Selective high schools

Selective high schools are for high potential and gifted students in Years 7 to 12. For Year 7 entry, parents apply when their child is at the end of Year 5 or the beginning of Year 6.

High school students outside in maths class using maths device with female teacher High school students outside in maths class using maths device with female teacher
Applications are closed for selective high school Year 7 entry in 2026.

Types of selective high schools

There are 4 types of selective high schools:

  • fully selective high schools
  • partially selective high schools
  • agricultural high schools
  • Aurora College.

Fully selective high schools

There are 17 fully selective high schools in NSW. Only high potential and gifted students can be enrolled in these schools through the selective high school application processes.

Partially selective high schools

There are 25 partially selective high schools in NSW for entry in Year 7.

These schools have a mix of local area high school students who attend non-selective classes, and students placed through the selective high school placement processes who attend selective classes together.

The students in the selective classes participate in separate English, mathematics and science classes. They generally join the non-selective students for classes in other subjects.

Agricultural high schools

Agricultural high schools are selective high schools which emphasise the study of agriculture. From Years 7 to 10, agriculture is a compulsory subject.

There are 4 fully selective agricultural high schools in NSW.

  • Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School — day* and boarding places for boys only
  • Hurlstone Agricultural High School — day and boarding places for girls and boys
  • James Ruse Agricultural High School — day places only for boys and girls
  • Yanco Agricultural High School — boarding places only for boys and girls

Three agricultural high schools offer boarding places for students. Parents and carers applying for boarding places at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School and Yanco Agricultural High School must apply directly to the schools for placement. Students do not have to sit the selective high school placement test to be considered for boarder placement at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School and Yanco Agricultural High School.

A student offered a place as a boarder at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School or Hurlstone Agricultural High School cannot automatically transfer to a day place. Isolated students receive extra consideration for boarding places.

* 'day places' means that the students do not board – they only attend during the regular school day.

Richmond High School-Richmond Agricultural College is a partially selective high school where students in the academically selective stream will be required to study agriculture through the Richmond Agricultural College Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education. Students will study at two campuses, Richmond High School and in the Richmond Agricultural College.

You can apply to fully selective, partially selective and agriculturally selective high schools that are outside your local enrolment area.

Aurora College (online classes)

The department's Aurora CollegeExternal link provides online selective high school classes for rural and remote students.

Students attend their local ‘host’ NSW public high school and join Aurora College’s online classes for English, mathematics and science.

Two residential camps are held each year that include:

  • practical face-to-face lessons
  • specialist excursions
  • opportunities for students to meet and socialise with their classmates.

There are approximately 180 Aurora College host schools available.

To apply for Aurora College, you must live in rural and remote location and choose an Aurora College host school.

Video – Get the whole picture about selective high schools (duration 3:50)

VIDEO: Get the whole picture about selective high schools

[Transcript of video animation: ‘Get the whole picture about selective high schools’ (3 minutes 50 seconds)]

[Fort Street student 2]
Everyone is super nerdy and always studying.

[Baulkham Hills student 3]
I think everyone is super nerdy.

[Baulkham Hills student 1]


[Baulkham Hills student 3]

We've got an all nerd school. But I think there's a community in that. I'm not even kidding.

[Fort Street student 2]
I think a good balance is what we all have.

[Baulkham Hills student 1]
There is no student diversity.

[Fort Street student 2]

[Caringbah student 2]
It's, you know, people come from all over. And in terms of like diversity, it's a very diverse environment, very, in terms of not just like, you know, appearance or culture, but like in terms of who we are as people, which I think is really important.

There is too much academic pressure.

[Fort Street student 2]
I think there's a there's a healthy, like, push to get us to perform to our best ability. But I don't think like any of it is, like, too stressful or, like, unwarranted. Like everything is for, our like, best performance yeah.

