Apply for a grant

Using the Community Languages Schools Program portal

Community languages schools can apply for a grant or nominate a student for a Minister’s award using the Community Languages Schools Program (CLSP) portal.

Existing schools

If your Organisation already has login details for the portal, you can apply for a grant as soon as applications open.

New schools

If you are a community organisation interested in registering with the Community Languages Schools Program for the first time, you will need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the portal. An EOI must be submitted by 1 April if you are intending to apply for an Establishment Grant in the same year.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Before submitting an Expression of Interest please read the information on setting up a language school webpage and the Program Guidelines.

What you need

You will need to provide the following information and documents:

  • Organisation details
  • Contacts details for the Head of Organisation, Coordinator of Language Program and Public Officer
  • Community language school location information and contact person
  • Constitution
  • Certificate of Incorporation from the Department of Fair Trading 
  • ABN/GST Registration 
  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate 
  • Workers Compensation Insurance Certificate, Exemption letter from lawyer or accountant, or Statutory Declaration
  • Bank Details on the Organisation letter head 
  • Teaching Program

Once we have received and reviewed your Expression of Interest, we will communicate further with you about the next steps for applying for a grant.

Please note when accessing the portal, we recommend using Google Chrome for optimum performance.

Resources for using the portal

How to submit an Expression of Interest

Transcript for how to submit an Expression of Interest

- [Instructor] This video shows you how to register an Expression of Interest for a grant using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. Please review the information for new schools on our webpage so you have all the correct details and document files ready before you start. It's important to have everything you need handy, as this online registration process does not allow you to stop and save along the way. This means if you can't finish your Expression of Interest in one sitting, you'll need to restart from the beginning. It's best to use Google Chrome as your web browser. This process should take you approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Please note that all fields marked with the red asterisk are mandatory, so you won't be able to progress unless these are complete. Go to the Community Languages Schools Program Portal link from our webpage, and once you are on the landing page, click Expression of Interest to register your Organisation details. Here, you should double check that you have all the information required, and if you're ready to start, click next. Add your Organisation name. This should be entered exactly as it appears on the Australian Business Register. Add your ABN number. Make sure you don't include any spaces in the number, or an error message will appear. Click next. Add your Organisation's details, including incorporation number, incorporation legal status using the dropdown list, year of registration, date of establishment. Use the calendar icon to select year, then month, then day. Add public liability, workers' compensation details. Add language using the dropdown list, and Organisation website address if you have one. You can then answer these questions. Add your Organisation's street address details. Select the state electorate from the dropdown list. Check that all these details are correct, and click next. Add the key contact details for your Organisation. Please note you can't repeat names, phone numbers, or email addresses for any of these contacts, or an error message will show and you won't be able to proceed. These are Head of Organisation. This person will receive the portal login details. Coordinator of language program, public officer. Click next. Add your Organisation's bank details. Add the school location details. Start typing the school location in the Location Search text box. Then click in the Location field to choose your school location name from the dropdown list. Check the box to choose the school location contact person and add their address details, or you can add a new contact for your community language school location. Add class dates, number of classrooms, and term details. Add the weekly schedule for classes, including start and end times, noting that these should be outside of regular school hours. Click next. The last step is to upload copies of all the required documents. The guide shows you how to name your files so they can be easily uploaded. These documents include ABN, Constitution, Certificate of Incorporation, Public Liability Insurance Policy, Syllabus or Teaching Program, bank details, Workers' Compensation details or Exemption documents. Once you've uploaded this successfully, if you are ready to submit, review the declaration and the certification, then submit to complete your application. Your registration for an Expression of Interest is now complete. The outcome of your application will be emailed to the Head of Organisation. Thanks for watching.

