School excellence and external validation procedures
Direction and guidance on implementing the School excellence policy as schools move through the School Excellence cycle.
All staff and communities of NSW public schools.
Version | Date | Description of changes | Approved by |
V02.0.0 | 14/05/2024 | Updated under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, including conversion into the new template, removing repetitive content and consolidating instructions previously provided in External Validation Guidelines. | Executive Director, School Excellence |
About the policy
These procedures support the School excellence policy.
Term | Definition |
School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS) |
A survey designed to support schools to capture a 'point-in-time' judgement that has been informed by their ongoing self-assessment processes using the School Excellence Framework (SEF). |
School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO) |
Software platform used by all schools to complete their strategic improvement planning, implementation and progress monitoring, self-assessment, annual reporting and external validation. |
School Excellence roles and responsibilities
- lead the school community in developing and successfully implement the 4-year Strategic Improvement Plan
- endorse the strategic improvement planning process as an accurate representation of community consultation and evidence-informed decision-making
- confirm the completion of each aspect of the Strategic Improvement Plan using the conversation guide in SPaRO, with their Director, Educational Leadership
- publish the Strategic Improvement Plan on the school's website by the end of Term 1 at the start of a School Excellence cycle. Publish any updates made to the plan during the cycle annually, by the end of Term 1 of the current year. The plan will be archived as a state record
- lead a collaborative, ongoing process of self-assessment that involves critical and authentic reflection of the school's progress supported by evidence collected over time
- monitor the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan and make necessary adjustments as required
- use the School Excellence Framework to lead the ongoing assessment of the school's practices to inform the Strategic Improvement Plan and the annual report. This includes the annual completion of the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey by the end of Term 1 of the following school year
- lead the preparation of the annual report, which reflects the school's achievements and meets the department's reporting requirements
- publish the annual report by the end of Term 1 of the following year. The document will be archived as a state record
- lead the preparation of a submission for external validation. The submission will include evidence from the school's self-assessment processes on the school's achievements and ongoing progress using the School Excellence Framework
- take appropriate action following an external validation
- action any recommendations from school development reviews, if undertaken.
Principals, School Leadership
- support the school in the strategic improvement planning, self-assessment, and annual reporting processes
- collaborate with principals and school teams (when requested), to prepare the school's external validation submission
- lead external validations with a principal colleague. Principals, School Leadership only lead external validation panels for schools they have not previously supported in preparing the school's external validation submission.
Directors, Educational Leadership:
- support principals to engage in all aspects of the School Excellence cycle
- engage in regular professional conversations with the principal regarding the school's Strategic Improvement Plan, self-assessment and annual report
- confirm the completion of each aspect of the Strategic Improvement Plan using the conversation guide in SPaRO with the principal
- approve the school's Strategic Improvement Plan before it is published
- monitor the implementation of Strategic Improvement Plans and annual reporting processes for compliance with legislative and policy requirements
- collaborate with principals and school teams to prepare the school's external validation submission
- affirm the school's external validation submission as being a true and accurate representation of the school's processes in strategic improvement planning, self-assessment, and reporting
- nominate schools to the Executive Director, Public Schools for a school development review, where appropriate and following consultation with the principal
- lead a team to undertake a school development review and determine appropriate strategies for implementation at the school, in consultation with the principal
- produce a school development review report for the principal and the Executive Director, Public Schools with the findings and recommendations of the review
- support the principal to take appropriate action following an external validation and to implement any recommendations from a school development review, if undertaken.
External validation roles and responsibilities
- lead the school in embedded, ongoing self-assessment practices
- ensure relevant school staff complete the ‘School Excellence: Supporting schools with external validation’ professional learning, online via MyPL
- lead and guide the development of evidence sets to support the school’s self-assessment and ensure all evidence sets are available in the <year> Submission folder in SPaRO
- submit the current year SEF S-aS, lock the submission folder and submit the executive summary (optional) in SPaRO, 2 weeks before the panel meeting (excluding school holidays)
- consider and draft the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ and ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ in preparation for and further consideration at the panel meeting
- liaise with the lead panellist to finalise panel meeting organisation
- add relevant staff to the online panel meeting via Microsoft Teams
- collaboratively guide the school’s response to clarifying questions regarding on-balance judgements for identified element/s of the SEF
- discuss and confirm the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ with the panel for inclusion in the panel report
- discuss the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ with the panel. Following external validation, the principal will:
- take appropriate action to implement the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ and continue to lead the school in embedded, ongoing self-assessment practices
- consult with the Director, Educational Leadership, and network Principal, School Leadership to further refine the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’, as part of the updating and approval of the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan.
Network Principals, School Leadership (PSL):
- support schools so that relevant staff complete the ‘School Excellence: Supporting schools with external validation’ professional learning, online via MyPL
- collaborate with principals and school teams (when requested), to guide the preparation of the school’s external validation submission including the identification of ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’
- following external validation, network PSL will:
- consult with the school principal and the Director, Educational Leadership to finalise the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ section of the panel report
- support the school in the development of their Strategic Improvement Plan
- provide ongoing support for strategic improvement planning, self-assessment, and annual reporting processes.
Lead panellists (Principals, School Leadership):
- support the delivery of peer principal professional learning
- contact the school principal to discuss meeting processes and protocols
- assign administrator access to the principal for the online panel meeting via Microsoft Teams
- access the school’s submission in SPaRO during the 2 weeks before the panel meeting
- meet with the peer principal to consider the school’s submission
- verify that there has been Director, Educational Leadership affirmation prior to the panel meeting.
