Non-school based teaching service (NSBTS)

Direction and guidance on the recruitment and management of teachers to Non-school based teaching service (NSBTS) positions.


  • hiring managers, selection panel members and the NSBTS and Corporate Recruitment teams when filling NSBTS positions
  • teachers and NSBTS applying for NSBTS positions
  • principals and managers who have employees seeking release from their substantive position
  • delegates approving the creation and filling of NSBTS positions.
Version Date Description of changes Approved by



Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document consolidating existing instructions, improving clarity and readability for recruiting and managing non-school based teaching service positions.

Chief People Officer

Ongoing union consultation is occurring and amendments may be made from time to time.

About the policy

Under the Recruitment and onboarding policy, the department is committed to fair and equitable recruitment and comprehensive onboarding practices in its workplaces by:

  • attracting and hiring the best applicants so they can deliver the department’s organisational and strategic objectives
  • Updated to the published policy wordingusing inclusive and merit-based recruitment practices to ensure fair, ethical and transparent appointments that build employee and public confidence in departmental appointments
  • offering a range of promotion and transfer options that provide employees with the opportunity to progress their career.
Term Definition


A term used in SuccessFactors (see below), which refers to processing recruitment actions, for example advertising a role.

School based experience

Permanent or temporary direct classroom teaching or school executive service (at 0.4 FTE and above) in a school-based position in a department preschool, infant, primary, central/community, secondary, environmental education centre or special school. See Rules for consideration in application of definition “recent school based experience” and “recent NSBTS experience” (staff only) (PDF 130 KB).


Occurs when a permanent member of the teaching service, who currently has a temporary NSBTS engagement, is due to end this engagement. It does not mean the employee is losing their permanent status as a member of the teaching service or ending employment with the department.


An online platform for the performance and development, recruitment and onboarding of education support staff.

Hiring managers:

  • must be at a Clerk 11/12 level or above (however, this may include SEO1s, SEO2s and PEOs)
  • initiate the selection process and get approval to create and fill NSBTS positions
  • declare any perceived and actual conflicts of interest and cooperate in their management
  • determine if the position is for a targeted or identified role
  • schedule time for the selection panel to meet and discuss applications, interviews, reference checks and decisions
  • make workplace adjustments for candidates with disability or other health or personal circumstances
  • ensure the selection panel carries out merit selection processes, and can demonstrate a fair and equitable process was followed
  • perform reference checks
  • notify interviewed candidates whether they are successful or unsuccessful
  • provide candidates with feedback
  • keep accurate records of the selection process.

Selection panel members:

  • declare any perceived or actual conflicts of interest and cooperate in their management
  • review applications for NSBTS positions
  • participate in decision-making during shortlisting, assessment preparation and interview preparation
  • review and approve the selection report and reference checks.


  • if a current teacher in the department, ensure they have their substantive principal’s approval for release before applying for a temporary NSBTS appointment
  • if in a NSBTS position with a right of return to their previous permanent school-based position, and offered an extension or another temporary NSBTS appointment, must have approval from their substantive principal.


  • declare any perceived or actual conflicts of interest and cooperate in their management
  • make a decision on requests to create and fill NSBTS positions
  • make a decision on selection reports.
Principals and managers:
  • review requests for substantive employees to be released to (or extended in) temporary NSBTS positions.


Corporate recruitment team:

  • provide hiring managers with advice and support during the recruitment process
  • draft and place advertisements for recruitment
  • provide templates to hiring managers for the selection process
  • check all recruitment documentation is appropriately completed and approved by the selection panel and delegate
  • ensure all probity and pre-employment checks are carried out by the NSBTS Recruitment Team
  • prepare and send letters of offer
  • provide hiring managers with advice and guidance when NSBTS appointments end early.

What needs to be done

Hiring managers wishing to:

  • create a new non-school-based teaching service (NSBTS) position, must follow the process outlined in sections 1 and 2.
  • fill an existing NSBTS position, must follow the process outlined from section 3.

1. Determine if a NSBTS position needs to be created

1.1 Understand NSBTS position classifications

There are 3 different classifications of NSBTS positions under the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2020External link:

  • Senior Education Officer Class 1 (SEO1)
  • Senior Education Officer Class 2 (SEO2)
  • Principal Education Officer (PEO).

NSBTS staff are employed under the Teaching Service Act 1980External link.

1.2 Check if the proposed position can be classified as NSBTS

The hiring manager must check if the proposed position meets the 3 conditions outlined below. If it does, it may be classified as a NSBTS position.

