Leaving the department

Direction and guidance for employees leaving the department and their principals and managers.


All employees and contractors who are ending their role with the department; principals and managers of separating employees.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by



Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy document developed.

Chief People Officer

Ongoing union consultation is occurring and amendments may be made from time to time.

About the policy

Under the Workforce planning and management policy, the department is committed to maintaining a capable, well-managed, and sustainable workforce, and delivering educational services of the highest quality. It does this by making it as simple as possible for employees to resign or retire from the department and providing principals and hiring managers with all the support and guidance they need for succession planning and to procure replacement staff in a timely manner.

Term Definition


Individuals, sole traders or service providers procured by the department to perform a specialised role for a short and fixed-term.


A person currently occupying a role within the department.

Exit survey

An anonymous online survey that is automatically issued to employees that are leaving the department and have submitted a separation request.

Last day of duty

An employee’s last day at work. If an employee goes on leave before separation, the last day of duty is the last workday before their leave starts.

Last day of service

An employee’s last day of employment.


The reporting line manager of an employee in the department, including principals and directors, educational leadership.


The process of deactivating access rights and passwords, as well as collecting feedback from the exiting employee to reduce risks and potential losses.


The process of ceasing employment between an employee or contractor and the department.


A person employed permanently or temporarily in a full time or part time teaching role under the Teaching Service Act 1980 and based in schools.


  • submit a separation request in SAP to inform their line manager of their separation
  • nominate dates for their last day of duty and last day of service when requesting a separation
  • return department-issued property
  • check and update their personal details before their last day of service
  • may choose to complete an exit survey.


  • send an email notification to their line manager and recruitment agency
  • return department-issued property
  • refer to Contractor Central for more information.

Managers (including principals) or subdelegates:

  • ensure the employee has submitted their separation request in Employee Self Service (ESS) through SAP
  • may encourage employee to complete an exit survey
  • ensure offboarding is completed.

What needs to be done

1. Employees separating from their role

Employees leaving a permanent or temporary position within the department must ensure they complete the steps in this procedure to separate from their role.

Temporary employees do not need to request a separation if their current temporary engagement is ending, and they are starting a new temporary engagement within the department.

Contractors may need to complete only some of these steps.

Teachers leaving the department are encouraged to refer to Chapter 11 – Separation from the service of the Teachers Handbook for more information.

1.1 Before separating

Employees may want to seek independent financial advice before nominating their last day of service.

1.2 Determine dates for last day of duty and last day of service

Employees must identify their last day of duty and last day of service before submitting a separation request.

If a classroom teacher or a school administrative and support staff (SASS) member nominates the final day of a school term as their last day of duty, their last day of service may be either:

  • the same date as their last day of duty
  • a date within or at the end of the vacation period.

The payment of any accrued vacation pay depends on the date chosen as the last day of service and their eligibility for vacation pay.

1.3 Finalise leave and timesheets

Employees must ensure all leave applications have been submitted and approved. This includes any non-attendances, which should be recorded in SAP.

Employees must finalise their leave requests to ensure payroll can correctly calculate entitlements to pay out or transfer prior to separation.

Any remaining leave balances and entitlements will be paid out in the final pay (refer to Extended and long service leave).

Employees must contact the payroll department of the NSW Government agency to which they are transferring to confirm whether their entitlements can be transferred from the NSW Department of Education. Log an online query with EDConnect or call them on 1300 32 32 32 during support hours for information on payroll matters.

If there is a break in service between appointments, the NSW Government agency to which the employee is transferring may not accept these entitlements, in which case they will be paid out in the employee’s final pay.

Employees who use flex sheets (education support staff, non-school based teaching service and some non-teaching staff in schools):

  • must submit their final 3 flex sheets
  • are encouraged to ensure flex balances are at zero as of the last day of service, because the department will not pay out any unused flex leave or rostered days off (RDOs)
  • must ensure flex sheets are completed correctly and signed by them and their line manager.

Contractors must submit their final timesheet in Beeline on their last day of service.

1.4 Finalise pay claims (as required)

Education support staff, non-school based teaching service and some non-teaching staff in schools must submit any outstanding claims for payment of any additional hours worked (such as casual hours or overtime).

Employees must submit any outstanding general or travel expense claims through SAP.

For more information, refer to Expenses and reimbursements.

Employees with a PCard must:

  • acquit all outstanding PCard transactions. Refer to Acquit a PCard transaction – QRG
  • cancel direct debits and subscriptions
    • cancelling a PCard does not cancel direct debits charged to the PCard
    • employees who do not cancel direct debits to the issued PCard will be responsible for ongoing charges
  • submit a request to Cancel a PCard QRG
  • destroy the PCard, for example, by cutting it up.