  • Click on EOI link
    Yes it is included
  • Complete ABN validation
    Yes it is included
  • Add Organisation details and key contacts
    Yes it is included
  • Add School location(s), contact person and class details and schedule
    Yes it is included
  • Upload required documents
    Yes it is included

Click here to access the Expression of Interest user guide

  • Click on the link in the email sent to the Head of Organisation
    Yes it is included
  • Change password
    Yes it is included
  • Go to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Enter your User Email and Password
    Yes it is included
  • Go to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Click Forgot your password
    Yes it is included

Click here to access the upload documents user guide

How to review Organisation details and upload documents

Transcript for how to review Organisation details and upload documents

- [Instructor] This video will show you how to review your Organisation details and upload documents using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. This area of the portal allows you to review the details from your organisation and check that all this information is current and correct. In this section, you can edit key details relating to Workers' Compensation Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, update addresses, and upload documents. You won't be able to update the information shown on Locations, Committee Members, and Teachers, but these details can be edited during the grant application process. Because the My Organisation section can be accessed throughout the year, it can be used to view and upload key documents at any time. To visit this area of the portal, go to the Community Languages Schools Program Portal link from our webpage and log into your account with your user email and password. At the top of the landing page, click on your account name profile, then choose My Organisation from the dropdown menu. Here, you can move across the toolbar ribbon to review your Organisation's key details, including Community Language School Locations, Committee Members, Teachers, and Documents. Under the Details tab, you can view your Organisation's account information, additional details, and bank details. Use the update Additional Details tab to edit Public Liability Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance details, website, if you have one, street and postal addresses. If you are adding new dates for your insurance details, it's quicker to use the calendar icon to select the year, then month and day, to ensure the day is correctly formatted. Click submit to save your changes. If your Organisation's bank details have changed, click update bank details. Update the bank details in the pop-up screen. Your new bank details must also be provided on your Organisation Letterhead and uploaded. The guidance note link shows you what information is needed. The guide outlines how to name this document so it can be uploaded easily. Upload or drop your file. Click done When complete. Click submit to save the changes. To view and update documents, click the Documents tab. Here, you can click on the icons to upload new documents, download copies of existing documents, or filter current documents by title. To upload new documents, click the icon. When you see our confirmation message, click done. To return to your homepage, simply select Home from your profile dropdown menu. Thanks for watching.

  • Preview Organisation details
    Yes it is included
  • Update account information from Additional tab
    Yes it is included
  • Upload documents
    Yes it is included
How to complete an Establishment Grant application part 1

Transcript for how to complete an Establishment Grant application part 1

- [Instructor] This video will show you how to apply for an Establishment Grant using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. Here we will cover the first three sections of the grant application: Organisation Details, Committee Details, and School Locations. To get started, go to the portal page and log into your account using your user email and password. Go to the Establishment Grant application web tile and click Read more & Apply. Before you begin, please read the Establishment Grant information on our webpage so you have everything ready before you start. You should prepare your application and gather required documents. The Establishment Grant application workspace includes six sections: Organisation, Committee Details, School Locations, Teacher Details, Student Details, and Upload Documents. Each section shows the information carried over from your Expression of Interest, so you will need to add more information to reflect the latest details for your language school. You can save your progress along the way and log in again later to resume and submit your application, as long as it's before the closing date. The organisation information on this page is in read only format for review. Check all these details. If everything is up to date and there are no missing fields, confirm the contact details for the Head of Organisation are current, and verify the information above is correct. And then click submit. Or if any fields are incorrect, out of date or incomplete, complete the online form by clicking on the link. When these details have been updated on the portal, your Head of Organisation or licence holder will receive an email. Then return to check all has been updated correctly to verify and save to complete this section. You can move on to committee details now. The Committee Member section is also in read only format for review. To add your committee details, you will need to complete the online form by clicking on the link. When these details have been updated on the portal, your Head of Organisation or licence holder will receive an email. Then return to check all has been updated correctly to verify and save to complete this section. You can continue to work on other sections of your grant application as soon as you submit the form. These school location details have been carried over from your Expression of Interest application. In this section, you can remove a school location if your language school is no longer operating at that location by simply clicking remove. You can edit each school location to review, update all fields, including updating the class details and schedule. Or you can add a new school location. We will now take you through these tasks. Click edit. In this area, you need to work through the following steps: Location Details, Contact Person, Class Details, and Schedule. Edit the date established if needed. Click save and next. Here you can click edit details for your school location contact person to review and make any required updates. Then click save and next to move on to class details and schedule. Or click search for a different contact if you need to add a new contact person. Always search first before creating a new contact as this avoids duplication. Start typing the first few letters of their name, and if there are no results, click create a new school location contact person. Or if you find that name, click edit to check all of their details are up to date. Click save and next to move on to class details and schedule. Add the class details, including the class start and end dates for the beginning and end of the school year using the calendar icon. add the number of weeks in each term, and number of classrooms. Click save, and next. Add schedule with the start and end times for all the days the classes operate on. Class times should be outside of regular school hours. Click save and exit. Return to the main page to add a community language school location. Click add community language school location. Start typing the location name in the search bar and a dropdown list will appear. Select the correct name. If a location is not listed, please contact the Community Languages Schools Program. Once you've selected the school location, work through the date established, school location contact person, class details, and schedule steps shown earlier. Review the updated school locations. Check that the status for each school location is completed. Tick I verify the above information is correct. Click verify and save. That completes the first three sections of your application. To move on to the final three sections, Teacher Details, Student Details, and Upload Documents, watch the next video.

