Revisiting gifted education poster
This poster was originally published 4 June 2019.

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The Revisiting gifted education literature review summarises the gifted education research base. It synthesises the best-quality available research into the learning characteristics of gifted students. It also provides summaries of the research on effective practices in gifted education for schools and teachers.
Key findings
Gifted students need more challenging learning with greater depth and complexity
Gifted students can have a level of cognitive function typical of students several years older, with high levels of fluid thinking, reasoning and working memory function.
Gifted students are found in all social groups
Students from disadvantages backgrounds or with a co-existing disability may underacheive because of fewer learning opportunities or lack of support.
Lack of adequate challenge can contribute to social and emotional challenges
These can include boredom, disengagement, and perfectionist-type behaviours. Challenging learning experiences, positive social relationshops and a supportive school environment help gifted students thrive.
Gifted students benefit from explicit teaching and well-structured learning
Gifted learners require scaffolding and structure in learning to help manage the demands of cognitive load. Explicit teaching and guided inquiry are just as necessary for gifted students as for all students.
Specific strategies are needed to help gifted students achieve their best
Teaching practices should align the challenge, complexirt, depth and pace of learning with the learning needs of gifted students. Specific strategies may include curriculum acceleration, extension and enrichment learning.
The literature review supports the new High Potential and Gifted Education Policy
The policy recognises that high potental and gifted students require support to optimise their growth and achievement. It provides guidance to teachers, principals and schools on how they can help ensure that students from all backgrounds are supported to achieve their educational potential.