
In order to apply for a NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship, applicants must meet the below eligibility criteria outlined in the Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • be permanently (full time or part time) employed or on a temporary contract in a NSW school, early childhood centre or TAFE NSW campus unless otherwise stated in the Scholarship
  • have a minimum of two years of teaching experience
  • be qualified to teach or have particular experience in the category applicable to the scholarship
  • meet any additional criteria if noted in the individual scholarship description.

For information on the terms and conditions of the scholarship visit the Scholarship Terms and Conditions webpage.

Application process

Applications can be submitted online by clicking the 'Apply Now' button on any individual scholarship page.

Applicants should ensure the application is unique and relevant for each scholarship (if applying for more than one).

Applicants must upload the following supporting documents as part of their online application (in PDF format):

  • Research and study tour proposal template: use this to outline research plans and study tour locations.
  • Endorsement of application form completed by the applicant's Principal or Manager. Scholarship application will not be considered if this form is not submitted.
  • Curriculum vivitae/resume (maximum of 2 pages). The selection panel might refer to this for additional information regarding qualifications and experiences that might not be evident in the scholarship application.

Each application will be assessed on how well it meets the objectives of the scholarship program. Throughout the application, applicants will need to ensure that they are making explicit links across the research, rationale, curriculum/syllabus and itinerary. Ensure that the proposal shows how the research will:

  • enrich the body of professional knowledge
  • contribute to the learning outcomes of students
  • contribute to the recipient's professional learning
  • impact on learning and teaching beyond an individual recipient/school/campus.

The selected research topic must align with the scholarship focus and be an area of current or future demand, in addition to holding personal interest for the applicant. Keep in mind that selection panels will look for unique and relevant proposals that aim to provide maximum impact to students. Consider these steps when choosing a topic:

  • Brainstorm. Generate ideas of interest to the applicant, personally and professionally.
  • Read. Read information from professional associations, previous scholar reports, colleagues or networks to help applicants understand what information exists and how their idea could further that knowledge.
  • Focus. Organise ideas into topics. If the applicant's topic is too broad it may be hard to find information that is focused and relevant; if the topic is too narrow it may be hard to find any information at all. Is it something new or something from a new perspective? How does it align with the syllabus or curriculum?
  • Discuss. If possible, applicants are encourage to engage with their principal, manager, colleagues and networks to discuss their potential research topic. Others will be able to help applicants see their topic more clearly and ask questions from a different perspective.
  • Define. Define the topic into a focused research question. With the direction of the applicant's research now clear, they can begin locating material on their topic.

The following areas reflect the required sections in the research and study tour proposal template (uploaded as part of the online application form).

Title: Applicants should choose a title that will engage the selection panel and raise interest in their application. This will become the title of the applicant's research proposal (it can be updated later) and used on their research report submitted after their study tour.

Synopsis (word limit 150): Applicants will need to provide a brief summary of their proposed research and outline key aspects of their proposed investigation and outcomes. Applicants will summarise how their proposed study tour will meet the objectives of the Premier's Teacher Scholarships to: enrich the body of professional knowledge, contribute to the learning outcomes of students, contribute to the recipient's professional learning and impact upon learning and teaching beyond an individual recipient/school/campus.

Inspiration statement (word limit 100): This statement should identify the purpose, cause or belief that inspires applicants to research their particular topic. Craft this statement carefully and intentionally, as selection panels read this first to get a sense of the applicant's passion and motivation for their topic.

Rationale (word limit 300): Applicants are to share their justification for choosing their topic and show explicit links to current research and practice. This may include reference to a 'gap' in current research, the need to research existing information or ideas in a new context or the need to conduct research to solve a specific problem. Explain the purpose of the proposed study, providing context of both existing evidence (and theory) and practical applications.

Syllabus/curriculum/module relationship (word limit 300): Demonstrate how the research topic directly links to teaching and learning. What is the connection to current and future trends in the focus area? This section should show explicit links to the syllabus (NSW curriculum) and reinforce it with research about that area.