If any of these conditions are not met, the position will not be created as a NSBTS position. Contact the Corporate Recruitment team ( to discuss other options.

1. Duties are relevant to a NSBTS position

In accordance with the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004, the duties of the position must relate to one of the following:

  • development or implementation of the curriculum (including assessment and reporting) for primary and secondary education and/or department preschools
  • learning and wellbeing of school students and/or children in department preschools
  • curriculum teaching and learning in schools and/or department preschools
  • duties as an educational consultancy for schools and/or department preschools.

2. At least one of the duties relevant to the NSBTS position in (1) is a key or primary purpose, meaning one of the 3 major duties of the position

To assess this, the hiring manager must consider:

  • whether a significant proportion of their time is spent performing these duties regularly
  • the duty's impact or importance in achieving business or educational outcomes.

The hiring manager may also consider other factors.

3. Recent school-based or NSBTS experience is required to fulfil the key purpose

A teaching qualification and, where applicable, recent school-based or recent NSBTS experience is an essential requirement to perform the key or primary purpose of the position.

Refer to 4.1 Definition of ‘recent’ experience.

1.3 Determine if it will be a permanent or temporary position

The hiring manager must decide whether the NSBTS position will be created as a permanent or temporary position:

  • if there is both an ongoing need and ongoing funding, then the position can be created as permanent (continue to 2 Create the position).
  • if neither of these conditions is met, a temporary position should be created (outlined below).

The hiring manager should review the following information about lengths of temporary engagements, options for processing on SAP and SuccessFactors and the effects on vacation pay before creating a temporary NSBTS position:

The hiring manager must consider the length of the NSBTS position to be filled:

  • if the temporary position is for up to 2 terms (approximately 6 months), the position is classified as higher duties
  • if the temporary position is for more than 2 terms (approximately 6 months), the position is classified as a temporary appointment.

1.4 Check if there is an existing position description

The hiring manager must check with the NSBTS Recruitment Team for an existing position description:

  • If there is one, review and update the position description as required
  • If there is no existing position description, the NSBTS Recruitment Team will send the hiring manager a NSBTS position description template. The hiring manager must draft a new position description using the template and generic selection criteria. The NSBTS Recruitment Team can advise on the selection criteria, if needed.

2. Create the position

To create a NSBTS position, hiring managers are to:

Refer to Request a new position (staff only) for more information.

3. Choose how to fill the position

3.1 Fill a position from an eligibility list

The Corporate Recruitment team will acknowledge receipt of the approval to fill a NSBTS position in SuccessFactors.

The recruitment officer will check whether there is an active eligibility list (e-list) for the NSBTS position to be filled and advise the hiring manager:

  • if an e-list exists, a candidate can be chosen from the e-list without needing to advertise, as they have already undergone a merit selection process. Continue to 5 Interview and select candidates
  • if an e-list does not exist, or the e-list candidates cannot accept the offer, continue to 3.2 Advertise a NSBTS position.

3.2 Advertise a NSBTS position

For NSBTS vacancies of up to 12 months, the hiring manager can advertise the role to be filled via an expression of interest (EOI), as outlined below.

Where a NSBTS position is to be filled for more than 12 months, it must be advertised externally on I work for NSWExternal link, as outlined below.

The EOI process:

1. The hiring manager must create a requisition to advertise an EOI in SuccessFactors.

2. This will proceed to the hiring manager’s Executive Director, who is required to approve the advertisement for the EOI.

3. The hiring manager posts the advertisement for the EOI to the SuccessFactors internal career site – the advertisement can be searched via the department’s Staff Noticeboard.

4. The hiring manager can view and assess the applications for the EOI in SuccessFactors.

5. After choosing the successful candidate, the hiring manager is provided an email with guidance on how to access SAP Manager Self Service (MSS) to finalise the assignment details.

For more information, refer to:

The external advertising process:

1. The NSBTS Recruitment Team will draft the advertisement and workflow it to the hiring manager in SuccessFactors.

2. The NSBTS Recruitment Team will ensure external advertisements on I work for NSW contain the following statement:

‘For current NSW public school-based employees or employees who hold right of return to a NSW public school, please confirm in your application letter that you have discussed this opportunity with your direct supervisor/principal and that they are willing to release you for the required period.’

3. The hiring manager may request corrections and must approve the advertisement.

4. The NSBTS recruitment team will post the advertisement.

3.3 Establish a selection panel

It is recommended that the hiring manager establish the selection panel before the advertising period closes.

