Getting started
Before you enrol in a course, there are some basic things you should consider.

What you’ll need to enrol
- Find out what documents you’ll need to provide
- How long will the process take
- You’ll need to have a Unique Student Identifier
What are the fees and costs
- Did you know that there are hundreds of VET courses in NSW that are subsidised by the government? If you’re eligible for the Smart and Skilled program you don’t have to pay the full cost of studying. The NSW Government will cover some of the fees – in many cases, all of the fee.
- Find out from your training provider if your course is funded under Smart and Skilled. There may be other exemptions or concessions available as well. Find out before you enrol, as your course fee can’t be changed after you’ve enrolled.
- Find out if you have to pay any fees all up front, or if you can pay by instalments as you study.
- The provider might have a policy on fee refunds, too, if things don’t work out for you.
Contact Training Services for help with Smart and Skilled courses if you need it.
How your training will be delivered
- Courses can be taught in a variety of ways – in a classroom with others, online, at your workplace, or even by correspondence. They can sometimes be a mix of these.
- Before you start, make sure you’re happy with the way it’s being delivered. Some people don’t like online learning, while others are much happier learning that way. If you need to attend classes, make sure you know the address of where they’re being held.
- Make sure you know the start and end dates for your training – including which days of the week and how many days a week you need to attend. You might find you need to attend training in the evening or on a weekend.
What student support is available
- You may find you need help in some way while you study. It can be as simple as needing a car park through to career counselling or child care facilities.
- You might need support for additional needs, like help with reading, writing or numeracy, or access help if you’re disabled.
- Before you enrol, it’s worthwhile asking about the sort of help you might need, to make sure the training provider is a good fit for you.
If you’re doing a Smart and Skilled course, then there is consumer protection available through Training Services.