Classroom management poster
This poster was originally published 9 January 2020.

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Classroom management is a broad term that encompasses the preventative and responsive strategies teachers use to support and facilitate learning in the classroom.
Many teachers find low-level but persistent disengaged and disruptive student behaviour a daily challenge in the classroom.
Classroom management is vital for creating an environment that minimiases disruptions, maximises instruction time, and encourages students to engage in learning.
For classroom management strategies to be most effective, there needs to be:
- commitment from individual teachers
- a consistent school-wide approach
- access to professional learning
- proactive wellbeing support for teachers.
Preventative strategies are proactive and encourage students to be on-task, motivated to learn and prosocial
Effective preventative strategies include:
- positive classroom climates, with high quality student-teacher relationships and explicit teaching of social and emotional skills
- structured instruction to engage students in learning
- providing and explicitly teaching rules and routines
- offering pre-correction to remind students of expectations
- using active supervision to help students stay on task.
Responsive strategies provide corrective responses to inappropriate behaviours and support students to re-engage in learning
Effective corrective responses:
- identify why the student is disengaged or being disruptive
- ensure the student understands the corrective response
- are consistent and expected
- are given calmly
- are proportionate to the level of behaviour displayed.