- during the panel meeting, the lead panellist will:
- meet with the school external validation team to discuss the submission, ask questions to clarify their understanding and make connections between the evidence presented and the school’s on-balance judgements
- lead the external validation meeting with a peer principal
- validate the school’s on-balance judgement or identify element/s where the school's self-assessment is not consistent with the evidence presented using the SEF. Where the panel’s determination differs from the school’s on-balance judgement, the panel will discuss the reason for this determination with the school team. The panel’s decision is reflected in the panel report
- discuss and confirm the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ with the school for inclusion in the panel report
- discuss the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ with the school
- prepare and finalise relevant sections of the external validation panel report in SPaRO.
Peer principals:
- complete professional learning to understand the role of a panel member in the processes of self-assessment and validation using the School Excellence Framework
- read the submission and meet with the lead panellist prior to the panel meeting, to consider the school’s evidence
- engage as a panel member in external validation processes with participating schools.
Directors, Educational Leadership:
- support each principal to engage in all aspects of the School Excellence cycle
- collaborate with principals and school teams to prepare the school’s external validation submission
- affirm the school’s submission as being an accurate representation of the school’s processes in planning, self-assessment, and reporting. The Director, Educational Leadership affirmation is completed in SPaRO once the school’s submission is finalised and prior to the panel meeting
- consult with the school principal and the network PSL to finalise the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ section of the panel report in SPaRO
- engage in regular professional conversations with the principal regarding the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan, self-assessment, and annual reporting processes.
What needs to be done
These procedures provide information on:
- implementing the School Excellence policy as schools move through the School Excellence cycle (refer to section ‘1. School Excellence cycle’ below)
- receiving or requesting targeted assistance through school development reviews (refer to section 2. School development reviews)
- undergoing external validation (refer to section 3. External validation process and guidelines).
1. School Excellence cycle
The School Excellence cycle includes 4 components, as outlined in this section (and Figure 1):
- situational analysis (format and need determined by the school)
- Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP)
- implementation and progress monitoring
- annual reflection.
Improving student outcomes is at the core of the School Excellence cycle. The cycle is underpinned by the School Excellence Framework (SEF) and research from the Centre for Educational Statistics and Evaluation (CESE), including the What works best research. The framework supports all NSW public schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of quality practice across the key educational domains of learning, teaching and leading. It also informs and guides principals’ decision-making. The What works best 2020 update outlines 8 quality teaching practices that are known to support school improvement and enhance the learning outcomes of our students.
All NSW Government schools will develop and publish a Strategic Improvement Plan. This is a school-owned working document that details the steps a school will take to improve the learning outcomes, and the achievement and growth of all students.
Schools should also refer to About the School Excellence Framework, School Excellence in Action resource, School Excellence and other related resources available on the department’s website and intranet.

1.1 Situational analysis
A situational analysis is an authentic and rigorous assessment of a school’s current state and is used to inform the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan. It effectively prioritises the school’s identified areas for growth and includes data and evaluations to inform each school’s strategic directions towards improved student outcomes.
Under 2024 changes to the external validation process, the format and need of a situational analysis will be determined by the school, who may choose to complete this if it is considered an important part of the way they work.
The best-practice process outlined below is completed in SPaRO. Schools can use the following resources for additional support and guidance as they undertake their situational analysis:
The process outlined in Table 1 is aligned to SPaRO. Schools may complete all aspects of the situational analysis in SPaRO, which will inform their Strategic Improvement Plan.
Table 1 Situational analysis in SPaRO
Aspect | Description | Action required |
School Dashboard in Scout | The data from the School Dashboard in Scout is used to provide a snapshot of the current status of the school for each of the 5 focus areas | Complete a review and analysis for each focus area:
Schools consider their improvement measures in this section. |
School Excellence Framework (SEF) | Data from previous SEF S-aS including the latest external validation panel report (from 2018 onwards) is populated automatically. Schools use this data to inform the focus areas for improvement. | Add a theme/s against elements of the SEF identifying the main focus areas for improvement. An optional description can be included. |
Reflections on SEF S-aS and external validation | The SEF S-aS and external validation findings are used to understand related themes across elements that can be drawn together to determine future directions | Complete reflection. |
Internal school data, research, and literature | A review and analysis of valid and reliable data sources. This includes internal performance and wellbeing data that cannot be accessed through Scout, the current plan, and the annual report. | Complete the review of data. |
Consideration of all the evidence | The school will consider all evidence from the situational analysis to make judgements as to which areas need improvement. | Make judgements and identify the areas for school improvement. |
Preparation for community consultation | The data, evidence and suggestions gathered during the situational analysis will be used to support the process of formulating the school vision and context statements, and the strategic directions, in consultation with the community and the Local NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) where relevant. | Summarise the relevant data that will inform the development of the vision and context statements. Formulate up to 3 draft strategic directions aligned to the school context and school vision for community consultation. For all schools with an ongoing cohort of students, the first strategic direction will be titled ‘Student growth and attainment.’ |
The School Excellence Framework (SEF) provides a clear description of effective practice across the key educational domains of learning, teaching and leading, and informs and guides decision-making by principals.
During the 4-year School Excellence cycle, all schools must undertake one external validation of evidence of their school self-assessment against the SEF, as outlined in 3 External validation process and guidelines.
Aligning the school planning and external validation cycles allows schools to use the knowledge and feedback gained from the external validation process to inform their situational analysis and to develop or further refine strategies to target identified areas for improvement through their Strategic Improvement Plan.
Schools must develop a new Strategic Improvement Plan following external validation.
For further information and guidelines for external validation, refer to 3 External validation process and guidelines.
1.2 Strategic Improvement Plan
Schools must develop:
- a 4-year Strategic Improvement Plan in consultation with their community
- up to 3 strategic directions (dependent upon school size and context)
- mandatory improvement measures relating to the focus areas of attendance, reading, numeracy and pathways (for schools with senior secondary students) and optional school-determined improvement measures, which will be published in the public-facing part of the plan
- initiatives, success criteria and evaluation plan for each strategic direction.
All schools self-assess against every element of the School Excellence Framework and external validation considers each school’s self-assessment against every element of the framework. However, schools do not need improvement measures or initiatives for every element.