1.5 Check and update personal details

Employees must check their personal details in SAP and update them if required.

The department uses these details for administrative and payroll purposes, so it is important that they are up to date before leaving.

Refer to Change of personal information procedure.

1.6 Additional considerations for teachers (as required)

Teachers leaving the department may also wish to consider:

Teachers wishing to continue in casual and temporary teaching roles may get more information from the Teacher Approvals Unit.

1.7 Submit a separation request

Employees (not including contractors) must submit a separation request through Employee Self-Service (ESS) in SAP.

Temporary employees can request separation from one assignment or multiple assignments in SAP.

Contractors must send an email notification to their hiring manager who will forward the information to Contractor Central.

Refer to Request or view a separation – QRG.

1.8 Complete an exit survey (recommended)

Exit surveys:

  • are automatically sent to employees after their separation request is approved and is being actioned
  • allow employees to provide feedback on their experience working for the department
  • are intended to be completed by the employee during their notice period. A link to the survey will be sent to their department email address
  • ensure responses are anonymous.

All employees are encouraged to complete the exit survey to allow the department to capture insights on why employees are leaving and their experiences of working in the department.

The survey data is aggregated by directorate or principal network area. The Corporate Recruitment team analyses the data for trends.

While exit surveys are the main way to collect information from exiting employees, the department also conducts exit interviews for specific cohorts of employees where this is a priority workforce focus.

If an employee wishes to raise concerns about the workplace before their separation, they are encouraged to prepare their complaint according to the Staff complaints procedures.

1.9 Arrange transfer of knowledge

Employees and contractors must arrange a handover (transfer of knowledge) with their manager or a colleague.

When preparing for handover, the employee or contractor and their manager must consider:

  • explicit knowledge – information that is easy to articulate and write down, such as processes
  • implicit knowledge – best practices discovered from experience
  • tacit knowledge – knowledge gained from personal experience that is difficult to express, such as skills developed from experience.

The employee or contractor and their manager may consider how the knowledge can be transferred, for example:

  • writing notes and instructions
  • recording audio and/or video of processes
  • other employees shadowing the leaving employee
  • the leaving employee mentoring and training other employees.

The employee is encouraged to:

  • review and document their responsibilities
  • identify what needs to be handed over
  • train and mentor other employees as required work with their manager to transfer any other assets that the team will need.

Employees and contractors must also discuss with their manager whether they need to provide copies of any relevant emails or files from their personal OneDrive, email or other application, for use by the school or business unit after the employee’s separation.

1.10 Return department property

Employees and contractors must:

  • return department-issued IDs, keys and access cards to their line manager
  • return any personal devices issued or loaned to them by the department. These may include laptops, mice, and keyboards to be returned to IT
  • consult with their line manager to determine the process for returning a mobile phone.

1.11 Request an employment separation certificate (optional)

Employees can request an employment separation certificate for Centrelink purposes (for example, to claim benefits such as the age pension) by:

  • logging an online query with EDConnect. Under HR > Payroll and salary packaging, select the relevant employee type, then select Record of Employment/Employment Separation Certificate
  • stating their last day of service and whether they are requesting an employment separation certificate or a record of employment.

Employees who no longer have access to the Staff Portal may call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 to request an employment separation certificate.

2. Managers

Managers may delegate these tasks to ensure offboarding is completed.

2.1 Finalise leave and timesheets

The manager must:

  • review all leave requests in SAP and ensure the employee’s last day of duty and last day of service dates align to applied leave
  • ensure all leave requests are approved
  • ensure all non-attendances are correctly recorded in SAP.

Flex sheets

Managers of employees who use flex sheets (education support staff, non-school based teaching service staff and some non-teaching staff in schools) must:

  • ensure the employee knows that the department will not pay out any unused flex leave or rostered days off (RDOs)
  • review and approve the employee’s final 3 flex sheets
  • ensure the employee’s flex sheets are correct and signed by both the employee and the manager
  • forward the employee’s final 3 flex sheets to payroll.


Managers must finalise contractors’ and casual employees’ final timesheets in Beeline.

2.2 Finalise payment claims

Managers must ensure all expenses and reimbursements are finalised:

  • Review and action outstanding claims for payment of any additional hours worked (such as casual hours or overtime).
  • Check if a request to cancel the PCard has been submitted to the PCard administration team, and if not Cancel a PCard QRG on behalf of an employee leaving the department.
  • Ensure all PCard transactions have been fully acquitted and all direct debits/subscriptions linked to PCards have been cancelled.
  • Review and finalise the employee’s travel or general expense claims (refer to Expenses and reimbursements).
  • Review and finalise other financial claims.

