National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP)

About the National Student Wellbeing Program

The National Student Wellbeing Program is a Commonwealth-funded initiative to support the wellbeing of students and the broader school community through the provision of pastoral care and/or wellbeing support services through a school chaplain or student wellbeing officer.

It replaces the former National School Chaplaincy Program 2020-2022.

Participation in the National Student Wellbeing Program is voluntary for both schools and students.

Under the program, schools successful in the application receive $20,280 per annum (or $24,336 for remote schools) directly to the school to engage a chaplain or student wellbeing officer (public schools must source services through a prequalified provider).

A requirement of the program is that providers must be able to replace a chaplain or student wellbeing officer if they are unable to remain with the school.

For full program details download the NSWP NSW Guidelines for 2023-2027.

NSWP 2023

Due to the timing of changes from the former National School Chaplaincy Program 2020-2022, transitional arrangements were put in place for the National Student Wellbeing Program in 2023.

NSW public schools who wished to participate in the 2020-2022 program were invited to apply for funding in late 2019. Successful applicants continued their participation in 2023. Schools purchase the chaplaincy or student wellbeing officer service by completing a scheme order form made available through the Student Health & Mental Wellbeing Unit.

List of schools and their providers from 2023. A new list of schools and their providers has been made available below for the 2024-2027 funding period.

NSWP 2024-2027

New arrangements for the National Student Wellbeing Program will apply from 2024 onwards.

All public schools were invited to apply for funding for the four year funding period. All schools needed to reapply even if they receive program funding in 2023. Applications closed 31 July 2023. Successful schools have now been notified by email to the school address.

The department called a tender for providers of chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer services for public schools under the NSWP 2024-2027, which closed on Wednesday 18 October 2023 at 10am.

List of schools and their providers for 2024-2027. This list will be updated periodically as schools finalise their providers for the funding period.

Chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer providers

Public schools must source chaplaincy and/or student wellbeing officer personnel through a prequalified provider. The list of prequalified providers for the 2024-2027 period has now been updated as tenders have been awarded.

The 2024-2027 NSWP list of chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer providers.

Information on which schools currently have a chaplaincy service or student wellbeing officer under the program is still being finalised.

Profile of a school chaplain

Tara Reading, chaplain at Cooma North Public School, explains how the chaplain role works in a school

Tara Reading

I'm Tara and I'm the school chaplain here at Cooma North.

My role is pretty much about connecting with people and building relationships so I'm just that extra person here that yeah, children can come to and can trust. And if they're happy they can come to me and tell me their problems. Or if they're lonely, we can have a chat.

I'm here at permanent part time and so I do three days a fortnight here at the school.

I am not a counsellor. I don't counsel the kids, I refer kids on.

It's not a Christian role, it's a holistic wellbeing support role. I come to school, I go to the classrooms, I ask the teachers if there's anywhere I can help. You know, some kids might be struggling in the classroom, just need that break and that outing. So I'll go play basketball with them or go kick a football, go do some art.

I'm also here for not just the children, but also the staff and parents as well. So it encompasses all those areas.

When you know that a child's been in a really difficult space and you're being there just building relationship with them, and then you just see them grow and flourish and come to this place where they're just excelling and they're happy and they want to come and share those experiences and what's going on, I just find that really rewarding.

Additional staff resources

Additional resources for the Department of Education staff are available on the intranet hub for the National Student Wellbeing Program.

Contact us

For any questions about the National Student Wellbeing Program in NSW public schools, please contact


  • Student management and wellbeing

Business Unit:

  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
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