[Caringbah student 3]
I think with the stigma of this pressure, the teachers try really hard to combat it. They always say, 'Just do your best'. And that's that's it. There's no point always aiming to get 100% because that is not achievable. And if you do your best, really, that's what you're improving on and that's the skills you're building and the skills you're going to keep for life.

[Caringbah student 1]
Everyone is super competitive and focused on beating each other

[Baulkham Hills student 3]
I care about how well I do as like myself. I know a lot of other people do feel this competition is a good opportunity for them and they thrive when they're like competing against others.

[Caringbah student 3]
People love to share resources, again, love to make sure everyone else understands the concept and we're just teaching and learning together.

[Baulkham Hills student 3]
It is not a supportive environment. I think it is. I think we are supportive of each other.

[Caringbah student 3]:
It's just a supportive environment that allows everyone to do that best and to, you know, follow their interests.

[Fort Street student 2]
That’s false, I think it is a supportive environment. Yeah.

[Fort Street student 3]
Yeah. We all try and push each other up. We all support each other. We’re all there for each other. We all help each other.

[Fort Street student 2]
The students are all coached. Nope! I’m not.

[Fort Street student 1]
I’m not.

[Fort Street student 3]
Neither am I.

[Baulkham Hills student 3]
No, we are definitely not all coached.

[Caringbah student 3]
The teachers here are excellent at their jobs and they understand what they're teaching very well and they have all the resources to give us.

[Caringbah student 1]
It's hard to make friends.

I was a bit scared to come to this school because I didn't know anyone but, um, you click really, really easily.

[Fort Street student 3]
I really connected with a lot of people really well, really fast. Better than any other schools I've ever been to.

[Caringbah student 2]
We're all really good friends and there's a really positive atmosphere just in the school. And yeah, I think it's I think it's a really, really good environment to be in.

[Baulkham Hills student 1]
Question is, the students are only good at academics.

[Fort Street student 1]
I mean, we're all here because we're good academics, but that's not the only thing.

[Baulkham Hills student 3]
Well, I mean, even if you look at all of us, we all have extracurriculars. And I think, I think everyone in our grade, in our school has something outside of academics that they really are good at or they really like putting in a lot of effort and passion into.

[Caringbah student 1]
A big part of doing well in academics is just having like an all around like balance in your life. And I feel like the school's sense of balance is really good. We have, yes, sport creative stuff. We have. Yeah, it's way more than just academic performance. So yeah.

[Fort Street student 3]
Anyone who's thinking about going to the selective schools test, just give it a go. It doesn't matter if you get in. It doesn't matter if you don't get in, give it a go. If you get into a selective school, that's amazing. Come join our cool, quirky cohorts. Yeah, you'll find people that you belong with.

[End of transcript]

Find a selective high school

Map of fully selective, partially selective and agricultural high schools

Map of selective high schools

List of selective high schools and number of places

There are 4,248 places available in selective high schools across NSW for entry to Year 7.

School Address Type Gender Number of places
Alexandria Park Community School*External link Park Road, Alexandria 2015 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Armidale Secondary CollegeExternal link Crest Road, Armidale 2350 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Auburn Girls High SchoolExternal link Hunter Street and Braemar Ave, Auburn 2144 Partially selective Girls 30
Baulkham Hills High SchoolExternal link
Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills 2153 Fully selective Girls and boys 180
Blacktown Boys High SchoolExternal link Sunnyholt Road & Fifth Ave, Blacktown 2148 Partially selective Boys 30
Blacktown Girls High SchoolExternal link Fifth Avenue, Blacktown 2148 Partially selective Girls 30
Bonnyrigg High SchoolExternal link Elizabeth Drive, Bonnyrigg 2177 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Caringbah High SchoolExternal link Willarong Road, Caringbah 2229 Fully selective Girls and boys 150
Chatswood High SchoolExternal link Centennial Avenue, Chatswood 2067 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Elizabeth Macarthur High SchoolExternal link Waterworth Drive, Narellan Vale 2567 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Farrer Memorial Agricultural High SchoolExternal link^ 585 Calala Lane, Tamworth 2340 Agricultural high school – day places Boys 50 day places; 60 boarding places
Fort Street High SchoolExternal link Parramatta Road, Petersham 2049