How to complete an Establishment Grant application part 2

Transcript for how to complete an Establishment Grant application part 2

- [Instructor] This video covers the final three sections of the grant application. Teacher details, student details, and upload documents. In the teacher details section, select all school locations from the dropdown list if you have more than one location. To add a teacher, click add community language school teacher. Before adding a teacher, always search first to check if the contact already exists. Start typing the first few letters of the teacher's name in the search bar. If the teacher's record already exists, click on the name. Then edit details for this teacher to review and update all required fields, or if there are no results from your search, click create a new school teacher. Complete required fields. Select the school location for this teacher. More than one location can be selected. Select teacher language skills. Click save and exit. There should be at least one teacher allocated to each school location. Please be aware that if a teacher's working with children check expires before the grant application closing date, the teacher's record will be listed as draft until the working with children check expiry date is updated. The option verify and save will only appear when the status for all records shows as complete. Tick I verify the above information is correct. Then click verify and save. You can add your student details. To add students, click on the student list for each location. There are two ways you can add student details to a school location. Add individual student or add multiple students. This is covered in the add multiple students user guide and video. This video will guide you through the process for adding individual students on the portal. To add a student, always search first to see if the contact already exists. This will avoid any duplication. Type the first few letters of the student's name in the search bar. If their name does not appear in the dropdown list, click create a new student. Complete required fields. Add the student's mainstream school by typing in the search bar, the official name of the student's mainstream school. Click save and exit. The students will now show in your school location list. Click on the column headings to sort by first name, last name, and mainstream school. You can also type in the search bar to search by first name and last name. Ensure that all student records are correct and listed as complete. If any student record shows as draft, you will need to update any missing details to ensure it shows as complete before you can proceed. Repeat for each school location. Click I verify the above information is correct. If a green tick appears next to each school location, click verify and save. The student detail section status will now show as completed. Upload the required documents by clicking the upload files or by dragging and dropping the file. Tick I verify the information above is correct. Then click submit. Once the status for all six sections are showing as completed, click submit my application at the top right side of the page. If you are ready to submit, review the declaration and certification. Then complete the details of person responsible for the management of this grant. Then click submit to complete your application. A your application has been submitted message will display, click finished. Your application for an Establishment Grant is now complete. The outcome of your application will be emailed to the Head of Organisation. Remember, if your grant application is incomplete, you can resume from the My Draft applications link from your login screen. Thanks for watching.

  • Log in to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Read the Program Guidelines
    Yes it is included
  • Review, update or add:
    Yes it is included
    • i. Organisation Information
    • ii. Committee Details
    • iii. School Locations
    • iv. Teacher Details
    • v. Student Details
    • vi. Upload Documents

Click here to access the Establishment Grant user guide

Per Capita Grant

This video shows how to apply for a Per Capita Grant.

