Out of Home Care
The Out of Home Care (OOHC) program supports students where parental responsibility is held by the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services.
The Out of Home Care (OOHC) program supports schools to enhance the learning and wellbeing outcomes of students who are in, or entering statutory OOHC. The Supporting students in statutory out-of-home care procedures outline the requirements.
Out of Home Care Change Funding model
Out of Home Care (OOHC) Change Funding is short-term streamlined funding for students entering or in statutory OOHC, to counter changes that may affect their learning, wellbeing or access to the curriculum.
OOHC Change Funding is available for staffing resources only.
Commencing from Term 4 2019, schools are no longer required to complete an OOHC Emergency Funding application form. Instead, schools will receive OOHC Change Funding through one of two methods:
Method 1: Externally triggered funding
This funding is triggered by the NSW Department of Education receiving a Notice to School or a Change of Circumstance advice from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ - formerly FACS) or its funded OOHC service providers.
Method 2: School triggered funding
NSW public schools apply directly to Child Protection Services for funding using the online OOHC Learning Impact Form (OLIF) (intranet access only). This funding is available to support schools when students in statutory OOHC experience life changes (not already captured in a Notice to School or Change of Circumstance advice) that adversely impact on their learning, wellbeing or access to the curriculum.
The OOHC Change Funding matrix and OOHC Change Funding framework have been developed to support schools with the OOHC Change Funding model.
Further information on the OOHC Change Funding model is available here: OOHC Change Funding model
Resources and guidelines for Personalised Learning and Support Planning
The Supporting students in statutory out-of-home care procedures state that all preschool and school aged children and young people in Out of Home Care in government schools will have personalised learning and support planning prepared for them within 30 days of a school becoming aware of the students entry into statutory Out of Home Care. The planning should be:
- collaborative
- a strengths-based model
- a way to keep communication open
- reviewed at least annually.
The Out of Home Care Personalised Learning and Support Planning procedures provide more details.
Frequently asked questions
Find out more related to out of home care with these frequently asked questions.
Related information
Further information about OOHC in NSW is available through Family and Community ServicesExternal link.
Further support
Child Protection Policy Team
Ph: 02 7814 0662
email OOHC.CPS@det.nsw.edu.au
Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG)
If you are concerned about the safety of a student you are encouraged to use the Mandatory Reporter GuideExternal link.
The guide helps determine whether you should make a report to the Child Protection Helpline, or identify alternative ways to support vulnerable children in cases of abuse or neglect.