For information about the composition of the selection panel, refer to Changes to Recruitment Process for Non-School Based Teaching Service (NSBTS) Positions (staff only) (PDF 215 KB).

The selection panel must:

  • discuss and decide on assessment methods, interview questions, interview length and referee questions
  • decide on dates for shortlisting and interviews.

The hiring manager is encouraged to:

  • send calendar invitations as placeholders for the selection panel shortlisting and interviews
  • schedule time with selection panel members:
    • after interviews to decide on the selected candidates and eligibility list (e-list) candidates
    • to review referee checks
    • to review and approve the selection report and paperwork.

4. Apply for a NSBTS position

4.1 Definition of ‘recent’ experience

Candidates for an SEO1 or SEO2 position must have recent school-based or NSBTS experience.

‘Recent’ means school-based experience and/or NSBTS experience for a continuous period of at least one calendar year within the past 3 years immediately prior to their application.

Refer to the factsheet, Rules for consideration in application of definition of “recent school based experience” and “recent NSBTS experience” (staff only) (PDF 132 KB).

4.2 Approval for release from current position

Current employees must have written approval from their current principal or manager for their release before applying for appointment to a temporary NSBTS position.

There may be circumstances where, given current educational and/or operational requirements, the principal or manager will not release the employee to take up a temporary NSBTS engagement. The principal or manager must give the employee clear reasons for the decision.

4.3 Right of return to substantive position

It is essential employees understand the conditions surrounding their right of return before taking up a NSBTS position. These include the following.

Up to 3 years:

  • Permanent teachers in temporary NSBTS appointments of up to 3 years retain a right of return to their substantive school-based position.

Greater than 3 years:

  • A NSBTS employee in a 3-year temporary engagement loses their right of return to their substantive school-based position if they accept an extension.
    • Hiring managers must ensure this is made clear to NSBTS employees when an offer of extension is made
    • Permanent employees losing a right of return to their substantive school do not lose their status as permanent employees. They have the right of return to a permanent school-based role via a nominated transfer.

Substantive principals may agree to maintain the right of return for a NSBTS who is offered an extension.

  • The hiring manager or employee may request the substantive principal extend the employee’s right of return.
  • The principal will consider various educational and operational factors before deciding whether a teacher can be released. Principals ultimately need to make decisions in the best interests of their students, and the educational and operational needs of the school.
  • If agreed, the substantive principal must provide this advice to the hiring manager by email. When requesting the NSBTS recruitment team to process the NSBTS position extension, the hiring manager must attach this advice.
  • There may be circumstances where, given current educational and/or operational requirements, it is impossible to release a teacher or current NSBTS to take up a temporary NSBTS engagement.

5. Interview and select candidates

The hiring manager and selection panel need to review the applications, shortlist candidates for interview, conduct interviews and reference checks, and prepare the selection report, as outlined below.

5.1 Review all applications

  • The hiring manager will receive a notification from I work for NSWExternal link when the advertising period closes.
  • The selection panel must review all the applications.
  • The NSBTS recruitment team will email the hiring manager sample templates and instructions.

Refer to Review candidate applications (staff only) for more information.

5.2 Shortlist candidates for interview with the panel

  • The selection panel must decide on the candidate(s) to be invited to interview.
  • Selection panel members must disclose any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and cooperate with their management.

Refer to Code of conduct procedure section 7 Ethical decision-making.

If working in SuccessFactors, refer to Move the candidate along the Talent Pipeline (staff only).

5.3 Send interview invites

The hiring manager must:

  • contact shortlisted candidates to invite them to interview
  • give candidates at least 3 business days’ notice before the interview.

Refer to Essential Information for Selection Panels – Corporate positions (staff only) (PDF 90 KB).

5.4 Conduct interviews and reference checks

The selection panel:

  • conducts interviews
  • decides which candidates are suitable for appointment.

If working in SuccessFactors, refer to Conduct interviews and rate candidates.

The hiring manager must complete at least 2 referee checks for each candidate being considered for offer or for placing on the eligibility list. One referee must be the candidate’s current supervisor.

Each referee must be asked the mandatory question:

‘To your knowledge is there any aspect of the candidate’s behaviour, actions or activities that would make them unsuitable for working with children?’

5.5 Prepare selection report

  • The hiring manager must prepare the selection report.
  • All selection panel members must review and approve the report.
  • The hiring manager must seek approval from the business delegate, who is the hiring manager’s line manager. If the hiring manager’s line manager is on the panel, the delegate is their line manager.