2.3 Approve or reject a separation request

Managers must approve the employee’s separation request in SAP to initiate the offboarding process. Before accepting an employee’s separation request, managers must check the employee’s:

  • personal contact details are up to date in SAP (including their personal email address and mobile number), in case the department needs to contact them after their last day of duty
  • last day of duty is recorded correctly. If not, the manager must record a non-attendance before the employee’s entitlements can be finalised. Refer to Record, reverse and reconcile non-attendance records – QRG.

If an employee cannot submit a separation request in SAP due to illness or misadventure, the manager can assist the employee in the separation process by helping the employee fill out a manual separation form.

If an employee passes away, managers are advised to contact EDConnect, who will assist in the separation process.

For contractors, the manager must forward the contractor’s email message notifying of their separation to education.contractorcentral@det.nsw.edu.au.

If an employee under PES investigation submits a separation request, PES will be alerted and will review the separation request. In rare cases, the Executive Director, PES may refuse the separation request with a preference for dismissal.

2.4 Transfer of knowledge

The manager must:

  • identify other employees to whom the knowledge can be transferred
  • plan training or mentoring of other employees by the retiring employee
  • identify other assets that the team will need, for example, system access, emails, files or records.

2.5 Return department property

Managers must complete an IT form to return equipment before the employee’s last day of duty:

  • The IT team will contact the employee or their manager to arrange the return of the hardware to one of the IT offices.
  • Employees may return IT hardware to any Sydney or regional office of the NSW Department of Education.

Managers must organise to collect the following from the employee on or before the employee’s last day of duty:

The school or business unit of employees who do not return department property will be charged for the missing equipment.

2.6 Cancel system and software access

Managers must log a Manage Staff Access request ticket to cancel or remove an employee’s access to department systems.

The manager must specify:

  • that the request is to revoke system access
  • details of the employee including their full name and department email address
  • a list of applications and systems from which to remove their access (refer to the list of IT systems below)
  • the date on which access is to be removed/deactivated
  • the contact details of the requester.

IT will contact the requester to confirm when they have completed the request.

Note: If employees are leaving the department – that is, not moving from one assignment to another – the department will disable their access to IT services, including the staff portal and email. Once this happens, it will not be possible to reactivate the services unless the employee starts work with the department again.

IT must remove an employee’s access to the following systems:

  • the W: Drive
  • shared mailboxes
  • Microsoft Teams channels and groups
  • SharePoint
  • SA accounts
  • the file-maker database
  • Service Now
  • Staff Management Utility (SMU)
  • Manage Staff Access (MSA)
  • Access Management Utility (AMU)
  • all software obtained under the Microsoft DoE Staff Agreement
  • other systems as required.

The manager must request the removal of the employee’s access from other systems by a system administrator.

Principals must ensure the employee’s access to school systems is removed by their local administrator.

School systems include:

  • shared Google drives
  • Google Classrooms
  • Sentral
  • SchoolBytes
  • Mathletics
  • SeeSaw
  • school email groups and distribution lists.

Note: The above lists of systems and software are not exhaustive and do not apply to all staff. The manager may consult their technical support officer or the EDConnect IT department to compile a list of systems relevant to their school or business unit.

2.7 Encourage their separating employee to complete their exit survey (recommended)

Exit surveys are automatically sent to employees after their separation request is approved by the manager and is being actioned.

The surveys are anonymous. Any concerns or complaints raised in exit surveys cannot be actioned.

It is therefore recommended that managers:

  • encourage their separating employee to complete the exit survey
  • advise the separating employee that the survey is completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to them in any way
  • advise the separating employee that the data is aggregated for Corporate Recruitment to analyse for trends
  • encourage the separating employee to report any serious complaints via the Staff complaints procedures (staff only) to ensure they are appropriately recorded.

Refer to the Privacy standards for information about the department’s handling of personal data.

2.8 Apply for a service medal (optional)

Managers may submit a Service Medal Request in recognition of their employee’s service to the students of NSW and the department.

Refer to Recognition and awards standards.

Record-keeping requirements

Record Classification Disposal action

Separation request (SAP), correspondence and reports relating to separation

GA28 15.4.3 Employment Service History

Retain minimum of 75 years after date of birth or minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer, then destroy

Mandatory tools and templates

Supporting tools, resources and related information

Policy contact

EDConnect IT
1300 32 32 32

Corporate Recruitment team

Teacher Approvals Unit
1300 300 498

Professional and Ethical Standards

The Executive Director, School Workforce monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.

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