Data collections

It is important for policy-makers, researchers and the public to have access to consistent and trustworthy data. One of the key responsibilities of the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) is to collect, analyse and report on education data. This data is used for research and policy, and is often made available to the public through publications and the Data.NSW, in line with NSW Government's open data policy.

CESE works with schools to complete data collections throughout the year.

Access the data collections website

Complete your school's data collection online at the data collections website. You must be connected to a department network to access this site.

Azure Virtual Desktop may need to be required to access the data collections website if you are working from home and/or on a non-DOE managed device. For support please see the user guide.

Key data collections in 2024

Language background other than English (LBOTE) March
Class size audit March
K-6 Language programs: Non-community languages program (PLOTE) May
K-6 Language programs: Community languages program K-6 (CLP) May
Language participation collection for Years 7 to 9 students May
English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) June
Suspension and expulsion Semester 1 July
Attendance (Return of absences) Semester 1 July
Mid-year (age/grade) census August
Nationally consistent collection of data on school students with disability (NCCD) August
Attendance (Return of absences) Semester 2 November
Suspension and expulsion Semester 2 December

Contact us

For support with data collections:


  • Educational data

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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