subject to the same probity assessment which may result in an unsuccessful application through the assessment process.
Medical certificates
Driver applicants require a completed medical certificate issued in accordance with the Austroads Assessing Fitness to Drive guidelinesExternal link.
Where an applicant has a valid driver authority with the RMS, a copy of the completed medical certificate with a copy of the driver authority will be accepted.
The medical certificate for driver authority holders cannot be older than three years and must be certified.
Submitting applications
The ASTP will only accept complete applications provided by contractors.
Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned.
The following steps are applied for the assessment process:
- application from a driver will be returned without assessment. Only applications from contractors will be assessed
- only applications submitted by email will be accepted (no fax or posted applications)
- when emailing an application include in the subject line the contractor's and driver's full name
- all applications are to be emailed to
Find out more about engaging drivers vs subcontracting.
Key points to remember
- ASTP does not employ drivers directly
- Drivers are required to be medically fit to hold a driver licence, meet a high standard of professionalism and maintain a good driving record.
- The ASTP will only accept complete applications provided by contractors via email
- Driver are required to have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) and must be cleared through the department's probity assessment before commencement.
- Contractors are responsible for providing the required training and support in respect to the conditions as stated in their contract with ASTP.