How to complete a Per Capita Grant application part 1

Transcript for how to complete a Per Capita Grant application part 1

- This video will show you how to apply for a Per Capita Grant using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. Here, we will cover the first three sections of the grant application. Organisation details, Committee details, and School locations. To get started, go to the portal page and log into your account using your user email and password. Go to the Per Capita Grant application web tile and click Read more & Apply. Before you begin, please read the grant information on our webpage, so you have everything ready before you start. The Per Capita Grant application workspace includes six sections: Organisation Information, Committee Details, School Locations, Teacher Details, Student Details, and Upload Documents. Each section shows information carried over from your previous year application. So, this all should be updated to reflect the latest details for your language school. You can save your progress along the way and log in again later to resume and submit your application, as long as it's before the closing date. The Organisation information on this page is in read-only format for review. Check all these details. If everything is up to date and there are no missing fields, confirm the contact details for the Head of Organisation are current, and verify the information above is correct. Then click submit. Or, if any fields are incorrect, out of date, or incomplete, complete the online form by clicking on the link. When these details have been updated on the portal, your Head of Organisation or licence holder will receive an email. Then return to check all has been updated correctly, to verify and save to complete this section. You can move on to committee details now. The committee member section is also read-only format for review. Check all these details. If everything is up to date, and there are no missing fields, verify the information above is correct, and click submit to proceed. Or, if any fields are incorrect, out of date, or incomplete, complete the online form by clicking on the link. When these details have been updated on the portal, your Head of Organisation or licence holder will receive an email. Then return to check all has been updated correctly to verify and save to complete this section. You can continue to work on other sections of your grant application as soon as you submit the form. These school location details have been carried over from your previous grant application. In this section, you can remove a school location, if your language school is no longer operating at a location. You can do this by simply clicking remove. You can edit each school location to review or update all fields, including updating the class details and schedule. Or, you can add a new school location. We will go through the edit and add a school location tasks. Click edit. In this area, you need to work through the following steps: Location Details, Contact Person, Class Details, and Schedule. Edit the date established if needed. Click save and next. Here, you can edit details for your school location contact person to review and make any required updates. Then click save and next to move on to class details and schedule. Or, click search for a different contact if you need to add a new contact person. Always search first before creating a new contact as this avoids duplication. start typing the first few letters of their name, and if there are no results, click, create a new school location contact person. Or, if you find that name, click edit to check that all their details are up to date. Click save and next to move on to class details and schedule. Add the class details including class start and end dates for the beginning and end of the school year using the calendar icon. Add number of weeks for each term. And number of classrooms. Click save and next. Add schedule with the start and end times for all the days the classes operate on. Class times should be outside of regular school hours. Click save and exit. Return to the main page to add a community school location. Click add community language school location. Start typing the location name in the search bar and a dropdown list will appear. Select the correct name. If a location is not listed, please contact the Community Languages Schools Program. Once you've selected the school location, work through the date established, school location contact person, class details, and schedule steps shown earlier. Review the updated school locations. Check that the status for each school location is completed. Click I verify the above information is correct. Click verify and save. That completes the first three sections of your application. To move onto the final three sections, Teacher Details, Student Details, and Upload Documents, watch the next video.

How to complete a Per Capita Grant application part 2

Transcript for how to complete a Per Capita Grant application part 2

- [Instructor] This video covers the final three sections of the grant application, Teacher Details, Student Details, and Upload Documents. In the Teacher Details section, select all school locations from the dropdown list if you have more than one location. This page shows you a list of teachers from your previous grant application. This list can be sorted by first name, last name, email, and status, by clicking on the relevant column headings. Click remove if a teacher is no longer teaching at a location. Click edit to review and update individual teacher details. Click edit details for this teacher to review and update their information. Select the school location for this teacher, more than one location can be selected. Select teacher language skills. Click save & exit. If you need to add a teacher, click add community language school teacher. Before adding a teacher, always search first to check if the contact already exists. Start typing the first few letters of the teacher's name in the search bar. If the teacher's record already exists, click on the name. Then edit details for this teacher to review and update all required fields. If there are no results from your search, click create a new school teacher. Complete required fields. Select the school location for this teacher, more than one location can be selected. Select teacher language skills. There should be at least one teacher allocated to each school location. Please be aware that if a teacher's Working with Children Check expires before the grant application closing date, the teacher's record will be listed as draft until the Working with Children Check expiry date is updated. The option verify & save will only appear when the status for all records shows as complete. Tick I verify the above information is correct. Then, click verify & save. The Student details page shows the number of students enroled for each school location from your previous grant application. Click on the student list for each location. There are two ways you can edit or add student details to a school location. Add individual student, if you choose this option, you can add details for each student individually on the portal. Or add multiple students, this is covered in the add multiple students user guide and video. We will go through the process for adding and editing students individually on the portal. To add or edit a student, always search first to see if the contact already exists. This will avoid any duplication. Type the first few letters of the student's name in the search bar. If the student was part of your list of approved students from last year's grant application, their name should appear when you search. Select the student's name from the dropdown list. Click edit details for this student. Add Term 1 attendance. Review and update all required fields. Click save & exit. If their name does not appear in the dropdown list, click create a new student. Complete all required fields. Add Term 1 attendance. Add the student's mainstream school by typing in the search bar the official name of the student's mainstream school. Click save & exit. The students will now show in your school location list. Click on the column headings to sort by first name, last name, mainstream school. You can also type in the search bar to search by first name and last name. Ensure that all student records are correct and listed as complete. If any student record shows as draft, you will need to update any missing details to ensure it shows as complete before you can proceed. Repeat for each school location. Click I verify the above information is correct. If a green tick appears next to each school location, click verify & save. The Student Details section status will now show as completed. Upload the required documents by clicking the upload files or by dragging and dropping the file. Tick I verify the information above is correct. Click submit to proceed. Once the status for all six sections are showing as completed, click submit my application at the top-right side of the page. If you are ready to submit, review the declaration and the certification. Complete the details of person responsible for management of this grant. Then submit to complete your application. A Your Application Has Been Submitted message will display, click finished. Your application for a Per Capita Grant is now complete. The outcome of your application will be emailed to the Head of Organisation. Remember, if your grant application is incomplete, you can resume from the My Draft Applications link from your login screen. Thanks for watching.