5.6 Submit the selection report to the recruitment team

The hiring manager must:

  • upload all recruitment documentation, including the approved panel report and referee checks to SuccessFactors
  • send the selection report to the NSBTS recruitment team.

6. Offer the position to the preferred candidate

The hiring manager is the only panel member who can provide feedback to candidates.

The NSBTS recruitment team endorses or confirms the selection panel’s recruitment outcome documents. They advise the hiring manager when they have confirmed the documents are complete and a verbal offer may be made.

The hiring manager must verbally offer the position to the recommended candidate(s) and agree on an entry-on-duty (EOD) date.

The hiring manager must notify the NSBTS recruitment team of the EOD date.

The NSBTS recruitment team will send letters of offer to the successful candidate(s).

On the same day as making the verbal offer, the hiring manager should contact all other interviewed candidates to inform them whether they were placed on the e-list or were unsuccessful.

When the NSBTS recruitment team finalises the recruitment action, all candidates are sent an automated notification about the outcome. All candidates are also notified of a 10 business day appeal period.

Important: Once the hiring manager advises the last candidate of the outcome, a 10-business-day appeal period will begin. During this time, candidates may appeal the decision. The EOD date must be after the end of the appeal period.

NSBTS e-lists are valid for up to 18 months from the date the selection panel report is approved by the business delegate.

7. Onboarding and induction

Refer to Induction and onboarding procedure and Manage onboarding and crossboarding in SuccessFactors (staff only).

8. Extend temporary appointments and positions

A temporary NSBTS position may be extended if:

  • funding is available
  • there is a continuing business and operational need for the position.

The hiring manager may choose to fill the extended position by:

  • offering an extension (refer to ‘Offer an extension’ below for conditions)
  • considering candidates on the eligibility list
  • conducting a new recruitment process.

Extensions for periods of up to 3 years can be offered where a full merit selection process has been undertaken. Where the NSBTS holds right of return to a school-based position, any extension beyond the original period their principal has agreed to release them for must be approved by their principal.

At the end of a 3-year temporary NSBTS appointment filled through a merit selection process, hiring managers have the option to extend the NSBTS employee in the position (without the need to re-advertise) for a period of up to 12 months where this is appropriate, having regard to the following criteria:

  • available funding, and further business and operational need for the position
  • importance of continuity to successfully deliver business and educational outcomes
  • the particular skills and experience required for the role and the availability of these in the current job market should the person not be extended
  • other contextual factors such as current team structure and capability requirements
  • providing opportunities for other employees to apply for the role where this is fair and equitable in the circumstances
  • performance of the NSBTS in the position.

For example, suppose a temporary SEO2 engagement was advertised and filled for 3 years to undertake work on a specific project that was expected to be completed within that period. During the final year of the temporary engagement, the project was extended for a further 12 months for operational and business reasons. When considering options for resourcing the project for the additional 12 months, the business unit can consider extending the engagement of the current NSBTS in the role for the additional 12 months.

However, this does not mean that hiring managers can or should automatically extend temporary appointments. Additionally, there is no requirement to offer an extension to the temporarily engaged member of staff. A hiring manager may decide to undertake a further recruitment process for the temporary engagement. There are several options available for consideration by the hiring manager in these circumstances.

If a hiring manager decides to advertise a NSBTS position, it would not prevent the NSBTS currently engaged in the temporary position from re-applying for the role.

The offer and acceptance of an extension of the temporary appointment does not change the current right of return provisions. This means that if a NSBTS employee in a 3-year temporary engagement who currently holds right of return to their substantive school-based position is offered and accepts an extension following the end of the 3-year appointment, they will lose right of return to their substantive school-based position.

Hiring managers should ensure this provision is made clear to NSBTS employees when the offer of the extension is made so that they have relevant information to assist them with their decision making. (It is noted that there may be educational and or operational circumstances where a principal agrees to maintain the right of return for a NSBTS who is offered an extension as per the above provisions).

9. End a NSBTS appointment

Temporary NSBTS appointments may end:

  • on the given end date of a temporary appointment
  • following an organisational restructure
  • when funding is no longer available
  • when there is no longer an operational need for the position
  • if the substantive employee returns to their NSBTS position early
  • if the temporary NSBTS employee chooses to return to a school-based position before their temporary appointment ends.

Permanent employees in a temporary NSBTS position may have a right of return to their substantive position. Refer to ‘Permanent employees’ below.

If an employee in a NSBTS position is separating from the department through resignation or retirement, refer to the Teachers Handbook, Chapter 11 – Separation from the service.