For schools with an ongoing cohort of students (the majority of NSW public schools), Strategic Direction 1 in the Strategic Improvement Plan will be ‘Student growth and attainment’.
Schools can choose the remaining strategic directions to reflect and respond to their unique context.
Each aspect of the Strategic Improvement Plan is informed by the situational analysis (refer to 1.1 Situational analysis) and completed in SPaRO, as outlined in Table 2.
Table 2 Strategic Improvement Plan in SPaRO
Aspect | Description | Action required |
School vision statement | A short and precise statement describing the school’s shared values and high-level aspirations for ongoing school improvement. | Following culturally appropriate and inclusive community consultation as part of the situational analysis, finalise and complete the school vision statement. |
School context | Describes the school’s unique features and includes information that reflects on the school’s educational, geographic, and social characteristics. It clearly states the school’s high-level areas for improvement or further development, as established in the situational analysis. |
Following community consultation as part of the situational analysis, finalise and complete the school context statement. |
Strategic direction | A short and meaningful statement that articulates the transformation to be achieved through the Strategic Improvement Plan. Strategic directions provide a strong indication of the priorities that engage the school community in a common goal. They are underpinned by the School Excellence Framework domains of learning, teaching and leading. |
Following community consultation as part of the situational analysis, finalise and complete the strategic directions. |
Purpose statement | A clear and succinct statement explaining why a strategic direction was chosen as a focus. | Develop a purpose statement for each strategic direction. |
Improvement measures | A statement of the impact that will be achieved by the indicated year of the School Excellence cycle through the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan. | Develop improvement measures relating to student learning and outcomes for each strategic direction against which the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan will be monitored and evaluated using annual progress measures. School-negotiated and school-determined improvement measures can be included in the published part of the Strategic Improvement Plan. |
Initiatives | High-level projects and/or processes that schools undertake to achieve the improvement measures. They describe how the strategic direction purpose statement is going to be achieved. | Develop quality initiatives to support the realisation of each strategic direction and the achievement of school-negotiated and school-determined improvement measures. |
Success criteria | Observable characteristics of the intended future state for the school once it has achieved the improvement measures in the Strategic Improvement Plan. | Develop the success criteria for each improvement measure. |
Evaluation plan | Outlines the strategies that schools will use during self-assessment processes to determine the progress and impact of the strategic direction. | Identify and develop the plan for measuring achievement of each strategic direction. The data and evidence identified in this section provides information to assist in decision-making. |
Needs-based funding is the recurrent resourcing targeted to students and schools based on characteristics of demonstrated educational disadvantage and provided to lift student outcomes. Each school provides accountability for the effective use of the funds to improve student outcomes that occurs through its Strategic Improvement Plan and annual report.
Relevant funding allocation amounts received by schools are automatically uploaded to SPaRO when the School Budget Allocation Report (SBAR) is released.
Schools need to:
- identify the improvement measures and resources required to support the learning needs of students from identified equity groups as appropriate to the school context
- ensure that students benefit from the funding in the year it is allocated, using research and evidence-informed decision-making. This will embed sustainable models of effective teaching and learning from year to year for students
- enter the funding source for each activity in SPaRO, in the implementation and progress monitoring section. This ensures schools can track, monitor, reflect and report on the learning outcomes of projects and activities resourced through needs-based funding and the improvement measures implemented for equity groups.
- Funding allocations not linked to strategic directions are monitored and reported on in SPaRO through the ‘Other funded activities’ section of the Strategic Improvement Plan.
Once the school has completed the Strategic Improvement Plan, the principal and Director, Educational Leadership need to ensure each key aspect of the plan meets requirements and endorse the plan.
Following this endorsement, the Director, Educational Leadership approves the overall Strategic Improvement Plan, which is then published (refer to Step 4 'Publish the Strategic Improvement Plan' below).
Once approved, schools publish their Strategic Improvement Plan through SpaRO.
All schools must publish their plan to their school website by the end of Term 1 at the start of their School Excellence cycle.
The plan will auto-populate on the ‘School planning and reporting’ page of school websites. Schools with websites not supported by School Website Service will need to extract a PDF of the school plan and manually upload it to their website.
Any significant updates to the plan will need to be endorsed, approved, and published in line with the above process. Schools will publish updated plans as soon as they are approved.
1.3 Implementation and progress monitoring
Effective implementation and progress monitoring is an ongoing process that will ensure schools successfully implement the initiatives aligned to the strategic directions within their Strategic Improvement Plan. Schools must follow the processes outlined below (refer to Complete implementation and progress monitoring [below]and Collect evidence for self-assessment [below]).
Evaluating annual progress measures is an important tool for tracking progress towards achieving the plan’s improvement measures.
It is best practice for schools to review their activities in SPaRO at least twice a term.
All schools must evaluate themselves against their progress measures annually, at the end of each year, to reflect on the impact of the initiatives and resources allocated. The measures indicate the estimated level of achievement against the baseline considered necessary to reach the final improvement objectives of the 4-year plan. They:
- show progression towards the improvement measures
- highlight the improvement the school is aiming for each year of the plan to reach the improvement measures
- are achievable in the one-year timeframe
- are measurable against contextual qualitative or quantitative baseline data
- are aligned to the initiatives
- identify processes that support schools to achieve the improvement measures.
- must communicate the evaluation results in their annual report.
Schools must:
- identify those activities required to implement initiatives in the Strategic Improvement Plan, and to achieve the annual progress measures
- record the activities in SPaRO, in the implementation and progress monitoring section, with details supporting each activity’s implementation and evaluation
- monitor and report on how they use needs-based funding to implement initiatives within the school’s strategic directions.
Table 3 describes the required activities. For more detailed information, see Implementation and progress monitoring on the School Excellence in Action website.