Fully selective

Girls and boys 150
Girraween High SchoolExternal link Gilba Road, Girraween 2145

Fully selective

Girls and boys 120
Gorokan High SchoolExternal link Goobarabah Ave, Gorokan 2263 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Gosford High SchoolExternal link Racecourse Road, Gosford 2250

Fully selective

Girls and boys 180
Grafton High SchoolExternal link Oliver & Mary Streets, Grafton 2460 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Granville Boys High SchoolExternal link 14 Mary Street, Granville 2142 Partially selective Boys 30
Hornsby Girls High SchoolExternal link Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby 2077 Fully selective Girls 120
Hurlstone Agricultural High SchoolExternal link
Roy Watts Road, Glenfield 2167 Agricultural high school – day places and boarding places Girls and boys 120 day places; 30 boarding places (15 for girls and 15 for boys)
James Ruse Agricultural High SchoolExternal link 17–31 Felton Road, Carlingford 2118 Agricultural high school – day places Girls and boys 120
Karabar High SchoolExternal link Donald Road, Queanbeyan 2620 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Kooringal High SchoolExternal link Ziegler Avenue, Kooringal 2650 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Macquarie Fields High SchoolExternal link Harold Street, Macquarie Fields 2564 Partially selective Girls and boys 90
Merewether High SchoolExternal link Chatham Street, Broadmeadow 2292

Fully selective

Girls and boys 180
Moorebank High SchoolExternal link Bangalow Avenue, Moorebank 2170 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Normanhurst Boys High SchoolExternal link Pennant Hills Road, Normanhurst 2076 Fully selective Boys 120
Northern Beaches Secondary College, Manly campusExternal link Abbott Road, North Curl Curl 2099

Fully selective

Girls and boys 120
North Sydney Boys High SchoolExternal link Falcon Street, Crows Nest 2065 Fully selective Boys 150
North Sydney Girls High SchoolExternal link

Pacific Highway, Crows Nest 2065

Fully selective Girls 150

Parramatta High SchoolExternal link

Great Western Hwy & Pitt St, Parramatta 2150 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Peel High SchoolExternal link Gunnedah Road, Tamworth 2340 Partially selective Girls and boys 30
Penrith High SchoolExternal link High Street, Penrith 2750

Fully selective

Girls and boys 150
Prairiewood High SchoolExternal link

Prairie Vale Road, Wetherill Park 2164

Partially selective Girls and boys 60

Richmond High SchoolExternal link /
Richmond Agricultural CollegeExternal link^^

(Dual campus delivery)

140 Lennox Street, Richmond 2753 and
Vines Drive, Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Campus
Partially selective Girls and boys 30

Rose Bay Secondary CollegeExternal link*

Hardy Street, Dover Heights 2030 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Ryde Secondary CollegeExternal link Malvina Street, Ryde 2112 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Sefton High SchoolExternal link Hector Street, Sefton 2162 Partially selective Girls and boys 88
Smiths Hill High SchoolExternal link Gipps Street, Wollongong 2500

Fully selective

Girls and boys 120
St George Girls High SchoolExternal link Victoria Street, Kogarah 2217 Fully selective Girls 150
Sydney Boys High SchoolExternal link Cleveland Street, Moore Park, Surry Hills 2021 Fully selective Boys 180
Sydney Girls High SchoolExternal link Anzac Parade, Surry Hills 2010 Fully selective Girls 150
Sydney Secondary College –
Balmain CampusExternal link
(Years 7 to 10)
Terry Street, Rozelle 2039 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Sydney Secondary College,
Blackwattle Bay CampusExternal link
(Years 11 to12)
Taylor St, Glebe 2037 Partially selective Girls and boys n/a
Sydney Secondary College,
Leichhardt CampusExternal link
(Years 7 to 10)
Balmain Road, Leichhardt 2040 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Sydney Technical High SchoolExternal link

Forest Road, Bexley 2207

Fully selective Boys 150
Tempe High SchoolExternal link*
Unwins Bridge Road, Tempe 2044 Partially selective Girls and boys 60
Yanco Agricultural High SchoolExternal link## Euroley Road, Yanco 2703 Agricultural high school – boarding places Girls and boys 60 (30 for girls and 30 for boys)

* Alexandria Park, Rose Bay and Tempe have targeted places available for Aboriginal students.