Outcomes and benefits (word limit 300): Applicants are to address their predicted outcomes. What are applicants hoping to prove/disprove? Indicate how the research will contribute to the chosen focus area and how this will benefit student outcomes, making explicit links and reference to NSW curriculum/syllabus.

Proposed study tour details (five-weeks maximum): The research and study tour proposal template (uploaded as part of the online application form), is a high-level proposal only, but should demonstrate that applicants have seriously considered what they want to achieve during the five-week study tour, the sequence of visits, and what is financially feasible. At the application stage, applicants are not required to contact individuals or organisations to confirm meetings or activities. (Successful recipients will later finalise their study tour plan.)

Applicants must complete a table with the following information for each of your proposed activities.

  • Activity/location: List the proposed activity details and its location. Consider a mix of international and domestic visits, and a variety of experiences, e.g., classroom visits, conferences, university visits, museums, cultural experiences. For example, 'visit Professor J Harrison, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England' or 'Post-study tour funded dissemination activity - run workshop at professional association conference'.
  • Anticipated Dates: List the proposed dates that each individual activity would be conducted. This is an estimate as if successful, applicants will be asked to confirm actual dates later. Note that funded research activities must be completed in one block of up to 35 days (including working through any weekends and school holidays), with up to seven separate days of funded sharing activities completed within 90 days of the research.
  • Benefits: Indicate how the activity is relevant and of benefit to the proposed study tour and research. What benefit will this activity add to the proposal topic? What can the applicant learn by undertaking this activity or visiting this person/organisation? How will this activity help to tie the applicant's research to the NSW curriculum/syllabus?

Additional personal or holiday leave cannot be added to the five-week study tour.

Dissemination/sharing (word limit 300): Describe how the final research and knowledge will be shared so that it reaches as many people or organisations as possible across sectors, mediums, and local, regional and state levels. Specifically name and briefly describe the dissemination methods that will be used (for example, 'develop a workshop session that can be delivered at the History Teachers Association state conference'). Where appropriate, incorporate professional associations and the scholarship sponsor as a means of dissemination. Some ideas from past scholars and sponsors:


  • share findings with home school/institute colleagues (present at staff meetings, publish in school newsletter or on school website)
  • involve/interact with local community groups
  • coaching/mentoring other staff
  • presentation to sponsor


  • network/district meetings
  • involvement with professional associations - present or provide information
  • present at staff development days across networks/districts

State and National

  • involvement with professional associations - present or provide information. Create online materials (e.g. blog, webpage, webinars, podcast, social media - Facebook/Instagram/Twitter)
  • present at national conference/professional association conference
  • educational review papers
  • submit article to journal
  • create resources that are available for use by other teachers
  • interviews - radio/TV/newspaper
  • produce/collaborate on a book/textbook

Applications for the NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships are now closed. You can subscribe to the mailing list for updates about the program.

Selection process

A selection panel is convened for each scholarship, usually made up of five representatives from the sponsoring organisation, government and non-government schools, TAFE campuses, preschools, and professional associations (with the composition varying according to the scholarship focus area).

Each panel includes a subject matter expert, who initially shortlists applications that most closely align with the criteria of the scholarship and objectives of the program. The shortlisted applications are forwarded to the selection panel for final review. The selection panel advises the Premier of the successful applicant and a reserve (if appropriate).

Note: The Department of Education’s School Workforce directorate administers the program on behalf of the Premier's Department. It does not play a role in recipient selection.

Successful applicants will be informed of their outcome by phone and follow-up email. They will be invited to a formal reception event (during Term 3 or 4) attended by the Premier.

Applicants not selected for the scholarship will be notified by email and may seek feedback on their application. Further information on this feedback process will be provided to these applicants.

Unsuccessful applicants may choose to apply in the following year.

Contact us

If you have not found the answers to your questions in the above FAQs, contact our program team via premierscholarships@det.nsw.edu.au or phone (02) 7814 3820.

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