Contract management plan

The Contract Management Plan (CMP) acts as a tool to strengthen support and partnership between the ASTP and the Contractors. It is designed to proactively improve efficient and effective daily transport services through individualised plans and discussions.

As part of the ongoing contract management and compliance evaluation process, the ASTP has established CMP's for Contractors with active Run(s).

This is a high value service Contract. The implementation of the ASTP's CMPs aligns to the Department of Education policies and procedures and are consistent with the:

  • NSW Procurement Board Directors and policies
  • NSW Procurement Accreditation program for Goods and Services Procurement
  • NSW Public Sector Capability Framework.

What do you have to do and when

At this stage you should familiarise yourself with the ASTP Agreement (PDF 493KB).

The ASTP will be contacting you throughout the year to plan and discuss your individualised Contract Management Plans.


The CMP will provide a number of benefits including

  • Stronger partnerships
  • Proactive free flow of information
  • Defined review periods for meetings
  • Avenue to confirm contract requirements to address any concerns, escalate issues and resolve disputes
  • Operational discussions to support/resolve any gaps/challenges faced
  • Strategic discussions to understand of the long-term objectives between both parties - future opportunities and innovation (Large tier)
  • Resolving challenges through indicators and reports
  • Ongoing satisfactory performance of the contract

Contract Management Plan's structure

The ASTP have endeavoured to keep the CMP's as simple as possible. It is not intended to increase administrative workloads rather to build, support and enhance the services provided.

CMP will be structured into three tiers Small, Medium, Large based on individual circumstances along with the number of allocated Run(s).

Each CMP will be reviewed at least annually.

Contact information

If you have questions about the CMP, you can email


  • General assistance
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