^ For boarding places at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High SchoolExternal link, parents and carers apply directly to the school.

^^ Richmond Agricultural College operates across two campuses: Richmond High School and Richmond Agricultural College Centre of Excellence, Vines Drive Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Campus. Students in the selective stream must study agriculture

# Sydney Secondary College Balmain and Leichhardt campuses offer places in Years 7 to 10. Students from these campuses will generally proceed to Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus for Years 11 and 12.

## For boarding places at Yanco Agricultural High SchoolExternal link, parents and carers apply directly to the school via their website above.

Map of Aurora College host high schools

Map of Aurora College host schools

List of Aurora College host high schools and total number of places

There are 100 Aurora College places available in NSW for entry to Year 7.

Only students who will be enrolled in an Aurora College host high school in a rural or remote location may apply for Aurora College.

There are 185 host public high schools that offer Aurora College for rural and remote students.

Finigan School of Distance Education and Sydney School of Distance Education are also authorised host schools but have not been mapped as they are located in the Sydney Metropolitan Area.

Students enrolled in Finigan and Sydney Schools of Distance Education must live in a provincial, regional or rural area as as per the MCEECDYA Remoteness Index.

Schools are listed alphabetically

School name Town/Suburb
Albury High School Albury
Alstonville High School Alstonville
Ardlethan Central School Ardlethan
Ariah Park Central School Ariah Park
Ashford Central School Ashford
School name Town/Suburb
Ballina Coast High School Ballina
Balranald Central School Balranald
Baradine Central School Baradine
Barellan Central School Barellan
Barham High School Barham
Barraba Central School Barraba
Batemans Bay High School Batehaven
Batlow Technology School Batlow
Bega High School Bega
Bellingen High School Bellingen
Billabong High School Culcairn
Bingara Central School Bingara
Binnaway Central School Binnaway
Blayney High School Blayney
Boggabilla Central School Boggabilla
Bomaderry High School Bomaderry
Bombala High School Bombala
Bonalbo Central School Bonalbo
Boorowa Central School Boorowa
Bourke High School Bourke
Bowral High School Bowral
Bowraville Central School Bowraville
Braidwood Central School Braidwood
Brewarrina Central School Brewarrina
Broken Hill High School Broken Hill
Bulahdelah Central School Bulahdelah
Bundarra Central School Bundarra
Byron Bay High School Byron Bay
School name Town/Suburb
Camden Haven High School Laurieton
Canobolas Rural Technology High School Orange
Canowindra High School Canowindra
Casino High School Casino
Chatham High School Taree
Cobar High School Cobar
Coffs Harbour High School Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour
Coleambally Central School Coleambally
Collarenebri Central School Collarenebri
Condobolin High School Condobolin
Coolah Central School Coolah
Coolamon Central School Coolamon
Coomealla High School Dareton
Coonabarabran High School Coonabarabran
Coonamble High School Coonamble
Cootamundra High School Cootamundra
Corowa High School Corowa
Cowra High School Cowra
Crookwell High School Crookwell
School name Town/Suburb
Deniliquin High School Deniliquin
Denison College of Secondary Education Bathurst High Campus Bathurst
Denison College of Secondary Education Kelso High Campus Kelso
Dorrigo High School Dorrigo
Dubbo College Delroy campus Dubbo West
Dubbo College South Campus Dubbo
Dubbo School of Distance Education Dubbo
Dunedoo Central School Dunedoo
Dungog High School Dungog
School name Town/Suburb
Eden Marine High School Eden
Emmaville Central School Emmaville
Evans River Community School Evans Head
School name Town/Suburb
Finley High School Finley
Finigan School of Distance Education N/A
Forbes High School Forbes
School name Town/Suburb
Gilgandra High School Gilgandra
Glen Innes High School Glen Innes
Gloucester High School Gloucester
Goodooga Central School Goodooga
Goulburn High School Goulburn
Great Lakes College Forster Campus Forster
Great Lakes College Tuncurry Campus Tuncurry
Gulargambone Central School Gulargambone
Gulgong High School Gulgong
Gundagai High School Gundagai
Gunnedah High School Gunnedah
Guyra Central School Guyra