Table 3 Activities required for implementation and monitoring
Aspect | Description | Action required |
Initiatives | Initiatives identified in the Strategic Improvement Plan are selected and linked to each activity. | Develop at least one activity for each initiative. This list is auto populated from the initiatives entered in the Strategic Improvement Plan. |
Activity | Key steps developed to support the implementation of each initiative identified in the Strategic Improvement Plan. | Develop the activities required to achieve each initiative. These can be flexibly added to the table as needed. |
School Excellence Framework (SEF) element/s | The elements from the SEF can be selected and linked to each activity. | Link SEF elements to the activity. |
Team | School teams or individual staff can be selected and linked to each activity to delegate or share responsibility and to track those leading each initiative. | Link a team or individual to the activity (where relevant). |
When | The date for initiating the activity is selected, enabling schools to sort and view the table in sequential order. | Assign the date when the activity is initiated. |
Tracking | The traffic light system is used to monitor the progress of the activity. | Select a traffic light to show the progress status of activities. |
Resources | Resources are allocated to support the delivery of the strategic directions identified in the Strategic Improvement Plan to best meet student needs. | Assign and/or describe resources required to implement the activity. The SPaRO help menu can provide details about how to do this. |
Evaluation | Evaluation of activities informs next steps. | Evaluate and record the impact of activities on a regular basis. |
Evidence | Evidence can be uploaded and linked to each activity. This process aligns school planning with self-assessment and the SEF. | Use the paperclip to upload and save the evidence related to progress or achievement of the activity. Collected evidence can be tagged to the SEF elements, annotated, and saved in the SPaRO evidence bank. |
It is best practice for schools to use the evidence bank in SPaRO to store and organise their evidence for self-assessment.
Sourcing and using evidence underpin the self-assessment process. Schools collect and analyse evidence and engage in authentic self-assessment and evaluation processes. Using SPaRO for this task makes it simpler for each school to prepare their external validation evidence.
1.4 Annual reflection
Each school will evaluate and reflect annually on the impact of initiatives to ensure the Strategic Improvement Plan is on track for achieving the improvement measures.
Schools follow the process outlined in this section and:
- evaluate the annual progress measure/s to reflect on the impact of the initiatives and resources allocated
- complete the evaluation, including resources allocated, by end Term 1 following the reporting period. This evaluation is completed in SPaRO and is a necessary aspect of the process that auto-populates the annual report.
The annual reflection supports the evaluation of school practices using all elements of the School Excellence Framework, adjustment to future planning and completing the annual report.
By the end of Term 1 after the reporting period, schools must complete and document the following information in SPaRO, which will ensure the annual report is auto-populated with this information:
- the evaluation of annual progress measure/s to reflect on the impact of the initiatives and which must include resources allocated
- an annual evaluation and impact assessment for each identified funding source, including resources allocated, the activities or initiatives funded, and the impact of these activities and initiatives on student learning and/or student equity groups. This will help evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the activities funded and implemented and provide evidence of impact to support next steps including evaluation of whether to continue investing in the initiative.
Schools must then finalise and publish the annual report by end Term 1 following the reporting period.
School self-assessment is a key component of the School Excellence cycle.
All schools must complete and submit the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS) in SPaRO before completing their annual report.
It is recommended that schools complete the SEF S-aS at least a week before the annual report due date, so that schools can reflect and report on findings from the survey in their annual reports – which will also be completed and published by the end of Term 1 each year.
The SEF S-aS captures a point-in-time judgement using all elements of the School Excellence Framework. The statements of excellence in the framework are central to guiding the school’s reflection on each element.
Schools consider the evidence in light of the statements of excellence and make an on-balance judgement of the stage of excellence for each theme within the element and the statement of excellence for each element.
The school annual report is a statutory requirement. Its primary focus is to provide the community with information on the school’s progress towards achieving the strategic directions in the Strategic Improvement Plan. Schools report to their community on their school context, findings from self-assessment, implementation, and impact of the Strategic Improvement Plan, including the impact of all needs-based funding, resource management, staff and student information, policy requirements and student learning outcomes.
Most mandatory elements of the annual report are auto-populated using information the department holds.
To finalise the annual report, principals complete:
- the annual SEF S-aS (see Step 2 – Complete the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey [above])
- an annual evaluation of the progress measure(s) for each strategic direction
- an annual evaluation and impact assessment for allocated funding sources
- post-school destinations table (secondary schools only)
- parent/carer, student, teacher satisfaction (all schools).
Schools may include optional commentary or analysis and images in the annual report to provide context for and explanation of the auto-populated data.
Table 4 outlines the sections of the annual report and describes the mandatory and optional actions.
