The Selective Education Team will use your answers in this section to assess your child's eligibility for adjustments so they can have fair access to sit the test.
The information you provide about your child's disability or medical condition cannot be used to restrict their access to placement in any way.
Information privacy
The department collects information about applicants and their children to process and assess their application. This includes health information about students to meet our obligations under legislation and to provide appropriate support, such as providing reasonable adjustments for students with disability to sit the placement test.
Any information provided to the department will be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with the NSW privacy laws (the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act (NSW)).
Please refer to the full Privacy Notice within the application website for more information.
What are reasonable adjustments?
Reasonable adjustments are practical arrangements made for students with disability so that they can access the test on the same basis as students without disability.
Providing students with reasonable adjustments complies with the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
What you need to tell us
Please tell us if your child:
- has a disability, e.g. blind or low vision, physical disability, autism, ADHD.
- has a medical condition, e.g. anaphylaxis, diabetes, epilepsy
- is already provided with adjustments at school (include details where applicable)
- displays behaviour likely to impact other students in a test setting
- has a recent injury that could affect test performance
- takes medication during the school day.
Why telling us this information is important
Telling us about your child's support needs helps us to:
- provide them with fair access to sit the test
- protect their health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of other students, when sitting the test.
If your child has adjustments at school because of their disability or medical conditions, similar adjustments can be made for the test.
Reasonable adjustments need to be requested in your application. Please provide details of the adjustments requested, and if available, upload supporting evidence as soon as possible before applications close. This will allow us time to consider and review your request.
How to answer this section
- Select 'Yes' if your child has a disability, medical or behavioural condition or injury. Otherwise Select ‘No’ and go to Step 4.
- Select your child's disability, medical or behavioural condition(s) from the list (select all that apply). If it is not listed, select 'Other' and provide details in the space provided.
- Select ‘Yes’ if your child needs adjustments for the test. Otherwise select ‘No’ and proceed to step 4. Describe the adjustments in detail. For example, if requesting a paper test in large print, include font size; if requesting assistive technology, include details and compatibility. Also let us know if your child's disability or condition may disturb other students at the test centre so that a separate test room can be organised.
- Supporting documentary evidence will be required. Select at least one form of evidence from the list.
- Select ‘Save & continue’.
- Attach evidence of your child's disability (if available), the adjustments needed and indicate if adjustments are provided at school. Supporting evidence should be uploaded as soon as possible. Follow steps in the How do I upload documents and supporting evidence? Section of the Making updates & sending messages page for support.
You will be advised about any reasonable adjustments arranged for your child approximately 2 weeks before the test when you receive the test admission ticket.
Early requests for reasonable adjustments are greatly appreciated to allow time for the Selective Education Team to consult with schools before the end of Term 4.
Reasonable adjustments requested after applications close (21 February 2025 – for entry in 2026) will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

Examples reasonable adjustments
- specific seating
- noise-reducing earphones
- medical equipment, e.g. blood glucose level monitor/pump
- wheelchair access.
These are just a few examples of adjustments. We suggest requesting the adjustments that your child has at school for assessments such as NAPLAN.
Computer-based tests introduce new reasonable adjustments not previously applicable to a paper test. Students with disability need to try the online practice tests to determine if reasonable adjustments are needed.
The following reasonable adjustments are only available for students with disability who use these adjustments in formal class assessments and/or NAPLAN. Supporting documentation is required when requesting these adjustments. If this is not available, we will contact your child’s school for confirmation when considering the request.
Preset zoom
All students will be able to use the zoom function on each page of the test. If your child needs the zoom level preset for the entire test, please try using the zoom function in the online practice test. When submitting your application please request the most suitable zoom level (e.g. 150% or 200%) as a reasonable adjustment.
Assistive technology
If a student uses assistive technology (e.g. screen reader or magnification) at school, it may be used for the test (if compatible with the test platform). Parents and carers of students who may require assistive technology must try the online practice test to check compatibility.
Non-standard device peripherals
Students will be tested on notebooks with a minimum of 15.4-inch screens and “all in one” computers devices with separate keyboard. All devices will have mice. Nonstandard device peripherals such as ergonomic mice, ergonomic keyboards and larger monitors may be used in the placement tests as a reasonable adjustment for disability. Parents and carers of students who may require the use of non-standard device peripherals should test and practice the use of their device peripherals on the practice tests.
Colour themes adjustments
Colour theme adjustments are screen adjustments that display black text against a selection of 5 different colour backgrounds (white, blue, lilac, green and yellow). These include:
- black text with white background
- black text with blue background)
- black text with lilac background
- black text with green background
- black text with yellow background
Alternative test formats – Paper and Braille
Alternative format paper tests in large print or braille, or an editable, accessible PDF, are available for students with disability (e.g. students with low vision) who are unable to access the online tests using the zoom function or assistive technology.
Please note: If alternative test formats may be required, parents or carers are encouraged to submit their applications early in the application window with supporting documentation. This will help ensure we have ample time to prepare a paper or braille test as an adjustment for disability.
Large print options in Arial font are available in:
- Size 18 (A4 paper)
- Size 24 (A4 paper)
- Size 24 (A3 paper)
- Size 36 (A3 paper)
Scribe to enter responses in computer-based test
A scribe may be provided for students with disability who are unable to indicate multiple-choice responses in a computer-based test using a mouse or shortcut keys. Please assist your child to try these in the online practice test. A scribe may also be provided for students with disability who are unable to access the Writing test by typing, using assistive technology or an alternative test format.
Does your child have an allergy and are they at risk of Anaphylaxis?
A person trained in anaphylaxis response will be present at each test centre.
Parents of students with anaphylaxis must give an anaphylaxis kit to the test supervisor before the test starts.
Parents will be sent information about the anaphylaxis kit well before the test day.
What happens next?
After you have submitted your application, we will review the information you have provided. We will also consider any adjustments being provided at your child's school.
Approved reasonable adjustments will be listed on your child’s test admission ticket. This will be available in your dashboard approximately 2 weeks before the test.
Placement support for students with disability
What you tell us in this section might also be used to check if your child is eligible for a placement offer under the Equity Placement Model.
Learn more at Fair access.