Gathering insights

Data collected along with consultation and the involvement of various stakeholders, will help build a more detailed picture of what is happening in your school.

School-level data (see guidelines for using data) including school surveys, classroom observations and other sources of evidence can help you drill down the critical issues so you can focus on efforts on where they will be most effective. Scout, including the Attendance and Engagement data, Tell Them From Me and Wellbeing Framework for Schools are useful tools for this process.

Information gathered in this stage will be analysed to uncover the Problem Statement.

Use the Scout Attendance and Engagement summary to investigate details and patterns for particular year groups or cohorts, in particularly, if there might be:

  • a particular year level, specific group or individual students where attendance is a concern
  • a relationship between non-attendance and:
    • literacy and numeracy
    • gender
    • student wellbeing
    • socio-economic backgrounds
    • English as an additional language or dialect
    • Aboriginality
    • disability and additional learning needs

Consider if the perspectives and experiences of all stakeholders have been captured.

  • Consult the school community, including students, parents and carers and school staff, to capture satisfaction with attendance policies and procedures.

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