School name Town/Suburb
Hay War Memorial High School Hay
Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus Port Macquarie
Hastings Secondary College Westport Campus Port Macquarie
Hillston Central School Hillston
School name Town/Suburb
Inverell High School Inverell
Ivanhoe Central School Ivanhoe
School name Town/Suburb
James Fallon High School North Albury
Jindabyne High School Jindabyne
Junee High School Junee
School name Town/Suburb
Kandos High School Kandos
Kempsey High School Kempsey
Kyogle High School Kyogle
School name Town/Suburb
Lake Cargelligo Central School Lake Cargelligo
Leeton High School Leeton
Lightning Ridge Central School Lightning Ridge
Lithgow High School Lithgow
Lockhart Central School Lockhart
Lord Howe Island Central School Lord Howe Island
School name Town/Suburb
Macintyre High School Inverell
Macksville High School Macksville
Maclean High School Maclean
Manilla Central School Manilla
Melville High School Kempsey
Mendooran Central School Mendooran
Menindee Central School Menindee
Merriwa Central School Merriwa
Molong Central School Molong
Monaro High School Cooma North
Moree Secondary College Carol Ave campus Moree East
Moruya High School Moruya
Moss Vale High School Moss Vale
Mount Austin High School Wagga Wagga
Mudgee High School Mudgee
Mullumbimby High School Mullumbimby
Mulwaree High School Goulburn
Mungindi Central School Mungindi
Murray High School Lavington
Murrumbidgee Regional High School Griffith
Murrumburrah High School Harden
Murwillumbah High School Murwillumbah
Muswellbrook High School Muswellbrook
School name Town/Suburb
Nambucca Heads High School Nambucca Heads
Narooma High School Narooma
Narrabri High School Narrabri
Narrandera High School Narrandera
Narromine High School Narromine
Nimbin Central School Nimbin
Nowra High School Nowra
Nyngan High School Nyngan
School name Town/Suburb
Oaklands Central School Oaklands
Oberon High School Oberon
Orange High School Orange
Orara High School Coffs Harbour
Oxley High School North Tamworth
School name Town/Suburb
Parkes High School Parkes
Peak Hill Central School Peak Hill
Portland Central School Portland
School name Town/Suburb
Quirindi High School Quirindi
School name Town/Suburb
School name Town/Suburb
Scone High School Scone
Shoalhaven High School Nowra
Singleton High School Singleton
Southern Cross School of Distance Education Ballina
South Grafton High School South Grafton
Sydney Distance Education High School N/A
School name Town/Suburb
Tamworth High School South Tamworth
Taree High School Taree
Temora High School Temora
Tenterfield High School Tenterfield
The Henry Lawson High School Grenfell
The Rivers Secondary College Kadina High Campus Goonellabah
The Rivers Secondary College Lismore High Campus Lismore
The Rivers Secondary College Richmond River High Campus North Lismore
The Rock Central School The Rock
Tooleybuc Central School Tooleybuc
Toormina High School Toormina
Tottenham Central School Tottenham
Trangie Central School Trangie
Trundle Central School Trundle
Tullamore Central School Tullamore
Tullibigeal Central School Tullibigeal
Tumbarumba High School Tumbarumba
Tumut High School Tumut
School name Town/Suburb
Ulladulla High School Ulladulla
Ungarie Central School Ungarie
Uralla Central School Uralla
School name Town/Suburb
Vincentia High School Vincentia
School name Town/Suburb
Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga
Walcha Central School Walcha
Walgett Community College – High School Campus Walgett
Warialda High School Warialda
Warren Central School Warren
Wauchope High School Wauchope
Wee Waa High School Wee Waa
Wellington High School Wellington
West Wyalong High School West Wyalong
Wilcannia Central School Wilcannia
Willyama High School Broken Hill
Wingham High School Wingham
Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah
Woodenbong Central School Woodenbong
Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga
School name Town/Suburb
Yass High School Yass
Yeoval Central School Yeoval
Young High School Young