  • Log in to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Read the Program Guidelines
    Yes it is included
  • Review, update or add:
    Yes it is included
    • i. Organisation Information
    • ii. Committee Details
    • iii. School Locations
    • iv. Teacher Details
    • v. Student Details
    • vi. Upload Documents

Click here to access the Per Capita Grant user guide

How to add multiple students

Transcript for how to add multiple students

- [Instructor] This video shows you how to add multiple student details as part of your Establishment Grant or Per Capita Grant application using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. Click Add multiple students. Here, you have two options. One, download a list of last year's approved students using a CSV file. Two, retrieve a list of last year's approved students, which only applies to the Per Capita Grant applications. If you download the CSV file and are applying for an Establishment Grant, the CSV file will be blank with formatted headings. You can then add your student details under each column heading. Per Capita Grant applications will see a list of last year's approved students to edit and update. We will take you through both of these options. To add and edit multiple student details via CSV file, click download a list of last year's approved students. Click download CSV file again. When the file has been downloaded, close the window by clicking on the X. Open the CSV file from your downloads folder or where you save the file on your device. If you see a prompt asking if the file should be converted, click don't convert as this file must retain CSV formatting to be uploaded successfully to the portal. Update any details on the CSV file or add any new students to the list. Please ensure that each cell is formatted correctly with no spaces. Refer to the guide to CSV file preparation on our webpage. Once the updated CSV file is complete, save to your device. Return to the portal to click the upload CSV file. Upload or drop your updated CSV file. Check that the correct file name appears, and then click upload now. You will then see a message confirming that the file has been uploaded successfully. A student list will appear. If a student record shows as duplicate, remove that record. If a student record shows as incomplete, click edit to review and update that record. Click save & close. You need to do this for every student record showing as incomplete. If all student entries show as completed, click validate all students' data. You can then sort student records by clicking on the status bar. If any student record shows a status other than validated, an error message will appear in the status bar. For more details on how to fix status errors, refer to the guide to CSV file preparation on our webpage. If there are multiple errors showing, it may be easier to remove the file and clear the list. Then fix the errors in the spreadsheet and re-upload the CSV file. Once all errors have been fixed, click validate all students' data. When all entries have been validated, click confirm & save. You will then see an updated list of students. Click Close on the bottom left hand corner to proceed to the verification page. Now, we'll take you through how to retrieve and edit a list of last year's students' details. This option only applies to the Per Capita Grant applications. Click retrieve a list of last year's approved students. View the student details. Click remove if the student is no longer enroled. Click confirm & save to proceed. The student list will now show all student entries as draft. Click edit, and then edit details to review and update each student record. Click save & exit. You need to do this for each student record showing as draft. The student record should now show as complete. Click close to proceed to the verification page. Click I verify the above information is correct. If a green tick appears next to each school location, click verify & save. Your application workspace will now show the Student Details section as completed. Thanks for watching.