Table 4 Annual report overview
Aspect | Description | Action required |
Cover page | Annual report year, school name, code, and logo. | No action required. Optional – upload an image. The school logo will be used if an alternate image is not selected. |
Introduction | School contact details. Data source – Centre for Educational Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) master dataset. |
No action required. Optional – include messages from the principal, school community and students. |
School background | School vision statement and school context. Data source – Strategic Improvement Plan. |
No action required. |
Self-assessment and school achievement | Statement regarding the School Excellence Framework (SEF) and an option to publish the School Excellence Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS). Data source – SEF S-aS. |
Complete the annual SEF S-aS in the self-assessment section in SPaRO. Optional – include commentary to support the auto-populated SEF S-aS table. Select ‘Do not publish’ to exclude the SEF S-aS table from the printed report. |
School Plan – Strategic directions | Evaluation of the annual progress measures for each strategic direction including needs-based funding and other resources allocated. Data source – Strategic Improvement Plan. |
Complete an evaluation, in SPaRO, of the annual progress measures for each strategic direction. Optional – include commentary on the overall progress and the next steps for each strategic direction. |
Needs-based funding and other school focus areas | Evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of the activities associated with funding expenditure including evidence of impact. Data source – Strategic Improvement Plan. |
Complete an evaluation for each funding source identified in the Strategic Improvement Plan in SPaRO. |
Student information | Data sources:
Secondary schools ascertain the post-school destinations of their school leavers from Years 10, 11 and 12. This is included in the post-school destinations table as a percentage of the student body. Optional – include commentary to support the auto-populated student information. |
Workforce information | Data sources:
No action required. Optional – include commentary to support the auto-populated workforce information. |
Financial information | Data sources:
Action is required. Schools must include – commentary to support the auto-populated financial information, including reference to the impact of these activities funded, not only the activities themselves. |
School performance – NAPLAN | Data source – Scout data. | No action required. Optional – include commentary to support the auto-populated NAPLAN information. |
School performance – HSC | Data source – Scout data. | No action required. Optional – include commentary to support the auto-populated HSC information. |
Parent or carer, student, teacher satisfaction | Schools will seek the opinions of their school community to gather feedback on school performance and satisfaction. | Complete as a narrative. Optional – upload images including survey data. |
Policy requirements | Data sources:
No action required. Optional – include commentary on implementing the Aboriginal education policy, Multicultural education policy and Anti-racism policy. Include information on other school programs. |
Confirmation | Schools ‘Confirm and generate’ and ‘Affirm and publish’ their annual reports in SPaRO. | Confirm that the annual report is complete. Affirm and publish the annual report. Schools that do not have a School Website Service provided website will need to save a PDF of the report and publish it to their school planning and reporting page. |
2. School development reviews
Some schools may require targeted assistance at any point in the School Excellence cycle.
If a school requires significant assistance in its pursuit of excellence, a school development review may be requested. Further information on who can request a school development review is below.
A school development review provides an opportunity to support the school to undertake a more in-depth analysis of an element or elements of their School Excellence cycle outside of the annual process of school self-assessment.
The review team provides a final report (to be finalised within two weeks of the end of the review) to the school which will include time-specific, explicit actions and strategies for mandatory implementation by the school. It is expected that these will be implemented within 12 months.
A school development review can be requested – following consultation with the principal by:
- the Deputy Secretary, Public Schools
- the Executive Director, Public Schools
- the Director, Educational Leadership.
A principal may also request the initiation of a school development review.
The Director, Educational Leadership must provide a written application to the Executive Director, Public Schools for approval to conduct the review, including:
- details of the school context
- a reflection on the nature and quality of the school’s self-assessment
- the reasons for nomination or request for the school development review
- information outlining the strategies already used to support the school, including the outcomes of those strategies, and a clear identification of the way in which a school development review is expected to benefit the school.
A school development review is an appropriate course of action if:
- a school has not achieved sustainable improvement, following significant support
- there are clearly identifiable factors or stressors that are impeding whole-school growth and sustainable improvement.
The decision to review will take into consideration the school’s self-assessment and/or external validation along with other available information.
A school development review provides the benefit of ‘a fresh set of eyes’. It has significant potential to build on existing school self-assessment activities such as the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS), external validation and any school-initiated evaluations.
The Executive Director, Public Schools, in consultation with the Director, Educational Leadership, will determine whether the application provides sufficient evidence to initiate a school development review and whether such an approach is likely to identify and guide the implementation of effective actions that will lead to sustainable improvement for the school.
The Director, Educational Leadership with line management responsibility for the principal will determine (in consultation with the Executive Director, Public Schools) the size and composition of the review team as well as lead the review, unless the Executive Director, Public Schools determines otherwise.
There are several tasks that must be completed before the review begins, including formally notifying the NSW Teachers Federation a minimum of 5 weeks before the review. Notification occurs through a letter from the Deputy Secretary, Public Schools to the General-Secretary, NSW Teachers Federation.
The school development review team will:
- consist of 3 to 5 members
- spend up to 5 days at the school to determine the issues impacting the school’s ability to achieve sustained improvement and determine appropriate strategies to address the identified issues.
The review will:
- allocate time at the start for the principal to brief the review team
- remain responsive and flexible to respond to unanticipated and emerging issues
- include interviews with relevant staff and school community members including parents, students and local AECG members
- include observations of lessons and other school activities, as relevant
- include time for analysis of performance data, other evidence, and relevant school documentation
- allow for individual reflection, synthesis time, review team discussion and flexibility
- include time to meet separately with the principal each day to discuss emerging issues
- include time for team reflection before debriefing
- allocate time at the end of the review for validation, synthesis and the writing of draft findings, recommendations, and strategies
- allocate time for an exit presentation with the principal of draft findings, draft recommendations, and possible strategies, and advise that monitoring visits will be conducted over a 12-month period.
In the 2 weeks following the school development review
The review team must provide the school with a final report that includes time-specific, explicit actions and strategies for mandatory implementation by the school.
A variety of support mechanisms will be considered to assist schools to implement the identified actions and strategies. This can include other business units within the department to provide specialist support where appropriate.
In the 12 months following the school development review
The Director, Educational Leadership (unless otherwise determined by the Executive Director, Public Schools) will:
- conduct monitoring visits to the school each term for one year to assess the effectiveness of implementation of the strategies
- update the Executive Director, Public Schools each term, and subsequently the Deputy Secretary, Public Schools.
Where the school does not meet strategy implementation and timeframes, the Executive Director, Public Schools (in consultation with the appropriate Deputy Secretary, Public Schools) will consider further action or support.
3. External validation process and guidelines
While improvement efforts are designed, driven, and assessed on an ongoing basis by each school, an external process is important for providing an assurance to the school and the system that the progress being made aligns with the expectations articulated in the SEF. External validation is an integral and deliberate element of school planning and supports effective self-assessment to inform high impact strategic directions. External validation is not an inspection. It provides an opportunity for schools to discuss their judgements about the school’s practice, and the evidence that underpins them, with a panel of peers.
