Planning for primary school

You can start planning for your child’s transition to primary school early, so both you and the school will have more time to make decisions and get prepared.

Start with your local public school

You can use the School Finder tool to find your local public school.

Your local school is your first point of contact. Make an appointment to talk about your child’s needs - it might be with their learning and support team, or with the school principal.

They will be able to tell you about how they can support your child and what your child’s educational options are.

All children have the right to be educated at their local public school, and enrolment is the same for children with or without additional needs

When to talk to the school

It is never too early or too late to talk to your local public school about your child’s needs.

However, it’s a good idea to get in touch with the school around two years before your child is due to start Kindergarten.

This gives the school more time to prepare for your child’s arrival. It is especially important if your child might need physical changes made to the school - such as ramps or lifts being installed - or specialised equipment.

Going to talk to your local school early will also give you more time to plan for your child’s schooling and to think about their options at school.

Types of support

The school can tell you about how they can support your child.

This might include making adjustments to the school or classroom environment, to the materials used in class, or to the way teachers run their lessons. It can also mean making physical changes to the school.

Most children with disability or additional needs will be supported to learn in mainstream classrooms. You can choose for your child to attend your local NSW government school in a mainstream class.

In some cases if your child has intensive support needs the school might talk to you about Integration funding support for mainstream classes or applying for a placement for your child in a support class.

These classes are at both mainstream schools and Schools for Specific Purposes (SSPs), and the school will need to complete an Access request form for this application.

It is your decision whether or not to apply for a support class placement or Integration funding support, and the school should talk to you about all the options for supporting your

Transitioning to primary school

The school should involve you in the planning for your child’s start at Kindergarten, and this plan should be designed with your child’s strengths, interests and needs in mind.

They should have a written plan for your child's transition, showing that your child will be included in the school community, and that the school understands your child's needs.

The plan should also have any adjustments or modifications that your child might need. The aim is to make sure your child is supported, but also to make sure they are able to develop their own independence.

The adjustments for your child can change, depending on how well they work. The school will have ongoing meetings with you when you can talk about your child's support together.


  • Additional needs

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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