Health and wellbeing in high school

How to keep your child safe and well at school.

How your child may be feeling

Your child may feel excited or happy about starting high school. Or perhaps they may feel nervous or frustrated about all the changes. Remember that all of these feelings are normal and your child may react differently to others. It’s important to have some strategies to manage their worries, re-focus their thinking and ensure they’re looking after themselves.

What you can do to help support your child

  • Monitor the media your child is watching.
  • Talk to your child about their understanding of the situation and correct misunderstandings or confusion.
  • Include your child in making plans for the future.
  • Support your child to stay connected to friends.
  • Keep to your regular routines and activities as much as possible.

Share these tips with your child and remind them that you’re here to help:

  • Be balanced and compassionate in your thinking – It’s important to be kind and realistic in your thinking. Speak to yourself as you would if you were talking with a good friend.
  • Keep connected – In challenging times, we’re better together. Stay in touch with friends and family, look out for those around you and keep connected. Make time to reach out to people who make you feel good and are there to help.
  • Take back some control – Identify things in your life that you are in control of, make a ‘to-do’ list of what you are going to complete and check them off when you’re done.
  • Accept what you’re unable to change – Accepting that there are things beyond your control and choosing to be comfortable with that is likely to bring greater peace of mind and use less energy than fighting something you can’t change.
  • Make healthy choices – Stay active, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eat well and keep hydrated. Remember that you’re still in control of your own body and your own path.

Find out more about your child and their wellbeing at school


All NSW public schools actively prevent student bullying and encourage appropriate behaviour by helping students build social skills and respect for others.

Schools develop their own anti-bullying plan which includes strategies to reduce bullying behaviour, cyberbullying or harassment, and school staff are trained to respond to these situations. Contact the school for a copy of your school’s anti-bullying plan or to report a concern at

School counselling and support services

All NSW public schools have access to psychological expertise through the school counselling service. Secondary schools have staff dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students. Each school has access to the school counselling service, and many have a student support officer, wellbeing nurses and a head teacher, wellbeing.

They can help students who are having difficulties at school or home and connect families with services outside of school if needed. You may make an appointment to access the school counselling service by contacting the school.

Menstrual hygiene at schools

Female students will have access to free tampons and pads dispensers when they’re at school.


  • Teaching and learning


  • High school
  • Wellbeing

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