The external validation process supports excellence in NSW public schools. School improvement is grounded in rigorous self-assessment and analysis of the school’s current situation with respect to student outcomes and teaching and leadership practices. Schools regularly collect, analyse, and evaluate a range of quantitative and qualitative data and evidence as part of ongoing self-assessment practices.
Once during the 4-year School Excellence cycle, each school must undertake an external validation of evidence of their school self-assessment.
Schools engage in discussions with an external panel and have their self-assessments validated using the School Excellence Framework. Aligning school planning and external validation cycles allows schools to use the knowledge and feedback gained from the external validation process to inform their situational analysis and to develop or further refine strategies to target identified areas for improvement through their Strategic Improvement Plan.
Schools must develop a new Strategic Improvement Plan following external validation.
3.1. Schedule external validations
Each year approximately one quarter of NSW public schools undertake external validation. Schools have been assigned to one of 4 School Excellence cohorts (A, B, C, D), for the purpose of external validation during the 4-year School Excellence cycle.
By the end of Week 6 Term 3 of the year before external validation, schools are notified via email to the school account of their:
- participation date
- format
- time of their panel meeting.
External validation meetings will usually take place:
- during the designated period (specific weeks to be confirmed each year)
- on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout the scheduled period
- starting at 9.30am as per external validation notification
- for up to 2.5 hours to accommodate a discussion of approximately 30 minutes with respect to the school’s future directions.
Panel meeting dates cannot be changed, except under exceptional circumstances. Principals should raise any date change requests directly with the relevant Director, Educational Leadership, who will consult with the relevant Executive Director and decide if a change of date is warranted. If it is determined that a date change is warranted, a request must be sent to the Director Principal School Leadership and External Validation who approves any change of date. Any decision is final.
New schools
New schools will participate in an external validation process within the first 4 years of opening. The year of external validation will be negotiated between the Director, Educational Learning, and principal. This will be communicated to the Director, Strategic School Improvement as soon as is practical after the school opens. It is recommended that new schools do not participate until after 12 months of operation.
The external validation process will inform the development of an updated 4-year Strategic Improvement Plan, to be implemented in the year following external validation.
Multiple campuses of the same college will participate in external validation in the same year, but not necessarily at the same time. Each individual school, with a unique school code, is required to develop and submit evidence reflective of their individual campus context to determine their on-balance judgements using the School Excellence Framework (SEF).
The executive or college principal plays a significant role in the planning and reporting cycle of a college and as such will have an ongoing role in self-assessment. Depending on the local context, organisation and structure of the college, the executive or college principal may collaborate with the campus leadership team and/or the panel meeting to help prepare the campus’ external validation submission.
3.2. Schedule panel meetings
Panel meetings will include:
- the external validation panel, which consists of a lead panellist (Principal, School Leadership) and a peer principal (refer to Forming the external validation panel [below])
- the school external validation team, which includes the principal and other members of the school community, as the principal decides.
As the external validation process will inform the development of an updated Strategic Improvement Plan, the school may consider (but this is not mandatory) inviting the following to attend the panel meeting:
- network Principal, School Leadership
- Director, Educational Leadership.
External validation panel meetings will be scheduled using a combination of online and face-to-face formats. Where possible, panel meetings will alternate between face-to-face and online format with each new cycle.
Face-to-face meetings may be moved online during the external validation period, in response to department advice.
In the 2 weeks before the panel meeting, a unique meeting (via Microsoft Teams) will be created by Strategic School Improvement for each participating school face-to-face meeting. All schools will have a unique MS Teams channel created for them as a contingency for a change in meeting format where:
- the lead panellist and peer principal will be assigned owner access to the Teams channel
- the lead panellist will add the school principal to the Teams channel and assign them owner access
- the lead panellist is responsible for ensuring appropriate disposal of all submission material.
- the school principal will add participants to the meeting, including the Director, Educational Leadership and the network Principal, School Leadership, as required.
The external validation panel is an independent panel, consisting of 2 principals, namely a:
- lead panellist – a Principal, School Leadership
- peer principal – an experienced, substantive principal of another school.
Principals, School Leadership will not lead external validation panels for those schools where there is a real or perceived conflict of interest. Before scheduling, panel members identify schools and principal networks where there may be a potential or perceived conflict of interest. Additionally, as soon as they are notified of their panel allocation, the Principal, School Leadership, and peer principal must declare any potential or perceived conflict of interest (via email to If a conflict of interest exists, the panel member/s will not be assigned to that school.
Role of the panel
The role of the panel is to determine whether the school’s evidence, including data provided directly to the panel, supports the judgements made in the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS) for each element of the SEF. The panel:
- reviews the external validation submission, including the data provided directly through SPaRO
- meets with the school external validation team to engage in a discussion regarding the evidence presented and to ask clarifying questions
- considers all evidence using the standards articulated in the SEF and determines the panel judgement for each element of the SEF
- finalises the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’
- discusses the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’
- prepares the external validation report.
Applying to be a peer principal
Substantive, experienced principals may apply for the role of peer principal through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process.
Directors, Educational Leadership should encourage suitable principals to apply after regular collegial discussions about professional growth and development.
All peer principal nominees will discuss the opportunity with their Director, Educational Leadership and seek endorsement before submitting their application.
Once the application process is complete, the relevant Directors, Educational Leadership will review and endorse the list of peer principal nominees.
Peer principals must:
- be a substantive principal
- have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in a principal role
- have Director, Educational Leadership endorsement to participate in the role.
If a principal is not substantive in their current role but has a minimum of 3 years’ experience in a principal role and demonstrates the capacity to be an effective part of the external validation panel, the Director, Educational Leadership and Director, Principals, School Leadership and External Validation may decide to include them as a peer principal.
3.3. Prepare and submit the external validation submission
Ongoing self-assessment supports school improvement by ensuring critical and timely assessment of progress and achievement on performance.