If a permanent employee’s engagement in a temporary NSBTS position ends and:

  • they have a right of return to a permanent school-based position, they will return to their permanent position when their temporary NSBTS engagement ends
  • they previously held a permanent school-based position and no longer have the right of return to that position (for example, because the total duration of their temporary NSBTS engagements is more than 3 years), they must lodge a nominated transfer application before their temporary NSBTS appointment ends. Refer to Nominated transfers below.

If a temporary employee in a temporary NSBTS position does not have another role in the department before their NSBTS engagement ends, their employment with the department will end when the temporary engagement ends.

Take leave before returning to a school-based role

Managers must ensure temporary NSBTS employees are provided with the opportunity to take their accrued recreation leave, accrued compensatory leave and flex time before returning to their school-based role. There may be an opportunity for accrued recreation leave and accrued compensatory leave to be paid out. Flex time cannot be paid out.

If a NSBTS employee wishes to cease their temporary NSBTS appointment before the end date, they must immediately notify their manager with their reason(s) and the proposed end date.

The hiring manager must notify the Corporate Recruitment team via email. Depending on the individual circumstances, the Corporate Recruitment team will work with the School Workforce, the hiring manager and the NSBTS employee to find a practical resolution and mutually agreed end date.

When discussing an end date, the employee and hiring manager are encouraged to consider:

  • the circumstances of the NSBTS employee and the reason for ending their engagement early
  • the business and educational impact and continuity of the business area where the NSBTS is engaged
  • educational continuity at the school and the current temporary teaching arrangement for NSBTS employees returning to a school-based position with a right of return to their previous school-based position
  • minimising the impact of vacation no-pay periods for the NSBTS employee.

Refer to Temporary Non-School Based Teaching Staff roles (staff only) – Early cessation of a temporary NSBTS appointment.

A permanent employee separating from their temporary NSBTS position, who no longer has a right of return to their previous school-based position, must apply for nominated transfer status when their temporary appointment ends unless they are successful in gaining another appointment.

To submit a nominated transfer application:

1. Open the Employee Self Service (ESS) application in the Staff Portal (staff only).

2. On the left side, select ‘My Transfers’ for the drop-down box to appear, then select ‘Nominated Transfer’.

If the ‘My Transfers’ option does not appear in ESS, email the School Recruitment and Placement team using the subject line ‘NSBTS manual nominated transfer required’.

A temporary NSBTS employee can request to be considered for permanent appointment to a school-based position one level higher than their previous permanent school-based appointment if they meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • the employee has successfully undertaken 2 successive merit appointments to a NSBTS position and occupied a NSBTS position (or positions) continuously for at least 6 years
  • the employee satisfies the eligibility requirements of the higher-level position.

To apply:

  • teachers must address the selection criteria for the position
  • teachers must send their request to their current director
  • the current director must review the application.

The director and the selection panel will interview the teacher to see if the teacher meets the eligibility requirements and selection criteria.

Refer to the Executive and principal positions – a guide for addressing the general selection criteria (PDF 299 KB).

  • The director will send their decision to approve or not approve the request to
  • The Director, School Recruitment and Placement reviews the decision.
  • If the application is approved by the Director, School Recruitment and Placement, a letter of approval is sent to the teacher.
  • A nominated transfer at the one level higher will be activated. The teacher will be considered for the nearest suitable position to their previous school-based position within the relevant staffing area and all adjoining staffing areas.
  • The approval is valid for 12 months from the date of the approval letter.
  • If the teacher gains another NSBTS position within 12 months of the date on the letter of approval, the one level higher approval is void.
  • If the application is not approved, the Director, School Recruitment and Placement will send the teacher a letter to let them know. The teacher will keep their nominated transfer status.

If a permanently appointed NSBTS employee wants to return to a school-based position, they must request an assessment of their eligibility and suitability for appointment to an appropriate school-based teaching position. Refer to Placement processes – permanent NSBTS employee seeking an assessment of their eligibility and suitability for appointment to an appropriate school based teaching position (staff only) (PDF 206 KB).

If a permanent NSBTS position is no longer required, the substantive employee will be managed in line with the Realignment placement and mobility approach (staff only).

If a permanent NSBTS employee wishes to separate from the department through resignation or retirement, refer to the Leaving the department procedure.

Record-keeping requirements

Record Classification Disposal action

Records relating to the filling of vacancies. Includes unsuccessful applications for a position or offers of employment which are not accepted.

GA28 15.10.1

Retain minimum of 2 years after recruitment finalised, then destroy

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

Manager, Corporate Recruitment

The Executive Director, HR Operations monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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