Work experience in Year 10
Learn what work experience can do for your career and how to access it through NSW public schools from Year 10.

Spending time in the workplace is an option for your child approaching the end of their schooling, from Year 10.
Work experience can help them refine their choice of electives and further learning. It’s also an opportunity to find out what jobs are really like, make contact with employers and put classroom theory into practice.
Work experience is unpaid and usually lasts around a week and placement arrangements are made through your school.
Your child should speak to their teachers or school career advisors to find out more.
Finding a placement
Career advisor
Career advisors and teachers can help your child identify their talents and explore future job options, providing useful information, resources and programs.
The role of a career advisor is to help your child set goals and understand what they need to do to achieve them. Career advisors are a wealth of local knowledge, often working with you and your child, potential employers and other education providers such as TAFE or universities.
You should ask them what resources and activities are available to help your child decide their next move. If your child doesn't have a career advisors at school, teachers may be able to provide similar help.
Information you need to know
These are some of the important questions your child should their career advisor about any potential work experience programs:
- Will I be insured while working onsite?
- What are the work hours?
- What should I wear?
- How will I travel to and from?
- Who will I be working with?
- What does the program offer?
- If I'm unwell, what should I do?
Your child may already know where they would like to do their work experience placement. Some popular placements include:
- local vet clinic
- sporting club
- museum
- research lab
- IT or law firm
- charitable organisation
- school
- broadcasting or film company
- fashion brand.
Check out the company's website or contact them to see if they offer work experience, what the application process is and any other requirements, and connect your school with them.
If your child isn't sure where they would like to do for work experience, asking your own network of friends and parents what they do, and whether their workplace offers work experience might be a good starting point to give your teen some ideas.
It's important to remember that not all workplaces offer work placements, which are often specially structured programs designed to give students an engaging experience and insight.
Other on-the-job training options
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) are available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students in NSW. They allow students to commence an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while at school.
Learn more at About SBATs.