Schools and students: 2020 statistical bulletin

This bulletin was originally published 31 May 2021.

Image: Schools and students 2020 statistical bulletin


NSW government

NSW government schools
Primary and infants schools 1,607
Central/community schools 68
Secondary schools 401
Schools for specific purposes (SSPs) 116
Environmental education centres (EECs) 23
Total government schools 2,215
Preschools attached to primary/infants schools 100
Separate preschools 1
Total preschools 101
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments
Primary enrolments 492,280.0
Secondary enrolments 312,016.8
SSP enrolments 5,780.0
Total enrolments 810,076.8
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enrolments 65,960.4
Percentage of total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enrolments 8.2%
Part-time students
Number of part-time students 1,756.0
FTE enrolments 1,127.8
Preschool students
Number of preschool students 4,271
FTE enrolments 2,257.7
Students from language background other than English (LBOTE)
LBOTE enrolments 302,099
LBOTE enrolments as per cent of total enrolments 36.9%
Average primary class size
Kindergarten to Year 6 23.8
HSC Year 12
HSC awards 36,910

NSW non-government

NSW non-government schools
Primary schools 494
Secondary schools 140
Primary/secondary schools 254
Special schools 62
Total non-government schools 950
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments
Primary enrolments 211,195.1
Secondary enrolments 219,960.1
Total enrolments 431,155.2

For more information


    • Educational data
    • Statistical

    Business Unit:

    • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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