Number of school choices allowed

Selective high school applications allow up to 3 school preferences.

You must choose your first choice school, and you may also choose second choice and third choice schools in case you don't get your first or second choice.

But please only choose schools you genuinely would like your child to attend – this may be less than the maximum of 3 choices.

Are you wanting to apply to the Conservatorium High School?

The Conservatorium High School is a specialist high school that is not part of the selective high schools program.

However, applicants sit the Selective High School Placement Test as part of the separate application process for Year 7 entry into the Conservatorium High School.

Applicants for the Conservatorium High School must:

  • complete the Conservatorium High School application processes — see their website
  • apply for selective high school placement and sit the Selective High School Placement Test.

As well as applying for the Conservatorium High School, applicants can choose up to 3 selective high schools.

If applying for entry to the Conservatorium High School only, applicants must select any selective high school in order to submit the application.

Parents must then send a message to the Selective Education Unit to tell us that they are applying only for placement at the Conservatorium High School.

Following the Selective High School Placement Test, students' results will be sent to the Conservatorium High School to be used in their selection process.

For more information visit the Conservatorium High School.External link


NSW selective high schools are public schools and do not charge attendance fees – except for boarding at agricultural high schools.

Schools may ask parents to make payments for curriculum-related resources, such as textbooks and materials needed for some subjects. Parents may also be asked to make payments to cover the costs of school excursions or sports their child plays.

Financial assistance may be available for rural and remote students applying for boarder placement. Learn more at Boarding at agricultural high schools.

High school students sitting outside using computers High school students sitting outside using computers

Who can apply?

Parents and carers can apply for placement if their child is in:

  • NSW public schools
  • non-government schools
  • home study
  • interstate schools
  • overseas schools.

The Equity Placement Model

The Equity Placement Model helps to make access to opportunity classes fairer for the following under-represented groups:

  • students from low socio-educational advantage areas
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
  • students from rural and remote locations
  • students with disability.

The model holds up to 20% of places at each school for students from these groups to help increase their participation.

Learn more at Fair access.

Residency requirements

Parents must be aware that:

  • students and their families must be living in NSW by the beginning of the school year of entry.
  • conditions may apply to students who are not citizens or permanent residents of Australia or citizens of New Zealand. Review the conditions at Visa subclasses and enrolment conditionsExternal link.

What if I don’t currently meet the enrolment conditions?

If you think you will meet all enrolment conditions before we release initial offers, you may still apply and your child can sit the placement test.

You must meet all enrolment conditions before you can receive any placement offer.

Sitting the placement test interstate or overseas

If possible, your child should sit the placement test in NSW.

Parents who live interstate or overseas and are able to travel to NSW for their child to sit the placement test should enter in their application a suitable NSW suburb so that a nearby test centre can be allocated for their child.

If you intend to travel to NSW for the test but realise before the test date that you will not be able to, please let the Selective Education Unit know immediately.

Sitting the placement test interstate or overseas

If your child is interstate or overseas and cannot travel to NSW to sit the test you can apply for your child to sit the placement test, at your own expense, at an available authorised interstate or overseas test centre location. These test locations are organised for the department by the British Council test network.

