Additional support for employment
Your child may have a range of supports to employment available when they leave school.
Talk to your child’s school about their Post School Transition planning and the different pathways that your child might take to find a job. More information can be found at MyFutureExternal link.
Your child can find out more about adjustments in their future workplaces through Job AccessExternal link, the Australian Network on Disability,External link and Workforce AustraliaExternal link.
Accessing supports
Services are available that may assist students to find work, transition to work and gain support to work.
Students and parents and carers can discuss employment options with their school learning and support team.
CentrelinkExternal link provides employment assistance and a range of services and programs for people with disability to help them find work and plan for the future. This includes a range of allowances as well as access to dedicated services and programs.
Centrelink can arrange for an Employment Service Assessment to determine the type and level of employment service assistance a student may require when he or she leaves school.
JobAccessExternal link is an information and advice service funded by the Australian Government to offer help and workplace solutions for people with disability and their employers.
Workforce Australia
Workforce AustraliaExternal link is the Australian Government employment services system that supports job seekers and employers. It is designed to provide employment services tailored to the needs of individuals and also operates as a recruitment service for employers.
Disability Employment Services
Job seekers with disability who need help to look for and to stay in a job in the general labour market can be assisted by Disability Employment ServicesExternal link. Services are delivered by a network of organisations around Australia and funded by the Australian Government. They provide support in line with individual needs including training in specific job skills, job search support, on the job training and co-worker and employer support.
Australian Social Enterprises
Australian Social EnterprisesExternal link are commercial businesses that provide employment opportunities for people with disability to engage in a wide variety of work tasks such as packaging, manufacturing products, gardening, recycling materials, cleaning, making timber products, sorting mail, preparing food, selling clothes and books.
Employment supports for NDIS participants
The NDIS can provide specific supports for participants who need extra help to pursue their employment goals.
These supports are greater than what may be reasonably provided by an employer, or with the support of Disability Employment Services (DES). For more information, visit the NDIS website.External link
More information
Young Worker Toolkit
The Young Worker ToolkitExternal link helps young people find answers to common questions about workplace relations laws and their roles and responsibilities in the workplace.
School to work
Information for students, parents and carers, and schools about the transition to work.
Advice about apprenticeships
Australian ApprenticeshipsExternal link provides information and advice about apprenticeships.
The Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support ProgramExternal link is a payment that assists employers of eligible Australian Apprentices with disabilities
myfutureExternal link provides resources to explore career pathways and tools to develop self-knowledge to help with career decision-making