Schools prepare their external validation submission in SPaRO (refer to Use SPaRO to support the validation [below]) and complete their submission 2 weeks before the panel meeting (excluding school holidays).
The external validation submission consists of:
- sets of evidence developed to validate the school’s on-balance judgement for identified element/s of the School Excellence Framework (SEF). This includes school-developed evidence sets for 8 of the SEF elements, and system data and evidence provided directly to the panel through SPaRO and Scout to validate the school’s on-balance judgement for the remaining 6 identified element/s of the SEF (refer to Collect and prepare evidence [below]).
- an executive summary (optional), providing a brief narrative of the school's point-in-time judgements against the 3 domains of the SEF (refer to Prepare the executive summary [below]).
- a completed School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS) (refer to Complete the School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey [below]).
- the Director, Educational Leadership affirmation of the school’s submission (refer to Affirm the submission [below]).
All evidence prepared by schools should be carefully reviewed to ensure the inclusion of information is consistent with privacy and personal information policies. The school principal is responsible for ensuring the information provided does not enable identification of individual students or staff.
The School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO) software provides an online integrated process for schools to efficiently plan, self-assess and report. Schools, panels and Directors, Educational Leadership use SPaRO to prepare for and participate in the external validation process.
SPaRO is used:
- to support schools with embedded, ongoing self-assessment practices, including collecting evidence to support effective evaluative practices
- by schools to create evidence sets and finalise the external validation submission
- by Directors, Educational Leadership to review and affirm the external validation submission
- by panels to view and validate the external validation submission and to complete the panel report.
SPaRO is available through the staff portal. The external validation panel will be provided read-only access to the relevant school in SPaRO 2 weeks before the panel meeting.
The school:
- reviews the evidence gathered through ongoing self-assessment
- develops evidence sets that explain, evaluate, and clarify the links between the evidence sets selected, practices across the school and the school’s SEF S-aS judgements.
It is not necessary for a school to include all evidence used for self-assessment in the external validation submission.
Schools need to include carefully selected, robust examples of evidence indicative of the general practices across the school and their impact, validating the school’s on-balance judgement for identified element/s of the SEF. The number of evidence sets per submission will be determined by the school, ensuring each set contains effective and carefully selected artefacts that are annotated and analysed to clearly link to and provide evidence across multiple SEF elements.
Additional information regarding updates to the external validation process in 2024, including a suggested list of evidence, is available on Strategic School Improvement.
All evidence must be saved in the SPaRO evidence bank. Artefacts within a set can be presented as an image or document file and schools can use a variety of formats within each set to ensure adequate information is provided. It is not possible to present an external validation submission in video format as each evidence set must be supported by written annotations and an analysis.
Schools must upload evidence sets to the ‘<calendar year> Submission’ folder in SPaRO.
Evidence sets must consist of:
- annotated data and evidence, and analysis prepared by the school and uploaded into SPaRO for the elements – Learning culture; Wellbeing, Curriculum; Assessment; Effective classroom practice; Learning and development; Data skills and use; and Educational leadership
- system data provided directly to the panel through SPaRO for the elements – Reporting; Student performance measures; Professional standards; School planning, implementation, and reporting; School resources; and Management practices and processes. All schools will provide, as part of their evidence, a de-identified student report for each stage or year of learning. No annotation of these reports is required.
It is optional for schools to provide additional evidence and annotations for the elements where system data is provided directly to the panel through SPaRO.
Annotating and analysing evidence:
- The annotation provides the context for the selected piece or group of evidence. It describes what, when how and why the evidence is significant.
- An analysis provides explanation, evaluation, and clarification of a collection of evidence. It provides links to practices across the school and validates the school’s on-balance judgement for identified element/s of the SEF.
The optional executive summary provides a brief narrative of the school’s point-in-time judgements in the 3 SEF domains – learning, teaching and leading. It is a synthesis of the school’s self-assessment.
The executive summary is entered into 4 text boxes in the SPaRO software under the relevant headings. The recommended length for an executive summary is one to two pages.
From 2024, schools will have the option to include an executive summary as part of the submission or rely solely on the analysis to provide the links to practices across the school that support the validation of the school’s on-balance judgement for identified element/s of the SEF.
Schools access, complete and submit an external valuation School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS) for the current year through SPaRO.
The SEF S-aS allows schools to capture a 'point-in-time' judgement that has been informed by their ongoing self-assessment processes using the SEF. Evidence is evaluated to determine an on-balance judgement of which stage best describes the school's practices for each element of the SEF. The external validation panel carefully considers this information, including the on-balance judgements and the supporting evidence. The panel determines whether the school’s on-balance judgements, and the supporting evidence, align with the descriptors and statements articulated in the SEF for each element.
Schools that complete a SEF S-aS as part of the external validation process are not required to resubmit an additional survey as part of the annual requirement for that year. The following options are available for these schools:
- Option 1 – no action
- Option 2 – edit and resubmit validated external validation SEF S-aS
- Option 3– create a new SEF S-aS to complete and submit.
If an element or elements are not validated by the panel at the level selected by the school, the panel’s view will be the outcome of validation and the school will update their SEF S-aS to reflect the validated judgement of the panel.
The Director, Educational Leadership collaborates with the school to ensure that they can affirm that the external validation submission is an accurate representation of the school's planning, self-assessment and reporting processes.
The director can view and affirm the school’s submission in SPaRO 2 weeks before the meeting date. The Director, Educational Leadership affirmation must be completed before the panel meeting.
Best practice is for the director to have ongoing conversation with the school’s external validation team while evidence sets are being developed.
If a director cannot affirm the external validation submission as ‘an accurate representation of the school's processes in planning, self-assessment and reporting’, the director will contact the principal to resolve any issues.
If the matter cannot be resolved before the panel date, the director will consult with the principal and determine if the panel meeting will be rescheduled.