How do I apply?

You will be asked if you need to apply for an interstate or overseas test location during the normal application process.

How much does it cost?

Testing outside NSW incurs a fee of £295 (Great British Pounds), payable directly to the local British Council test centre.

Is there a test location near me?

The British Council network operates in specific countries and test centres are usually located in the capital city – check their country listExternal link. Test centre allocation depends on the availability, capacity and location of test centres. The test centre will confirm with the parent/carer their child’s allocation to the test centre 4 weeks prior to the test day.

When is the test date?

Students sitting the test interstate or overseas will be assigned to sit the test on Day 1 (Friday) of the test period. Testing is not available on Saturday or Sunday at interstate or overseas test centres.

Do I need to contact the British Council about the test?

No, please do not contact the British Council about your application or test centre location.

Instead, contact the Selective Education Team who organise all test centre locations. If you have registered on the application website, send the team a message in your application dashboard.

You will get a message from the British Council when all test centres have been finalised – about 4 weeks before the test.

What if my child is sick on test day?

If a student is unable to sit the placement test on the test day, or their performance is impacted during the test, parents and carers can submit an illness/misadventure request. If the request is approved, the student will be able to sit a make-up test approximately 2 weeks later at either the same test centre or another nearby.

Residency requirements for placement

Students who sit the placement test interstate or overseas will also be subject to the residency requirements to gain placement in a selective high school or opportunity class.

For the full conditions relating to sitting the test interstate or overseas, please see the Selective high schools and opportunity class placement procedures.

Aurora College

Students must be currently attending or intending to enrol in a rural or remote NSW high school (their Aurora College host school) to be considered for entry.

If their child is not currently attending an authorised host school, parents must indicate in their application which rural and remote Aurora College host school they will be enrolling their child in.

Students cannot access the Aurora College option in a rural high school that is a partially selective high school.

Year 7 entry

Age and Year

Students are usually:

  • at the end of Year 5 or the beginning of Year 6 when their parents apply
  • in Year 6 when they sit the test
  • aged between 11 years and 5 months and 13 years at the time they start Year 7.

For Year 7 entry in 2026, students will usually have their birth date between 1 January 2013 and 31 July 2014 (inclusive).

If your child is outside the usual age range or school Year when applying, you should explain the reasons for this in your application.

If your child is in Year 7 at the time of the test, they can only be considered for placement in rare cases. You must provide a full explanation why they are repeating with supporting documentation including from your child's principal.

If you want your child to be accelerated from Year 5 to Year 7 in the following year, you must provide evidence of support from the school principal.

The selection committee will determine whether applications for students outside the usual age or Year range will be accepted.

The selection committee may:

  • request further information and evidence
  • decide not to accept students who are much older than the usual age range set out above
  • decide not to accept students who are seeking to repeat Year 7 in a selective high school
  • request an interview if the student is very young to determine any special requirements
  • decide that acceleration (skipping a school year) is not appropriate after considering the student's circumstances, including the consultation between the school, family and student, and section 1.4.4. of the High Potential and Gifted Education policy.

Placement for siblings

Entry to selective high schools is based on a student's academic merit. Therefore, the placement of one sibling does not guarantee the placement of another. Each sibling needs to meet the test performance requirements to receive an offer.

Siblings of students placed in a selective high school are not guaranteed a non-selective place at the same school, unless they are living within the school's intake area.

Parents may apply to the school for out-of-area enrolment, but are subject to enrolment eligibility and the schools' capacity to accept non-local students. Parents should consider this when choosing schools. For more information, please refer to the Selective high schools and opportunity class placement procedures.

Boarding at agricultural high schools

Selection committees for boarders can give priority to students seeking placement in a school that their sibling currently attends.

Years 8 to 12 entry

Are you wanting to apply for selective high school entry starting in Years 8 to 12?

Go to Selective high schools – Years 8 to 12 applications.

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