
ClassCover is the department's preferred casual teacher booking solution and acts as your online resume and free booking service.

Great news, with a ClassCover profile you are able to be located by schools looking to engage returning teachers.

If you have a profile that has become inactive, you can reactivate your profile by logging in with the credentials used previously. All historic data and profile information will remain the same as at the time of deactivation.

To re-engage as a classroom teacher, please register via ClassCover.

To register for casual teaching:

  1. Visit the ClassCover website and create your profile. For advice on setting up a strong profile, view the quick reference guide.
  2. Enter your details, including qualifications, experience and preferred subjects (use the ClassCover checklist as a guide).
  3. Upload files, such as any mandatory training documentation. Each school will still need to confirm these before you can start work, but having them on your profile means they're always available.

You can use the ClassCover website or mobile app to manage your availability, bookings and preferences.

ClassCover’s Knowledge Base can assist you in getting started and learning how to use the platform. This includes a library of short videos that guide you through common tasks. There’s also a quick start guide to take you through common tasks.

You can also contact ClassCover via:

Their support hours are:

  • Weekday business hour phone and email support is from 6:00am to 6:00 pm
  • Weekday late night phone and email support is from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
  • Weekend phone and email support is from 8:00am to 10:00pm
  • Closed on public holidays.

Schools will be able to see your ClassCover profile and send you booking requests based on your location, availability, preferences and other details. This is why it’s important to have a complete and up-to-date profile. Schools will also be able to reach out to you directly, using your preferred contact method.

View the quick reference guide for advice on being added to a school's list.

No. You can choose which jobs to accept. You can also set your availability in the ClassCover app (e.g. if you are busy on Thursdays you can block out these days so schools know you aren’t available to work).


Your primary role will be to support the continuity of learning for students, and carry out the day-to-day duties of the teacher you are replacing. This will include continued delivery of the curriculum and may include other tasks such as playground duty.

Principals will ensure that you are familiar with the school's teaching requirements and expectations. If you require additional support to undertake specific aspects of the role such as liaising with parents or managing student wellbeing, the principal or school executive will be able to support you.

Yes. For more information about training requirements, please visit the mandatory training page.

Yes. For more information about professional learning requirements, please visit the professional learning page.

Where possible, substantive classroom teachers prepare lesson plans and materials for casual relief teachers. In instances when this is not possible, the school typically provide you with resources and the curriculum to maintain continuity of learning for students. Returning teachers are also encouraged to utilise the department’s curriculum resources to support learning and teaching.


The NSW Teachers Federation has accepted the largest pay increase for teachers in three decades, meaning there has never been a better time for retired or separated teachers to re-engage in employment as a casual, temporary or permanent teacher with the NSW Department of Education.

Band 1 casual teachers are paid $439.66 per day, Band 2 casual teachers are paid $493.02 per day and Band 3 casual teachers are paid $548.95 per day.

For more information, please visit the salary of a teacher webpage.

In general, no. If you are retired and withdrawing your super, returning to casual teaching will have no impact on your current benefits.

If you have a defined benefit account, you will need a new accumulation account for future contributions. This can be done automatically.

Depending on your circumstances there may be issues making new personal contributions in addition to the mandatory employer contribution. More information on this can be found via the ATO.

If you are unsure, we suggest you speak to your super fund or seek independent financial advice. If you are with Aware Super (formerly First State), their How Super Works booklet and Clever Ways to Grow Your Super factsheet have important information. Further assistance is available on Aware’s website including contact details.

There are guidelines around how much you can earn without impacting your pension, dependent upon individual circumstances. Returning teachers are encouraged to visit the Services Australia website for further information.

Income Test Thresholds (Residents) effective 20 September, 2023 - Fortnightly income figures

Situation Full Pension Part Pension
Single Up to $204 Between $204 and $2,397.40
Couple Combined Up to $360 Between $360 and $3,666.80
Illness separated (couple combined) Up to $360 Between $360 and $4,746.80

If you have any further questions, please contact the relevant teams:

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