About PLAN2

PLAN2 (Planning Literacy and Numeracy) is the department’s software used to support teachers in monitoring student learning using the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions. Schools access PLAN2 via ALAN (Assessing Literacy and Numeracy).

PLAN2 allows teachers to:

  • update and analyse observations against progression indicators to identify teaching priorities and support student, class or school literacy and numeracy development across the curriculum
  • access observations sent directly from department assessments, including the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment, Year 1 Phonics Screening Check and Interview for Student Reasoning to make evidence-based decisions on student learning

  • create differentiated areas of focus aligned to syllabus outcomes, to use for explicit teaching and to monitor learning

  • monitor student progress at student, class, stage or school level to help identify patterns, evaluate what works best, and strengthen practice in response.

PLAN2 and the K –10 English and mathematics syllabuses

In alignment with the new English and mathematics syllabuses, PLAN2:

  • contains the new K –10 English and mathematics syllabus outcomes and the content which is tagged to the outcomes
  • shows the progression levels tagged to the new syllabus content as provided by NESA
  • allows teachers to select individual progression indicators from the progression levels tagged to the content, but also from other progression levels
  • shows existing English and mathematics syllabus outcomes mapped to Version 3 of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning progressions (department interim mapping) as well as new syllabus outcomes and content to support staggered implementation advice.

PLAN2 and current K –10 syllabuses (other than English and mathematics)

PLAN2 will:

  • contain existing syllabus outcomes for all K –10 syllabuses (Areas of focus feature)
  • support teachers in monitoring literacy and numeracy across the curriculum.

Support for schools

  • The Demo school on the PLAN2 training site contains sample school data to allow schools to familiarise with PLAN2.

  • Professional learning supporting the use of the learning progressions and PLAN2.

Related links



  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Educational Standards
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