Number of schools choices
- Selective high schools — you can choose between 1 and 3 schools
- Opportunity classes — you can choose between 1 and 4 schools
Only choose schools you genuinely would like your child to attend. This may be less than the maximum number of choices allowed.
Making your school choices
In the application website, you must list your school choices in your order of preference.
- Under 'First choice' select the school you want the most.
- Under 'Second choice' select your next choice (optional).
- Under 'Third choice' select your next choice (optional).
- Under ‘Fourth choice’ select your next choice (optional and available only for opportunity class applications).
- Select 'Save & continue'. You will need to enter at least one choice to proceed.
- If you want to change your choices, you need to first clear all your initial choices. Click 'save and continue'. Then enter your new choices in the desired order and save.
Screenshot image of the School choices page

How offers work
Parents are offered a place based on test performance and the order of their school choices.
The test performance needed to get an offer at each school is different. This is because it is based on the number of students who apply, their test performance and the number of places available at the school.
When initial outcomes are released:
- Parents can get a placement offer from only one school.
If your child’s test performance meets the levels needed for an offer from multiple schools, your offer will come from your higher choice school only. See 'Choosing schools – example scenarios' below.
Later offers from reserve lists
Students may be placed on a reserve list(s) for a higher-choice school(s) when outcomes are first released. If their position on the list is reached, they may get a later offer.
Learn more about offers and reserve lists at Outcomes.
The order of your school choices is important
This is because:
- You cannot decline a placement offer to get a later offer from one of your lower-choice schools.
- If you decline an offer from one of your lower-choice schools and you are on a reserve list for a higher-choice school(s), there is no guarantee that you will get a later offer from a reserve list.
So please choose the order of your schools carefully and select the school you want the most as your first-choice.
Do I get any advantage for choosing a school as my first choice?
Your child will be considered for all school choices based solely on their test performance. You will not be given any extra consideration for listing a school as your first choice.
Choosing schools – example scenarios
Selective high school examples
Example – choosing selective high schools
An applicant for selective high schools lists 3 schools in the following order:
First choice: James Ruse Agricultural High School
Second choice: North Sydney Girls High School
Third choice: Blacktown Girls High School.
Scenario A
If the student met the test performance levels* needed for all 3 schools, then they would receive an offer only for their first choice, James Ruse Agricultural High School. If they decline this offer they cannot get an offer from any of their lower choice schools.
Scenario B
If the student met the test performance levels* needed for both North Sydney Girls High School and Blacktown Girls High School, then they would get an offer for their higher choice school only – North Sydney Girls High School.
Scenario C
If the student met the test performance levels* needed for only Blacktown Girls High School, they would be offered a place at that school.
* Remember that the level of test performance needed to get an offer at every school is different. This is because it is based on the number of students who apply, their test performance and the number of places available at the school.
Opportunity classes examples
Example: choosing opportunity classes
An applicant lists 4 schools in the following order:
First choice: Kingswood Public School
Second choice: Penrith Public School.
First choice: St Clair Public School
Second choice: ColytonPublic School.
Scenario A
If the student met the test performance levels* needed for both Kingswood Public School and Penrith Public School they would receive an offer only for Neutral Bay Public School – the higher-choice school.
Scenario B
If the student met the test performance level* needed for Penrith Public School only, they would be offered a place at that school.
Scenario C
If the student met the test performance levels* needed for only St Clair Public School, they would be offered a place at that school.
* Remember that the level of test performance needed to get an offer at every school is different. This is because it is based on the number of students who apply, their test performance and the number of places available at the school.
Changing your school choices
You can change your school choices after you submit your application – see 'last day to change school choices' in the Key dates). Log back into the application dashboard to change your choices.
If you have experienced exceptional circumstances that might require a change after this date, please refer to the Selective high schools and opportunity classes placement procedures for more information and the evidence you need to submit for special consideration.