  • Add multiple students using a CSV file outside the portal
    Yes it is included
    • Download the CSV file
    • Add or update student details
    • Upload completed CSV file
    • Check status for all students displays as 'Completed'
    • Validate all students' data
    • Confirm and save when all entries have been validated
  • Add multiple students in the portal
    Yes it is included
    • Retrieve a list of last year's approved students
    • Edit each student record shown as 'Draft'
    • Check status for all students displays as 'Complete'

Click here to access the Add Multiple Students user guide

Click here to access the Guide to CSV file preparation

How to complete a Specific Project Grant application

Transcript for how to complete a Specific Project Grant application

- [Instructor] This video will show you how to apply for a Specific Project Grant using the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. Before you begin, please read about the Specific Project Grant on our webpage so you have everything ready before you start. It's a good idea to prepare answers to the longer questions supporting your application in a Word document in advance. This is easier and will save time when you add these later. These questions are at the end of the guide on our webpage. To get started, go to the Community Languages Schools Program Portal page and log into your account using your user email and password. Go to the Specific Project Grant application web tile and click Read more & Apply. Make sure you've read and understood the Specific Project Grant criteria, including what your project must do and what your project should cover. If you're ready to begin your application, click apply and then click next. This application process includes the following sections, Organisation Information, Project Details, plus upload any supporting documents. You're able to save your progress along the way so you can log in again later to resume your application as long as it's submitted before the closing date. Click the blue button to work through each section. The organisation information on this page is in read-only format for review. Check all these details. If everything is up to date and there are no missing fields, confirm the contact details for the Head of Organisation are current, and verify the information above is correct. Then click submit. Or, if any fields are incorrect, out of date, or incomplete, complete the online form by clicking on the link. When these details have been updated on the portal, your Head of Organisation or licence holder will receive an email. Then return to check all has been updated correctly to verify and save to complete this section. Enter the details of your project, including project name, project type, purpose, choosing an option from the dropdown list. Enter the total amount requested, then complete all other required information about your project. Confirm if your Organisation has been supported by a Specific Project Grant previously. If you choose yes, you'll need to add the details for each year of all other previously approved Specific Project Grants. Click the Add button if you need to include another year. Here, you can use the answers from the Word document which you prepared earlier, covering the consultation and research you've undertaken to identify the need for this project. Your project described in detail, and how it will benefit your students and teachers. Now, add the details for each step and activity of the project plan. Your application should cover what needs to be done, when and who will do it, their relevant experience, plus a detailed cost estimate. If you're adding more than one responsible person, use a comma to separate the names. To enter a new step, click the Add button. When you're done, click next. Now you need to provide a detailed breakdown of the project's projected Income and Expenditure using the table shown. Check the box to verify that all the information is correct. Then click submit. The final step is to upload any documents supporting your application. Check the box to verify that all the information is correct. Then click submit. If you are ready to submit, review the declaration and the certification. Complete the details of person responsible for management of this grant. Then submit to complete your application. A Your Application Has Been Submitted message will display. Click finished. The outcome of your application will be emailed to the Head of Organisation. Remember, if you haven't managed to complete your grant application, you can resume from the My Draft Applications link from your login screen. Thanks for watching.

  • Log in to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Read the Program Guidelines
    Yes it is included
  • Review Organisation Information
    Yes it is included
  • Provide project and financial details
    Yes it is included
  • Upload supporting documents
    Yes it is included