If the director determines that a change of date is required:
- the director advances the request to their Executive Director, Public Schools
- the Executive Director, Public Schools will consider the merits of changing the date and, if endorsed, will forward the request to the Director, Principals, School Leadership and External Validation
- the Director, Principals, School Leadership and External Validation will arrange a change of date and the school will be advised.
If a change to the external validation date is not endorsed by the Executive Director, Public Schools, the director will advise the school and the meeting will take place as scheduled.
3.4. Conduct the external validation meeting
Before the panel meeting:
- the school external validation team prepares for professional discussion and reflection. To support this, it is recommended that the school considers and drafts the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ and ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’. These will then be discussed in the meeting to identify any other value-add opportunities to support the school’s strategic improvement planning
- the lead panellist and peer principal meet (either virtually or face-to-face) to review the school’s submission and to develop questions for the school external validation team for those areas where further clarification may be required to support the school’s on-balance judgements.
The following participants will attend the panel meeting:
- external validation panel – a lead panellist (Principal, School Leadership) and peer principal
- school external validation team – the principal and additional members of the school community as decided by the school principal.
As the external validation process will inform the development of an updated Strategic Improvement Plan, the school may consider inviting the Director, Educational Leadership, and network PSL to attend the panel meeting. This enables a collaborative approach to support schools as they implement all aspects of the School Excellence cycle. This is not mandatory.
Table 5 provides a possible scaffold for the external validation panel meeting. Timings are indicative only.
Panel members may take notes during the panel meeting to support the preparation of the panel report. All digital and paper materials used by the panel will be securely disposed of following the external validation process. The panel meeting will not be recorded.
Table 5 Possible scaffold and timing for panel meetings
Process | Description |
Framing (approx. 5 mins) | The lead panellist frames the structure and intentions of the panel meeting. |
Overview (approx. 5 mins) | The school external validation team discusses the school context, vision, current strategic directions, and school planning process. |
Illustration (approx. 5 mins) | The school external validation team discusses how they made on-balance judgements using the School Excellence Framework (SEF). They elaborate on how the body of evidence demonstrates their self-assessment. |
Inquiry (approx. 45 mins) | The school submission should provide enough information to validate each of the elements. However, the panel may ask clarifying questions to further understand the school’s on-balance judgements. If required, schools may discuss additional evidence during the panel meeting. This evidence is not added to the submission but can be taken into consideration by the panel. |
Validation (approx. 45 mins) | The external validation panel thoroughly considers information provided by the school, including the on-balance judgements. The panel determines whether the school’s on-balance judgements, supported by evidence, align with the expectations articulated in the SEF. |
Next steps (approx. 15 mins) | The school reflects on their self-assessment processes to determine how these may be improved and embedded in their future practices. This information may be provided by the school for inclusion in the report or may occur out of discussions with the panel. The lead panellist will include this text in the ‘School determined next steps to support self-evaluation’ section in SPaRO. |
Future directions (approx. 30 mins) | The future directions are determined by the school and entered into SPaRO. Following the external validation meeting, future directions can be further refined using the ‘progress meeting’ section, if required, to support the development of the Strategic Improvement Plan. |
3.5. Follow up report and actions from external validation
Directly after the panel meeting, a report will be prepared and finalised (refer to External validation report [below]). This will be a record of the meeting and will be available to the principal, Director, Educational Leadership, and the Strategic School Improvement team through SPaRO.
The Director, Educational Leadership and network Principal, School Leadership will collaborate with the school leadership team to discuss the external validation outcomes and refine the ‘School determined future directions to support school improvement’ section of the panel report by including progress meeting notes.
The submission, panel report and areas of improvement identified through the external validation process are used:
- for professional conversations and to lead discussions with the school community
- to inform the school’s self-assessment processes and situational analysis
- to adjust future practices and inform the development of the school’s new 4-year Strategic Improvement Plan.
A report will be prepared and finalised by the panel directly after the panel meeting as a record of the meeting and is available to the principal, Director, Educational Leadership, and the Strategic School Improvement team through the SPaRO software.
Meeting participants
Members attending the panel meeting are recorded by the lead panellist on the panel report in SPaRO through the +Add EV team button. Only those present during the panel meeting should be included as school team members on the panel report.
On-balance judgements
The on-balance judgements for each element of the School Excellence Framework (SEF) are recorded in the panel report by the lead panellist. This captures:
- the school’s on-balance judgement before the panel meeting
- the panel’s overall judgement based on the evidence provided, the conversation during the panel meeting and any additional data or evidence provided during the meeting.
Validation panel comments
A statement is generated for each domain of the SEF based on the school’s on-balance judgements and the external validation panel’s determination. The statement identifies the number of elements in each domain where the school’s self-assessment is consistent with the panel’s judgement and is, therefore, validated. Where the school and panel judgements are different, the statement identifies the element and stage of excellence determined by the panel.
School-determined next steps to support self-evaluation
This section of the panel report identifies how the school will refine their self-assessment practices using the SEF to support continuous school improvement. The next steps are discussed and finalised during the panel meeting. Adjustments to this section cannot be made once the panel report is finalised.
School-determined future directions to support school improvement
This section of the panel report identifies opportunities for improvement in reference to specific elements of the SEF. The future directions are discussed during the panel meeting and included in the panel report. Adjustments to this section cannot be made once the panel report is finalised. They can be further refined by the principal, if required, in consultation with the Director, Educational Leadership and network Principal, School Leadership following the panel meeting. Additional elements and opportunities for improvement can be included in this section by adding progress meeting notes in SPaRO. The future directions will inform the development of the school’s Strategic Improvement Plan.
Record-keeping requirements
Refer to Functional Retention and Disposal Authority: FA387 (PDF 106 KB) for information on retaining and disposing of records.
Mandatory tools and templates
Supporting tools, resources and related information
Policy contact
The Director, Strategic School Improvement monitors the implementation of this procedure, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.