Recognition of prior learning
If you already know some of the content in a course, and it’s recognised by the training provider, then you won’t have to do those subjects again.

Recognition will reduce your student fee for a Smart and Skilled course.
You can gain recognition through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer.
Your training provider will have formal processes in place to assess your prior learning in order to grant you RPL.
You may have gained these skills and knowledge through:
- work experience
- voluntary work
- school experience
- life experience or
- sporting achievements.
Where you are granted RPL for one or more units of competency, your student fee will be adjusted.
Credit transfer
Credit transfer is credit given towards a qualification for a unit of competency from another nationally accredited course that you have already completed through formal vocational education and training.
Where you are granted a credit transfer for one or more units of competency, your student fee will be adjusted.