Click here to access the Specific Project Grant user guide

How to nominate a student for a Minister's Award

Transcript for how to nominate a student for a Minister's Award

- [Narrator] This video shows you how to submit a Minister's Award nomination on the Community Languages Schools Program Portal. It's best to use Google Chrome as your web browser. This process should take you about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Before you begin, please take a few minutes to visit our website to read about the Minister's Award, what you need to apply and how nominations are assessed. It's a good idea to prepare answers to the longer questions supporting your student's nomination in a Word document in advance. This is easier and will save time when you add these later. You can find these questions at the end of this guide. Log in to your account with your user email and password. Go to the Minister's Awards web tile and click Read More and Apply. Once you've reviewed the Minister's Award details and are confident that you have all you need handy, click Apply to start your nomination. Choose the nomination category for your student, Junior or Senior. Start typing your school name. You'll see a list of your schools showing in the dropdown. Start typing the student's name in the student name field. Select their name from the dropdown list. Add their address details. Use the dropdown to select the year the student is enroled and how many years the student has been studying. Add the name of their teacher. Then select yes or no to confirm if the student has previously received a Minister's Award. Check all the details are correct and click Save and Proceed. Add parent or caregiver name and their contact details. You will need to add the details of at least one parent or caregiver. Click save and proceed. Add the details of the nominator for this award, noting that the nominator must be a current teacher or management committee member. Add the coordinator of the language program. Add the name of the student's mainstream school which they attend Monday to Friday. Again, you choose the name from a dropdown list. Add the name of the principal of the student's mainstream school, and the email contact. Add the student's community language proficiency level from the dropdown list. You can check the proficiency descriptors in the link provided. Click save and proceed. On this page, you'll be adding the details to support your student's nomination. Here's where you can use the answers to longer questions from the Word document, which you prepared earlier. I'll just be adding sample text just to show the process. These sections describe the student's commitment to community language study, participation in language and cultural activities, and other additional qualities. Then complete the checklist by selecting yes or no for each of the five questions. Once these sections are completed, check all the details are correct and click Submit. You will then see a confirmation message that your nomination has been submitted. If you need to review or unsubmit your nomination, you can do this as long as it's before the closing date. On this page, you can either resume or unsubmit a nomination. To resume a draft nomination, simply click the Resume button and you can take up where you left off last time. Or click the display button to see the nomination details that you've entered so far. If you've already submitted your nomination and want to withdraw it, click the Unsubmit button. A message will show on screen confirming that the nomination has been unsubmitted. Remember, the review and unsubmit functions are only available prior to the application closing date. Thanks for watching.

  • Log in to the portal
    Yes it is included
  • Select nomination category
    Yes it is included
  • Complete details for student, school, parent/caregiver and coordinator of language
    Yes it is included
  • Enter language proficiency level
    Yes it is included
  • Complete all sections to support student's nomination
    Yes it is included

Click here to access the Minister's Awards nomination user guide

Common questions

If you are a community language school wanting to apply for a grant for the first time, you must register an expression of interest to gain access to the portal.

Please refer to the Expression of Interest user guide for detailed instructions.

The Head of your Organisation will receive an email notification from the Community Languages Schools Program about the outcome of your application.

Community Language Organisations must upload acquittal reports within 3 months of the previous year’s grant period. These are:

  • 31 March for Per Capita Grant recipients

  • 31 October for Specific Project Grant recipients

Acquittal reports can be uploaded at any time using 'My Organisation' section of the portal. Refer to the Review Organisation details and upload documents user guide for detailed instructions.

This licence can only be reassigned by the Community Languages Schools Program. If your Organisation needs to change the portal licence holder details, please send us an email at asking for your school’s licence to be given to another staff member.

All public and non-government school locations can be found in the drop-down list. Check that you have used the correct spelling of the school name. If your school is operating in a community location that does not appear in the drop-down list, please email us at  with the name and address of the location and we will verify and add the location to the drop-down list.

The Organisation Information and Committee Members details sections are provided in Read only format for review through the Grant application period and before the closing date.

If any details are incorrect, out of date or incomplete (highlighted in red), the Head of Organisation or licence holder should complete an online form accessed via a link within the Establishment, Per Capita and Specific Project grants applications.

When the details have been updated on the portal, the Head of Organisation or licence holder will be notified by email. This may take up to 48 hours to be processed. The updated details must then be reviewed and verified on the portal.

If any information is incorrect, you can update these records through your Grant application before the closing date or contact the Community Languages Schools Program after the Grant application closing date at .

A CSV file is a Comma-Separated Values spreadsheet commonly used for uploading data. Information in CSV format can be transferred faster than other files. 

The spreadsheet shows the following columns with a row for each student 

  1. First Name  
  2. Last Name  
  3. Date of Birth  
  4. Gender  
  5. Parent/Carer Phone  
  6. Mainstream School  
  7. Mainstream Year Level  
  8. Term 1 Attendance  
  9. New Student/Existing Student  

  • Avoid leaving any blank rows in data.
  • Avoid entering duplicate data. Check for duplicates and remove.
  • There should not be extra or less columns. Do not remove or add any columns.
  • The data entered in each column should match Column Headers.
  • Complete all data columns for all records.
  • There should be no extra lines or spaces in any cell.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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